File viruses are computer code to achieve security bypass goals.

Currently, computer technology is flowing into our lives at such a speed that soon the whole world will be in their power.

Technology provides us with cheap manufacturing, computing, training, and facilitating access to many resources such as information sites or banking services.

In the near future, perhaps, there will be automatic medicine, construction, mining. Of course, this will affect us very much, because, in fact, the history of modern mankind began relatively recently, which is why many are too careless about information security. They may not be afraid to enter passwords on other people's computers and save them, trust bank card information and much more.

Of course, the automation of life processes makes it possible for people to feel easier. However, there are some problems that appear in this case.

Information Security

It consists of many factors: the use of the latest versions of anti-virus systems, timely updating of the system, scanning for viruses of media and downloaded data, security of public networks, for example, Wi-Fi, etc.

So nice to sit in a cafe for a cup of tea, connect a laptop or other device to an affordable, and most importantly - a free network. But not everyone wonders how these free and public networks can come around after. The easiest thing is just to enter the worm for a joke, but another thing, if it is a trojan that steals all the important data from the medium, will also block the device.

Computer Trouble & A Winner

Every day in the world there are more than a million attacks, spam mailings, botnet scans and similar malicious activity.

2017 Information Threat Statistics

According to Kaspersky Lab, 342 566 061 attacks were committed. 33 006 783 unique URLs where the danger was detected were recorded. Attempts by malware to gain access to bank accounts from the computer of the owner of 224 675 users. Encryptors attacks on computers 246 675 users. User antiviruses detected 185,801,835 dangerous objects. More than 2 million unwanted programs were detected on mobile devices.

File viruses can easily arrange this. And if you are a fan of traveling on dubious sites, the situation is even worse. For example, some game should be released, but it is nowhere to be found. However, the game can be found on such sites, but when downloading a virus is downloaded that you run, and there it’s a matter of technology.

Computer virus st

Mobile devices have also been attacked; malware penetrates the device and can steal your data. Especially valuable are bank data, passwords and logins from sites, photos and much more. Of course, if you are not shy about anything, then draining photos will not be a great tragedy for you, but detecting bank card information can be a serious problem. It is unlikely that anyone would like to become a victim of carding. This is when they take your card details, buy something, then sell this thing to another person, that is, launder money, usually such things are provided at a very big discount.

The importance of information security

A file virus is code that can penetrate the body of a program file or document. This document contains macros.

The virus can be placed in any file format, whether it is a video, music track, game or program from torrent trackers. It looks like a normal file format for its intended purpose, but in fact, in addition to the necessary data, an .exe file can be β€œsewn” there. Fortunately, on the Internet, a bunch of instructions for creating such media, take it - I do not want to. Any "experimenter" can try himself in this matter, so the risk of encountering a virus is high.

Petya virus blocks data

For example, of the very recent world viruses, we can mention WannaCry and Petya (oh, these Russian hackers), who demanded Bitcoin for unlocking. Note that with the promotion and popularization of cryptocurrencies, there have also been cases of infection by hidden miners.

Types of file viruses

File infector virus

They are divided into types:

  • The file non-resident virus is placed in the file, it shows activity after launch, after execution returns control to the program itself. Infection occurs through a directory search.
  • The file resident virus, in addition to infecting the executable medium, also penetrates both the computers located in the external memory and the RAM.
  • Boot-file viruses are attached to the boot record of a disk or floppy disk, as well as to program files. Activated after starting from the media. Able to infect through portable media.
  • The overwriting virus forcibly copies its code to the file code, so that the latter becomes inaccessible to execution. It is quickly detected because the operating system and programs stop working. It’s hard not to notice.
  • Parasitic viruses modify the contents of files, however, they do not or partially affect performance. They can be written at the beginning, middle or end of a file.
  • Companion viruses do not infect files, but create an infected double that activates when the main file is launched.
  • File worms (worms) are independent. They multiply and copy their parts on the medium, and the user already activates them.
  • Link viruses, when an infected file is launched, cause their code to run.
  • Viruses that infiltrate compiler libraries and program source codes.

Possible threats at the moment

Blockchain technology is now particularly popular . These are decentralized networks, the development of democracy, the rejection of state currencies and the advent of a new world.

But there are some reservations. Until all this becomes ubiquitous, it is likely that most of the computers on the Web will become part of the botnet, and this will already be dangerous for the entire development of technology. Yes, a lot of users put passwords on wallets, it's about crypto activists, but not always the same, and on exchanges, many people store their assets. All this can disappear in one moment, and β€œall power” will pass to persons unknown so far. There are cases when crypto activists stole their assets, but this is their mistake.

Unfortunately, many people do not understand that file viruses are something that can lead to terrible consequences. However, with their help, the idea of ​​a safe Internet is being promoted, because if people are careful about information security, then threats will not reach such proportions.

If we are talking about hidden miners, then it would be worth writing more about them.

Hidden miners

Let us dwell on their features. The hidden miner is aimed at office computers, since they are usually connected to the same network, which makes it easy to send a high-quality miner to one computer and infect the entire network.

They are called hidden for a reason, they are file viruses that may not even appear in the task manager or be reflected as a system file.

Hidden miner


  • They load the computer and cause it to wear faster.
  • Limit performance.
  • Access to personal data is possible.

Now imagine how this affects mobile devices. They may just stop working or - even worse - just explode in your pants. File viruses are a big danger.


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