Kurnosiki milk pumps are the best helpers for young mothers

Many young mothers often face the problem of choosing a breast pump. This simple device, it would seem, is not very necessary. But, faced with certain difficulties, a woman realizes its importance. Breast pumps ("Kurnosiki" including) help the new-born mother to regulate breastfeeding and fully enjoy this process.

What is a breast pump?

This is a device for expressing mother’s milk in order to stimulate its production, as well as remove excess breast production.

snub-breast pumps

Most young mothers wonder how necessary such a device is. It would seem, why additionally stimulate the formation of breast milk if lactation is stable from the first days? The answer is simple - breast pumps (Kurnosiki are no exception) will help to extract what the child could not eat.

About the device

In recent years, the market has replenished with a variety of devices for extracting milky fluid. Kurnosiki milk pumps are produced on the territory of Russia; they are quite inexpensive, which puts products first. Due to the low price, every young mother is able to purchase the device and use it if necessary.

breast pump suckers reviews
The Kurnosiki milk pump is manual, it can be used outdoors, on the road, it is compact and easy to use. Using the device, expressing milk is easy and painless, fast, and most importantly - safely. The design is simple, the use of a breast pump will not cause trouble for a young mother. Using the device for its intended purpose, it is easy to disassemble and clean. Kurnosiki milk pumps can withstand heat treatment with a maximum mark of up to 120 degrees Celsius. All materials used in the manufacture are environmentally friendly and safe:

  • pear - from hygienic rubber;
  • case - from food polycarbonate, which does not have harmful impurities.

The durable plastic of the case will not allow the device to break if it accidentally falls on hard surfaces.

There is no need to overpay for modern electronic models or products that have additional functions. An excellent choice is the Kurnosiki breast pump. Reviews of young mothers fully confirm this. According to studies by an independent laboratory, most lactating women prefer to use simple designs.


snub-nosed breast pump 19202

The manufacturer produces several Kurnosiki breast pumps. Each, in turn, has its own advantages and is characterized by a complete set.

  • Kurnosiki - breast pump 19202. The model allows expressing breast milk quickly, using a minimum of effort. The design allows you to attach bottles of various sizes to the body (not included in the kit). Thanks to the convenient fastening, it is possible to install containers with a standard neck. Such functionality is convenient - breast milk passes directly into a sterilized bottle, in which it is convenient to store it and later use it for feeding the baby.
  • Breast pump Kurnosiki 19203, with a container. This model has a rather simple design, consisting of a pear and a body with a convex container at the base. When decanting, milk enters the container, from where it can be removed when filling. The compact design allows convenient storage of the device and use if necessary.
  • Kurnosiki - a breast pump 19204, with a 125 ml bottle in the kit. This product is easy to assemble and use. The complete set with a bottle and a pacifier allows you to use the device immediately after purchase.

Functional Features

how to use a breast pump

The Kurnosiki breast pump has gained popularity among nursing mothers due to its high functional features. The device has the ability to smoothly and independently control the force of expression. Detachable rubber bulb allows for high-quality cleaning of the breast pump. Portable models can be taken with you to the country and on the road. The relatively low cost of the Kurnosiki breast pump does not affect its high quality. The design of the apparatus is based on the natural mechanism of physiological sucking.

How to use

You can use the device for expressing breast milk throughout the entire period of lactation. But some women have questions: how to use the Kurnosiki breast pump and in what cases?

Before first use, the device must be sterilized. Wash hands and breasts thoroughly with plain water, and, if time permits, make a warm compress to relax and prepare the breast for pumping. Prepare a container for milk, if it is not included. The funnel of the apparatus is applied to the chest so that the nipple is in the center, and the halo is completely captured. By smoothly pressing the pear, holding the breast pump at the chest, perform pumping until the chest is empty or relief comes.

When to apply

manual breast pump

A breast pump is used during periods of lactation crisis, which can occur in every nursing mother. During breastfeeding, milk may become smaller. To restore lactation, it is recommended to apply the baby more often or express the breast until it is empty after each feeding. This procedure will also help to avoid stagnation of milk. The expressed liquid can be stored in a sealed and sterilized container in the refrigerator, using it if necessary for feeding, preheating. If a nuisance occurs, and the nursing mother has formed a stagnation of milk, a breast pump will help to cope with it. Using the device in case of impossibility of breastfeeding directly, but in the presence of milk in the mother, will allow the baby to feed healthy food as much as necessary.

The Kurnosiki breast pump is a great and economical choice for a modern mother who takes care of her baby’s health and well-being.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46447/

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