Pump "Baby": specifications, features and reviews

Submersible pump greatly facilitates the process of watering in the country, allows for water supply to a country house and has many more functional purposes. In the framework of this article, we consider the "Baby" pumps, their types, functional features and the principle of operation. And also try to diagnose common malfunctions that occur during operation.

Pumps "Kid"

Submersible pump "Kid"

The pumps got their name because of their small size and low weight. The production of Malysh water pumps began in Russia in 1975. For several decades, these devices have proven in practice their reliability, convenience and practicality. Now this name has become a household name. "Toddlers" are called small compact pumps from different manufacturers. Currently on the market you can find vibration pumps "Kid" even Chinese-made.

A pump is a necessary and indispensable device on a personal plot, in farming and just in a country house. The small price, simplicity of design, good assembly and ease of use, undoubtedly attract buyers of compact pumps "Kid".

Performance features vary by application. All pumps of this series belong to the category of vibrating, submersible. To increase functionality, some models put protection against overheating, which extends the life of the device. Pumps "Kid" are used to organize an autonomous water supply system for cottages, houses, cottages, bathhouses and farms.

Scope of application

Using the Baby Pump for Watering

On the plot you can use the pump for manual watering, as well as for organizing an automatic watering system. If necessary, you can draw water into a bulk container or use a pump to supply water to your home.

It can work both in the well and in the well. Do not forget that the vibration pump during operation creates vibrations that can cause turbidity of the water. If in the first case this does not cause much inconvenience, then in the case of a well, problems may arise. Due to vibration, the well may become silty or, even worse, the casing may be damaged, or the case itself may be damaged, because some models of Baby pumps are produced in plastic cases. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations when installing the system.

Using this pump, you can pump out water from the basement or cellar during the spring flood. The only caveat is that the water should not be dirty, large impurities can damage the device. In this case, it is necessary to use a filter.

The fountain with the help of the pump "Kid"

When organizing the landscape design of the site using a system of streams and fountains, you can also use the pump type "Kid". In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the water intake is free, it is better to use a filter in addition. A small pump is capable of moving water and directing flow into the fountain with a slight rise. To fix the pump, a special installation should be equipped so that the housing is located strictly vertically.

Principle of operation

The device of the pump "Kid"

A wide variety of pumps "Baby", presented on the market, introduces into a state of stupor when choosing the right model. Specifications may vary slightly, but the principle of operation is identical for all models.

The pump itself consists of a sturdy housing, a vibrator and an electromagnet. Water is supplied by converting electrical impulses to electromagnetic ones. An electrical impulse comes from connecting the system to a 220 V network. The current changes its direction several times per second. In Russia, it is generally accepted that the current changes polarity 50 times per second, it is difficult to calculate the exact amount.

The pump housing consists of two halves that are connected by fasteners. In one half is a coil that converts an electrical impulse into an electromagnetic pulse, in the other - a mechanical part, the main element of which is a steel core. The coil has its own core, this part is called yoke. For tightness and insulation, this part is treated with a compound, a special resin mixed with fine quartz sand.

The second half of the body is represented by a hydraulic chamber with a core placed on it on a rubber shock absorber. The rubber membrane adjusts the movement of the core on which the piston is located. A non-return valve is installed on the nozzle, which directs the flow of fluid.

Fluctuations are transmitted to a valve that resembles a float, and from there are fed to the core. It is the core that vibrates at the indicated frequency and draws water, directing the flow under pressure into the outlet. The system is very simple, which means it is reliable.

Some models have a thermal protection function. Even if the pump starts to run idle, the motor will not burn, the device will simply lock and turn off. It is very comfortable.

The lineup

Pumps for water "Kid" are made in Russia at the Bavlensky plant "Electric motor". Consider several pump models that have functional differences depending on the application.

  1. "Kid-M". The minimum diagonal of the well is 100 mm, power is 0.24 kW. The pump is designed to pump clean water from wells, boreholes or open water bodies. The maximum immersion depth is 3 m, the maximum pressure is 60 m. The device has a solid metal case, which is represented by an alloy of aluminum and silicon. The upper water intake, the design does not provide a thermal protection system. Price - 1800 rubles.
  2. "Baby 3". The diagonal of the well should be at least 80 mm, power - 0.18 kW. Cable length - 6-40 m. Water intake takes place from above. This is a budget option, featuring a lower motor power. Price - 1700 rubles.
  3. "Kid-K". Pump with bottom water intake. It differs from previous options in the presence of protection against overheating. This pump is more practical, it is not required to control the operation of the device, idling is possible.
  4. "Kid-E." External vibrations are almost not felt. Engine power - 0.35 kW, well diagonal - from 100 mm. "Kid-E" is one of the most convenient options for organizing water supply for a cottage or a country house with a water flow of more than 1000 l / h. It has a thermal protection function.

To organize an autonomous water supply system, only those pump models that are equipped with a thermal protection function are used. The pressure of the pump "Baby" is 4 atmospheres, this is enough to provide a small house with water.


The traditional Baby pump has the function of lower water intake, it is ideal for a well that has clean water without coarse particles. Idling can cause a system malfunction. The temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Detailed specifications of the pump "Kid" are given below:

  • food - from a network of 220 V;
  • continuous operation time - 2 hours;
  • maximum immersion - 5 m;
  • power 245 W;
  • productivity - 950 l / h;
  • frequency of 50 Hz.

This classic model is not equipped with a filter, and there is no system of protection against overheating. In order for the device to cool, you will have to periodically turn it off for a while. The cable on which the pump will be held will have to be bought on its own, like the hose.

There are modifications to the traditional submersible pump, which are characterized by increased power and productivity. The system of protection against overheating, which is put in some of the types of pumps of the "Kid" class, prevents many breakdowns associated with "dry" work. Reducing the frequency of vibration prevents siltation of the well and damage to the pipe or casing of the pump itself.

Installation in a well or well

The scheme of immersion pump "Kid"

To begin with, you should determine the depth of immersion of the pump and the required distance of the pipe, which must be pulled to the object for water supply. This is necessary for the correct pump selection. Pumps of the Kid series are not designed for diving to a great depth, therefore installation must be carried out observing the technical characteristics of the device. The cross-section of the hose that will be connected to the pump is also indicated in the instructions supplied with the pump. If you connect a narrower hose, this can result in engine overload and further breakdown.

We measure the distance from the pump to the outlet, this will be the length of the cable. The distance from the pump to the point of connection to the water intake will determine the length of the hose. When you have prepared all the components, proceed with the installation of the system.

A cord that is used to immerse the pump is threaded into a special hole. It is better to use synthetic fiber. It is undesirable to mount a wire or a chain, as during vibration it will create vibrations that can damage the walls of the well, and also grinding of the eyes of the pump housing will begin over time. Metal is a good conductor of electric current, with a breakdown of insulation, electric shock is possible.

When the pump is completely immersed in water in an upright position, it is necessary to fix it in this position by tying the cable to an elevated support. If the diameter of the well is small and there is a chance that the pump comes into contact with the walls of the casing, then it is necessary to put a rubber sleeve on the pump. It can be bought at hardware stores.

DIY water pipe

Water supply system based on the pump "Baby"

If you are the owner of a summer house or a country house, then you will undoubtedly be affected by the issue of water supply for housing. The pump "Kid" can be used as a basic element of an independent pumping station. Such a system is put for autonomous water supply of houses and farms. To collect such a system, use:

  • pump;
  • accumulator;
  • pressure switch;
  • pressure gauge;
  • fitting;
  • check valve.

Autonomous water supply stations are sold assembled, it remains only to complete their installation. It is impractical to assemble such a station manually by components, it will cost more in price than to buy a ready-made unit. If you have at least two basic parts of the system, then it makes sense to buy the missing elements and assemble the station with your own hands.

Service and Repair

Components for disassembling the pump

If the pump starts to malfunction or the water supply completely stops, then a malfunction has occurred. To make repairs yourself at home is quite possible. Consider several possible options for pump failures:

  1. The formation of limescale. If the water is hard, over time a dense light coating appears on the surface of the internal parts. This may cause piston malfunction. Pump productivity will be significantly reduced.
  2. Deformation or cracks in the housing. This happens when the pump is immersed in a narrow well or in contact with the wall of the well.
  3. Clogging. Together with water, small pebbles, sand and other soil elements can enter the pump cavity. This interferes with the proper fit of the valve and reduces pump performance.
  4. Violation of the relief of the thread of the fasteners. This is due to strong vibration. It is not so common.
  5. Wear of rubber elements. Productivity and power of the pump are reduced, a complete shutdown of the system is possible.

Repair of the pump "Kid" in most cases, you can do it yourself. To detect a malfunction, disconnect the pump from the network, remove it and disconnect the hose. Shake the pump. Nothing should clatter inside. If there is an extraneous sound, it means that one of the elements is not fixed. This can happen due to delamination of the compound. We conduct a visual inspection, check the integrity of the case. If there are cracks, then you will have to completely replace the case. If the case is intact, then check the resistance of the coils with a tester for a short circuit. If it is available, self-repair is difficult and unproductive.

If the integrity of the housing is not broken and there is no short circuit, then go to the purge stage of the pump. Air must flow freely in both directions. If the air supply is abrupt, the valve should lock.

The power drop associated with the formation of limescale is solved by soaking in a solution of vinegar or citric acid. To solve more serious problems associated with mechanical breakdowns of internal system components, disassembly and assistance of a qualified specialist will be required. You can buy all the spare parts for the pumps "Baby" in the "Leroy Merlin". These stores sell both the pumps themselves and their accessories.

Reviews about the pumps "Kid"

The reason for the great popularity of these compact pumps lies not only in their low cost, but also in the practicality of use in many areas of arranging human life. Reviews of the pumps "Kid" are mostly positive. Here are the main advantages that users note:

  • low power consumption;
  • small size and weight of the structure;
  • low price;
  • device durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of repair.

There are negative operational features of using these pumps:

  • turbidity of water from vibration;
  • low power for large volumes of water;
  • may burn out if you do not follow the work;
  • can only pump clean water.

For long service life of the pump, it is necessary to follow the recommendations and instructions provided by the manufacturer.


If you need an inexpensive and reliable medium-power pump for domestic needs, then you should pay attention to the series of submersible pumps "Kid". It is not difficult to choose the right option from the proposed lineup. It is better to choose a domestic product. When buying, beware of poor-quality fakes made in China.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C4644/

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