How to throw knives correctly?

Throwing knives have several significant differences from other types of knives. Despite the fact that theoretically any knife can be used for throwing, weapons specially designed for this purpose give the greatest accuracy and efficiency. The first and one of the most important differences here should include a special ratio of the handle and blade. In throwing knives, as a rule, they are in balance. With the exception of a separate subspecies of weapons intended for long-range throws. A heavier blade is allowed there.

Another important difference is the lack of wooden or plastic sheathing of the handle. Instead, the handle of such a knife is flat, like a blade, and has a hole in it. In some cases, this is simply a metal ring, the purpose of which, as you might guess, is to tie a rope to it. Such a mount makes it possible to return an unsuccessfully thrown shell or use the latter as a harpoon in various situations. For example, in the case of holding production or the need to climb an obstacle.

Another important difference between the throwing knife and the usual one is, perhaps, the absence of a guard that shifts the center of balance between the blade and the handle. It greatly reduces the accuracy of the throw. It should also be noted that throwing weapons usually consist of a pair of identical or mixed types of knives. The striking power of an abandoned projectile is such that it allows you to hit the target at a sufficiently large distance - up to ten meters. But this becomes possible only with the right choice of throwing weapons.

How to throw knives?

Learning this is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. And each person with due diligence is able to master this art, the main thing is a sufficient amount of practice. The ability to send a knife on a flight beautifully and precisely to the target can significantly increase self-esteem. It will also relieve accumulated stress, improve mood and give vent to emotions, especially if you hang a photograph of an unpleasant person as a target. In addition, having learned how to throw knives, you can not only have fun, but also develop useful qualities. First of all, it is the eye, accuracy, coordination.


We turn to the practical side of the issue. There are some basic tips on how to throw knives. Firstly, you can do this not only on the street, but also at home. It would be a place. Everything you need to get started includes just a wooden board and a couple of projectile shells. The main thing is that no one enters the affected area when the training begins. So it’s better to warn your family in advance or send them out for a walk. It would also be nice to remove from the training zone all valuable items, equipment and furniture that could be damaged in the process. The target should be just below the throwing one, feet shoulder width apart.

It is no secret that many, especially boys, tried to do this in their youth. However, most did not fully understand how to throw knives correctly. The thing is that without the appropriate capture it is very difficult to make a successful throw. In this case, you should take on the blade, not the handle. The thumb rests on the conditional center of gravity of the knife and presses it to the palm of the hand. You can drop weapons by moving from above or below. In the first case, the swing is done from the head.

In the second version, the knife is thrown, waving from the knee, but this is somewhat more complicated. Remember that when throwing, the brush should not spin and deflect. First you have to train to develop the habit of keeping her in a static position. The weapon itself, on the contrary, should slide on the arm, flying. During the throw, the hand should not make too sharp, jerky movements. The action should be performed quickly enough (to give the desired kinetic strength), but gently.

Backswing correctness

At the extreme point of the swing, the hand with the knife should be approximately at the level of the ear of the trainee. In this case, one should not put too much power into the throw. The movement of the hand stops at the moment when it is fully extended. At this moment, the weapon begins its movement towards the target. The accuracy of the hit directly depends on the position of the throwing hand. It is important that the straightened one points exactly at the target. Remember that any, even the smallest deviation here, will result in a large error. The forearm and shoulder are involved in the throw, but, as mentioned above, in no case should you use the brush movement.

Given that this is mainly about how to throw knives to beginners, the distance should not be too big. Do not overwork, a couple of meters will be enough to start training. Next, gradually increase this distance. Any described technique of throwing knives involves first training in proper throwing and only then - accuracy. Therefore, first you should pay more attention to the fact that the weapon stuck into the shield with each throw. Then, when it becomes easy to do, you can begin to train accuracy.


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