Functional duties of an employee carrying out military registration: compliance with the job description, strict observance of the rules and norms of the current legislation

Each worker has a certain range of responsibilities. Somewhere it’s a conditional list, and somewhere it’s a rule that cannot be derogated from. The latter is just about the functional responsibilities of an employee performing military registration. We will analyze thoroughly the job description of this worker, paying great attention to his duties.

General Provisions

The traditional beginning of each job description. These General Provisions state the following:

  1. This labor instruction defines the responsibility, rights and functional duties of an employee performing military registration.
  2. This employee is appointed to this position and subsequently dismissed from it in accordance with the Russian Labor Code. Only by order of the general director of the enterprise, which is consistent with the military commissariat.
  3. The employee responsible for maintaining military personnel records is subordinate to the Director General.
  4. A citizen with professional higher education, as well as work experience in the personnel department of at least two years, is appointed to the workplace.
  5. The instruction of an employee performing military registration implies the mandatory possession of a computer and related programs for the successful performance of their duties.
  6. The document also contains the presence of certain personal qualities of the employee: communication skills, organizational skills, punctuality, a positive way of thinking.
instruction of an employee carrying out military registration

Specialist Requirements

The job description of an employee performing military registration implies a number of requirements for him. The specialist should know:

  • Decisions, decrees, laws, orders, other governing and regulatory documents directly regulating his labor activity - control of military records.
  • Labor legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, the rights and obligations of workers in the company, the mode of their work, the rules for interacting with personnel, the procedure for appointing the applicant to the post.
  • The procedure for maintaining specifically military personnel records, relevant regulatory and regulatory documents in this area.
  • Fundamentals of sociology and psychology of work.
  • Company management structure.
  • Fundamentals of the organization of labor practice, employee management, the economy as a whole.
  • Internal labor regulations in the employing company, norms and regulations on labor protection, safety measures at the place of work, basic sanitation in the workplace and fire safety in a public institution, at the enterprise.
employee duties leading military records

Functional duties of a military personnel officer

That is the main subject of our conversation. The functional responsibilities of an employee performing military registration is a rather extensive list. Let's divide it into several categories:

  • When applying for free jobs of citizens.
  • Work with staff.
  • Keeping a personal file cabinet.
  • Providing information to the military commissariat.
  • General and basic responsibilities.

Each of the categories presented must be disassembled in detail.

Key Responsibilities

An example of the functional duties of an employee performing military registration, we begin by presenting the main tasks at the workplace:

  • If there are any inaccuracies, blots, corrections, or torn sheets in the military registration documentation of the organization, the responsible officer must send the owners of such military tickets (or alternative documents) to the commissariat, where they are (or should be) registered.
  • Urgent informing the military commissariat about the absence of marks on military duty in the passports of citizens of the Russian Federation (applicants and current employees), as well as the absence of marks on registration for military registration (respectively, in the military registration documentation). The worker must as soon as possible provide information about citizens who have not fulfilled their duties in the field of military mobilization training and accounting.
  • Development of an action plan for military registration, reservation of persons in reserve, coordination of this project with the military commissariat.
  • According to the established form, urgently provide reports containing information on the composition of the stock (military ranks of employees), ranks, age of the military in stock, working people in the organization.
  • Providing other additional information at the request of the commissariat, which is coordinated by this military institution with the object of executive power in the region.
worker leading military records

General responsibilities

An employee keeping military records in this category has the following duties:

  • Respect for the property of the organization.
  • Non-disclosure of secret, personal information about employees, company trade secrets.
  • Does not practice interviews, negotiations, in any way affecting the topic of his functional responsibilities, the activities of the employing company as a whole (without permission from the management of the company or enterprise).
  • The employee observes himself and monitors the fulfillment by other employees of labor discipline at the workplace, labor protection standards and regulations, sanitary and hygiene requirements at work, as well as civil defense and fire safety.
  • In general, it contributes to the creation and prosperity of a favorable psychological and business climate in the workplace.

Obligations for hiring citizens

An example of the functional duties of employees performing military registration in this category will be as follows:

  • Check the identity documents, the mark on the attitude of the person to military duty within the Russian Federation.
  • Check the availability and authenticity of the military registration documentation provided by applicants. Verification of the authenticity of entries made in them (documents).
  • Check the presence of military registration marks at the place of stay or residence.
  • Check the availability of mobilization instructions (only for those liable for military service, for whom there is a note on the delivery of this order in the military card).
  • Check tokens with personal numbers that are provided by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (liabilities should have a mark in the document on handing such a token to a citizen).
  • Check the compliance of the submitted documentation of military registration according to the applicant in his passport.
  • Check the conformity of the photo in the documentation of military records with the appearance of the citizen who applied to the personnel department.
  • Check for the presence of such a photograph in the military registration documents provided by the applicant, as well as in temporary certificates, sheets that are issued due to replacement, loss of such documentation.
  • Explain to hired job seekers the procedure for following military registration requirements dictated by Russian law.
  • Explain to newly hired employees information on mobilization and mobilization training in the Russian Federation (according to the Regulation on military registration).
  • Supervise the fulfillment of the above duties by new employees. Informing employees about the responsibility that occurs when deviating from following the requirements of the Regulation on military registration.
official duties of an employee carrying out military registration

Responsibilities for working with personal cards of employees

The duties of employees performing military registration in this area are as follows:

  • Maintaining a file cabinet with inclusion in the database of all employees who are registered with the military.
  • Filling out a personal card in full accordance with the entries in the military registration document provided by the employee.
  • Entering into the card information about the marital status of the employee, his education, unit of the organization where he works, position and other necessary data.
  • Maintaining up-to-date information in personal cards, as well as military documents of employees.
  • At least once a calendar year, compare the records of military registration in personal cards with the information that is contained in the documentation of military registration of workers of the organization, as well as with the data that are available in documents provided to the responsible person by the military commissariats.
  • Entering into personal cards of workers information on changing marital status, getting a new education, transferring to another structural unit of the company, promotion / demotion, moving (changing the place of stay or residence), health status All of the aforementioned employee performing military registration is obliged to provide the commissariat no more than 2 weeks after making the changes.
duties of employees carrying out military registration in organizations

Obligations to submit data to the military commissariat

We list the responsibilities of workers engaged in military registration in organizations. This is the provision, in a timely manner, in a specific form, to the military commissariat of complete data on

  • Citizens subject to military registration - those who have been re-accepted or dismissed. Duration - no more than 2 weeks.
  • Employees registered with the military, as well as employees not registered, but required to be. Information is provided at the request of the military commissariats, local government in a period of not more than 2 weeks.
  • Lists of minor employees (15-16 years old) - annually in September.
  • Lists of male workers subject to initial military registration in the following calendar year. Data is provided until November 1 of the current year.

HR Responsibilities

The duties of an employee performing military registration in this category are the following functions:

  • Control over the reception, transfer and dismissal of workers in the organization.
  • Control over the issuance of certificates to employees on their current and past work practices, the design of other documentation on staffing.
  • Entering the necessary information into a common database for each employee.
duties of employees performing military training

Specialist Rights

The duties of an employee keeping military records is one part of the job description. The second is his rights:

  • Provide guidance on a range of issues regarding his responsibilities.
  • Demand from employees documentation of military registration necessary for his labor activity.
  • Submit proposals to the management to improve their working conditions.

Employee responsibility

Responsibility of a specialist conducting military records comes:

  • For failure to fulfill their own functional duties.
  • For providing false data, violation of the deadlines (providing information to the military commissariat).
  • For failure to comply with the orders of the CEO.
  • For violation of the internal labor schedule of the company.
  • For the disclosure of organizational secrets of the employer, secret (by law) information about employees.
  • For damage to the property of the employing organization.
functional responsibilities of employees carrying out military registration

Now the reader is familiar with the full range of functional work responsibilities of the employee responsible for military accounting in the organization. Like all others, he has a certain set of rights, a share of responsibility for actions and decisions at the workplace.


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