What is rapeseed oil made of? The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil is considered one of the most popular, because its production is approximately 14% of the total volume of vegetable oils produced. What is rapeseed oil made of? Where is it used? What is its benefit and harm? You will find the answers to all these questions in the article.

What is rapeseed oil made of?

This oil is added in the preparation of margarine and vegetable oil. What is rapeseed oil made of? It is made from rapeseed - a plant that belongs to the type of cabbage.

Due to the fact that people did not use such oil in the food industry, almost no one paid special attention to the properties of the product. Until the seventies, it contained a lot of toxic erucic acid, but after some time, breeders were able to develop a new variety in which such a substance is not contained at all or is contained, but in a minimal amount.

Rapeseed oil production

What is rapeseed oil made of? Rapeseed is used for its manufacture. This plant has been known since ancient times, but it is especially popular in warm countries.

Rapeseed is an unpretentious plant. It grows in huge numbers, about 2% of the sown area in the world is sown by him. This explains the growth in oil production, its low cost.

Rapeseed oil has an inviting nutty aroma and an original taste. It is mainly used for refueling, but it is not recommended to fry food on it, since toxins are released from it with strong heating. Inhalation of such vapors and fumes should be avoided, because they negatively affect the condition of the lungs.

At present, there is a high growth in the production of such oil, since it has been considered as a raw material for diesel fuel. Rapeseed oil production increased and even exceeded the production of palm and soybean.

Types of Rapeseed Oil

The following types of rapeseed oil are distinguished:

  • refined;
  • unrefined.

The first type is obtained by hot pressing, in other words, the seeds are initially heated, and then exposed to a mechanical press.

For the manufacture of the second type, the cold pressing method is used.

It should be noted that it is the second type that is considered useful, since all useful substances and vitamins are preserved in unrefined oil during the preparation process, and the first method, although it allows to increase the shelf life of the product, but to a greater extent kills all useful substances.

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Why is rapeseed oil useful? It contains a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids, so doctors recommend that patients who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system should be included in the diet, since frequent use of this product prevents the formation of blood clots.

The oil contains vitamin B, which helps strengthen the nervous system, vitamin A, which positively affects eyesight, and vitamin F, which promotes fat metabolism.

Rapeseed vegetable oil helps metabolism, and also helps to get rid of excess weight, accelerates the regeneration process in cells and lowers cholesterol. It should be noted that due to its unique properties they began to be used in healthy diets, replacing them with vegetable oil.

It perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, therefore it is used in dermatology and cosmetology. It is also used in pharmacology.

Such a product has a positive effect on the woman’s body, since the oil contains the hormone estradiol, which helps to treat diseases in gynecology and helps in the fight against infertility. Such a product is also recommended for pregnant women to have normal fetal development.

Rapeseed oil is good for children, which is why it is present in some children's products.

In addition, this product is used in traditional medicine. So, on its basis, baths are prepared that help cure diseased joints, and they also lubricate burns.

Using rapeseed oil

According to experts, the popularity of rapeseed oil is due to the low cost of production, as well as the fact that the waste goes to the manufacture of animal feed.

Use of rapeseed oil:

  • in the food industry - in the manufacture of butter, mayonnaise and margarine;
  • in metallurgy;
  • in the production of soap;
  • in mechanical engineering;
  • in the manufacture of cosmetics;
  • in cooking;
  • for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Rapeseed sunflower oil: harm and benefit

The benefits of rapeseed oil are as follows:

  • The product tastes good, so even true gourmets will like dishes prepared with its use.
  • The oil contains essential amino acids.
  • The product contains vitamins that protect the body from ailments.
  • The product has a positive effect on metabolism. It lowers cholesterol and prevents the formation of blood clots, and also stops the development of breast cancer in the fair sex.
  • Using the product for cosmetic purposes can improve the health and condition of the skin. So, for example, there are a large number of recipes for hair care, which are based on rapeseed oil.

The harm of rapeseed oil is as follows:

  • Some varieties of this oil contain up to 50% erucic acid, which tends to accumulate in the tissues, as a result of which puberty does not occur on time. In addition, such an acid provokes disturbances in the work of internal organs.
  • The composition contains sulfur-containing organic compounds that have toxic properties. Such substances adversely affect the thyroid gland. In addition, such substances give the oil a bitter taste.

Breeders have bred relatively safe varieties in which erucic acid and thioglycosides are kept in a minimal amount. For example, Canola canola has no thioglycosides.

How to choose and store rapeseed oil?

Before you purchase such a product, you need to pay attention to its label and get acquainted with information about the expiration date and composition.

So, you should choose a product with a lower content of erucic acid - the norm is 0.3-0.6%. You should also choose oil that is hydrogenated - if such information is not indicated on the label, then you should not buy it. It is not necessary to purchase low-quality refined oil, since such a product can provoke serious food poisoning. You should choose rapeseed oil, which does not contain GMOs.

When choosing such a product, you also need to focus on the color of the oil - it should be yellow, without sediment.

Store the product in a cool place, protected from light, exclusively in a glass container.

If rapeseed oil is planned to be used for cooking, it is best to use it as a dressing. Although some manufacturers insist that they can fry various dishes on their products, it is better to choose a different oil for this purpose, because when heated to a temperature of 160-170 degrees, rapeseed oil releases toxins, and inhalation of smoke can even cause lung cancer .

Who is forbidden to use rapeseed oil?

Rapeseed oil, the properties of which we consider in this article, is not recommended for everyone to use. Doctors forbid it to people who have problems with the liver, gall bladder, including hepatitis and stones. Also, such a product is forbidden to eat with allergies, therefore, before proceeding with the use, it is recommended to check for a possible reaction.

Also, the use of the product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

Consumer Reviews

Those who have doubts about the product should read reviews - get the opinion of people who used rapeseed oil.

Reviews about it are almost all positive. For example, very often consumers claim that rapeseed oil is an amazing product that not only gives the dish a spicy taste, but also cures the ailment that darkens life.

Thus, the use of enough rapeseed oil will have a beneficial effect on human health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46432/

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