How to find a psychologist? Do psychologists work in state clinics? Psychologist in Moscow

Constant stress, poor sleep and the environment, all this can cause a person to experience psychological stress. Sometimes you can’t cope with such problems on your own. And if we are talking about the strange or not natural behavior of the child, then it becomes completely uncomfortable. In this situation, you need a psychologist. Do not be scared - millions of people turn to specialists for help. This does not mean that they have serious mental problems.

need a psychologist

However, in connection with this, a completely logical problem arises with how to find a psychologist who does not turn out to be a charlatan and does not harm a person even more. Of course, he must be the same professional as any other doctor or master of specialization. But everyone had to deal with unskilled specialists. This problem is especially relevant in large cities. For example, there are a lot of psychologists in Moscow, but choosing a good one is very difficult. Often, self-appointed experts go beyond what is permitted, use unverified treatment methods, or even begin to behave rudely. In order not to encounter such a layman, it is worth paying attention to several important aspects that will be considered in the article.

Do psychologists work in state clinics

Of course, everyone understands that the services of such a specialist are not cheap. If you go to a private clinic, you can pay several thousand rubles for one hour of conversation with a psychologist.

If we talk about whether there is a psychologist in a district-type clinic, then in such medical institutions such a vacancy is really meant. In this case, you can count on free service. But what about the qualifications of such a specialist? First of all, you need to understand that anyone in a private clinic can work without a diploma, with home-made certificates, etc. Such a candidate will not even be considered in a city clinic. Accordingly, you can be sure that the free district specialist at least has the appropriate diploma of higher education.

Do psychologists work in state clinics? Yes, but most often these are students who have just completed their studies. They have the necessary knowledge base, but not experience. However, this does not mean that such a specialist will not be able to help the patient. It all depends on luck and how much a person "lives" with his profession. Therefore, you should not blindly trust such doctors, it is better to always be guided by your impressions and other parameters.

What to look for when choosing a specialist

Before deciding where to find a free psychologist, it’s worth considering a few times. Perhaps someone offers services at a low price, but this does not mean that the assistance provided by such a person will be effective. The easiest way to cite one analogy. Let's say a man fell off a bicycle and broke his arm. Whom will he prefer to turn to - a neighbor who has already provided assistance, or a doctor who can provide qualified assistance, even for a fee? Of course, the comrade will not ask for money, but there will be a risk that the limb will grow together incorrectly and will disturb the rest of his life. The same thing with psychology. An unskilled specialist can harm the patient and turn his existence into hell.

psychologist moscow

Therefore, if a person needs a psychologist, then you should not consider the candidatures of friends and relatives who have extensive experience in life situations. This should be primarily a specialist. First of all, it is worth making sure that the psychologist has a diploma of completed higher education. It can be psychological or medical, but no other.

If the specialist is experienced, then most likely he did not sit still and improve his skills. This should be evidenced by appropriate certificates and licenses. For example, he may be a specialist in art therapy or any other field.

However, if in a private clinic the psychologist shows numerous letters, next to which hangs a certificate of the ability to guess on cards or read the future by hand, then such a specialist should be confused. No self-respecting professional will ever do this, and even less will not focus on this. The same goes for those who “cleanse the aura” or sell incense. All this has nothing to do with science, which is called psychology. Therefore, it is better not to cooperate with such people.

It is also worth asking the specialist how many hours he has operating time. This is not the most convenient topic, but you need to understand that any client has the right to know all the necessary information. Even if the psychologist had just graduated from the institute, he had to undergo appropriate practice.

What else to look for

It is also worth paying attention to such a concept as supervasia. In this case, we are talking about the fact that the psychologist turns to a more professional colleague and parses client cases with him. A senior colleague helps to understand whether the consultation was really carried out correctly, whether it was possible to solve the problem differently. Of course, asking about such a potential psychologist is inconvenient. But if he himself says this, then this will only be a plus.

Also, the professionalism of the specialist is indicated by the fact that he is a member of the psychological community and periodically attends scientific and practical conferences. So, he continues to hone his skills, and does not believe that he has achieved perfection.

where to find a psychologist for a teenager

It is worth clarifying whether psychological activity is the main source of income for a specialist. If he has been working for more than 10 years, and during this time none of his clients began to recommend him to friends, then he will not really have clients. In this case, you will have to do extra work. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this.

Does the high price of admission speak of quality

Many believe: the more money a specialist takes for his services, the higher he appreciates himself, which, in turn, speaks of his experience. Logically, it should be so. But in reality, the price does not say anything about the skills of a specialist.

In history, one case is known that occurred in the 80s. At that time, Timberland, an unknown company, offered customers unusual shoes that were yellow. To lure more customers, the company's marketers first decided to sell the product at an average price. It was believed that if the shoes were available to everyone, then people would start to buy them with great zeal. The calculation went to the military, students and simple hard workers. Although buyers loved shoes, the manufacturer managed to enter a larger market only when he sharply increased the cost of shoes. They automatically became the cherished exclusive and began to be sold in the most expensive boutiques. So the brand received a worldwide reputation.

The same is true in a situation where a decision is made how to find a psychologist. It seems that only that specialist, to whom they sign up a year in advance and pay crazy money, is a true professional. But in reality this may turn out to be completely wrong. Therefore, it is best to choose a psychologist and visit him at least once. Already at the first appointment, you can determine how suitable it is for a particular patient.

How should a specialist behave at the reception

Having found a psychologist in Moscow or another large city, you can only visit him. The specialist must be credible. Psychologists behave very calmly and never begin to talk loudly or laugh at the whole office. The specialist should give each patient exactly as much as was prescribed. Reception is scheduled during business hours and is not carried out at home, but in a clinic or private office.

how to find a good psychologist

A good specialist will never begin to convince a person that everything is fine with him, and he will become the richest and happiest. Like any other doctor, he must find a problem and decide how to get rid of it, and not give empty promises. If a patient with a broken arm comes to the surgeon, the doctor will not tell him that everything will grow over, the main thing is to believe it. So it is in psychology. Therefore, at the first appointment, the specialist is trying to get the most information in order to diagnose and decide how to help.

The psychologist cannot judge others for their actions. If a specialist says something like “well, yes, you did it in vain”, then it’s best to finish your collaboration with him as soon as possible. Also, a professional will never push patients into conflicts. Therefore, when deciding where to find a family psychologist, you should not contact those who offer to get a divorce after the first appointment.

The main indicator that the patient has come to the professional is as follows: after the first dose he will feel some relief. Only a good specialist can achieve this result.

Where to find a psychologist for a teenager

If we are talking about a child, then you need to understand that only an experienced master should work with him. The psyche at a young age is very fragile, so you can easily do harm. First of all, you should consult with friends and family. Perhaps some of them have already helped one or another specialist. Then just ask for his contacts.

If friends did not have such problems with children, then you can try to find a thematic forum in your region. Many tell where to find a good child psychologist. Of course, it all depends on the specific situation, but sometimes after talking with other parents, making a decision is easier.

You can go a longer way. It involves finding a clinic and studying reviews of specific specialists. However, you need to understand: on his official website, the doctor can write anything and remove unwanted comments. Therefore, it is better to search for information on third-party resources.

Do psychologists work in state clinics

Today there are special platforms on which you can find any specialist and get acquainted with these reviews about him. Here you can specify where the psychologist takes and how much his consultation costs.

Psychologists of the capital

To do this, just open any bulletin board and study the information. Better if it is a highly specialized site. Most of these services operate on a similar algorithm. First, the user selects the area that interests him, and then the specialist. At the same time, it can be clarified which higher education institution he graduated from, in which area of ​​psychology he is a professional, how many years he has been working in this field.

If we are talking about the capital, it is better to give preference to those who received education in Moscow. For example, trust will be caused by someone who graduated from the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. However, in this case, we are not talking about a medical specialist, although sometimes this is enough. If in addition the psychologist has a medical education, then he will cause even more confidence.

To decide how to find a good psychologist, it is worth studying the reviews of the selected candidate. You need to understand the faster the specialist will help to cope with the problem, the more responsible it can be considered. If in the reviews everyone writes to the patient that they have been going to the same psychologist for many years every three days, then most likely such a fate will await each subsequent client. It is better to refuse to visit such a specialist.

Who is better: psychologists women or men

There is no exact answer to this question. It all depends on who the patient feels more comfortable with. If a lady is depressed, then it will be easier for her to talk with a woman. Psychologically, it’s easier to cry and talk about sensitive issues with her.

where to find a free psychologist

When deciding how to find a psychologist, do not exclude male specialists. If you understand that this is a person who can solve the problem, then gender is not so important. Nevertheless, you need to rely on your feelings. Next to the psychologist should be calm. If his presence causes discomfort, it will be very difficult to tell such a person about his life, dreams, problems and most hidden desires.

Who are household psychologists and is it worth it to turn to them

This topic torments many. Some believe that there is nothing complicated in finding a psychologist. It is believed that it makes no sense to spend money on telling about your problems and crying. In this case, people prefer to turn to the so-called household psychologists. His role can be played by a girlfriend or friend, colleague, relative, outsider (for example, a bartender in a restaurant or a seller in a store).

In fact, every person who has life experience will gladly share it. Perhaps in some situations this can really help. For example, if at work there was a conflict with the boss, then it makes no sense to run to a specialist. You can simply share your indignation with a friend and listen to the words of support you need. However, when it comes to psychological disorders, a household psychologist will not only be powerless, but can also exacerbate the situation. For example, a friend who always understands can tell someone what she has learned. Only with a specialist will there be confidence in confidentiality. In fact, even if a person spoke about some kind of violation of the law, the psychologist has no right to disclose any information.

Another minus of household “specialists” is subjectivity. If a person has an opinion on a particular issue, this does not mean that it is correct. Unprofessional can rely only on their personal experience. Therefore, in serious situations, he will not be able to help, but can only do harm.

where to find a family psychologist

However, household psychologists have advantages. For example, such a kind of consultation will be completely free. At the same time, one can listen to the opinion of several “specialists” at once and find a more rational solution to the problem. However, choosing such an expert is careful. For example, you should not turn to someone who constantly spreads rumors and behaves dishonestly. Such a person will not be able to help. It is best if it is an open personality, about which no one can say anything bad. It should be a positive person who loves life and people. If you ask advice from a pessimist who hates everything around, he can give advice that will only aggravate the situation. Therefore, one should more carefully approach the choice of a specialist.


You should not be negligent in choosing a psychologist. It is better to contact a specialist with higher education and work experience. To a specialist about whom you can find many positive reviews. Even if the cost of the session is quite high, sometimes it’s better to pay. It makes no sense for years to go to someone who asks for his services for 100 rubles. If a specialist helps to solve the problem in a few tricks, then in the end it will come out even cheaper.


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