What is a tavern?

A tavern is a common type of restaurant in the past, intended for guests to eat and relax. Its indispensable attribute was a tavern (snack bar), and there could be rest rooms on top. Visitors to taverns were usually travelers traveling on horseback or in carts.

A tavern is a European analogue of a tavern.

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Tavern Features

Taverns were usually decorated in the style of wooden or stone architecture in a fairly simple design, without frills. Usually they were located near roads and can be considered historical analogues of modern motels. Near the house, as a rule, there was a stable where travelers could leave their horse or wagon.

These establishments were distributed primarily in European countries. They could also be found in places that were colonized by the colonists. Now these institutions have become an integral component of computer games that use historical themes for the plot. They are also present in many literary works.

In the XX century, with the development of the automotive industry, more modern roadside establishments began to be created: motels, snack bars, cafes, hotels.

Modern taverns

Taverns still exist in some Mediterranean countries. Modern taverns are catering facilities that do not have lounges. Their difference from a bar or a tavern is that they cook a full dinner there. Some taverns in Athens are quite prestigious and popular with tourists places where you can taste various seafood. They are decorated relatively modestly, but originally, and often in a historical way.

Modern tavern

Meaning of the word “tavern”

The first mention of such institutions dates back to ancient Rome. Then they were small boardwalk houses called taberna. Later this word was called shops, shops, workshops or zucchini. Thus, a tavern is an analogue of a modern motel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46419/

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