Adjunct is ... The meaning and origin of the word

Adjunct is a word that is quite rare in colloquial speech. As a rule, he is associated with science, with some educational institutions and other institutions, positions in them. The article describes who this is - an adjunct in various fields of activity.

Dictionary Interpretation

Adjunct - Assistant Professor

To understand the meaning of the word "adjunct", it is worth looking at what is said about it in the dictionary. It gives several meanings, among which such as:

  • The youngest of scientific posts in Western Europe and pre-revolutionary Russia, which was available in separate scientific institutions.
  • The title or position of an assistant or deputy of a person in a particular field of activity.
  • Graduate student studying at a higher educational institution with a military profile.
  • The term that is used in one of the sections of linguistics - grammar.

Origin of the term

According to researchers, the etymology of the word under study is associated with the pre-Indo-European language, where the word yug exists, which means "harness", "yoke". It is from him that the Russian noun “yoke” comes. Related words are Latin:

  • noun jugum– “yoke”, “clamp”;
  • the verb adjungere– “tie”, “attach”, “harness”, “tie”, “combine”;
  • the adjective adjunctus is “adjoining”, “attached”, “closely connected”.

It is believed that it was from the last word that an “adjunct” was formed in the Russian language.

To thoroughly understand what “adjunct” means, it is worth considering various areas of its application.

In Protestantism

Adjunct in Protestantism

Representatives of the Protestant church call the assistant pastor an adjunct. He has the right to worship and is required. This post is similar to the post of vicar. In some cases, an adjunct is assigned to an elderly person who is a bearer of a spiritual rank. This is due to the fact that an aged priest, by virtue of his age, can no longer fully and adequately fulfill the duties assigned to him by the church.

What was meant by adjunct in the countries of Western Europe, as well as in the Russian Empire? As a rule, in academies and universities, adjunct is a junior academic position related to a person who has undergone a scientific internship or was an assistant professor. What did she represent in Russia?

At the Academy of St. Petersburg

Petersburg University

In this institution, an adjunct assisted an academician or professor. Initially, these persons were simply called "assistants." They were appointed from among the students in order to teach in the gymnasium at the academy. In later times, adjuncts are already one of the other categories of academics.

Such an adjunct (adjunct professor) was an assistant or deputy professor and was at the department. Formally, this was the second deputy head of the scientific department, but in fact he mainly helped the professor or replaced him.

This position lasted until 1863, that is, until the adoption of a university-wide charter. In accordance with this charter, the position of adjunct was abolished, and full-time assistant professors were introduced instead. In addition to the St. Petersburg Academy, in some higher educational institutions there were also adjuncts.

In other Russian universities

At Moscow University, the post of adjunct was originally introduced before its official designation in the charter. This was done by analogy with the practice adopted in European educational institutions. Adjuncts “got into the regular structure” in accordance with the Charter of 1804, according to which he:

  1. He was an assistant to an ordinary professor at the department.
  2. In case of illness of the latter or his absence, he replaced him.
  3. Possessed the right to read in the department of his own university course.

The adjunct was elected by secret ballot at the university council and approved by the signature of the Minister of Education. Beginning in 1835, in order to occupy the post of associate, it was necessary to have a master's degree.


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