Russian land - Gulf of Olenek

Many researchers have tried to lay the Northern Sea Route along the coast of the Eurasian continent. The section of the sea corridor from the Severnaya Zemlya to the mouth of the Lena River remained inaccessible for centuries.

Northern Sea Route

Only by the middle of the 20th century did they manage to explore it, draw up pilot maps and lay out routes for ships. The beginning of the 21st century has revived interest in Arctic exploration. Technically, it has become possible to carry out cost-effective transportation along the Northern Sea Route.

Lena river

But the lands from the Northern land to the mouth of the Lena still hold numerous secrets. Only the German base during the Great Patriotic War near the mouth of the Lena is worth a lot. And the deep rear of the USSR and inaccessibility - even today.

History of Northern Expeditions

The mouth of the Lena River splits into several branches. The main waters flow into the Laptev Sea in the north at Cape Doktorskikh. Part goes east to the Bay of Buor-Haya, deep into the south, crashing into the continent. Here is one of the northern ports of Tiksi, the territory is well explored. Another part of the Lena ducts goes west to the Gulf of Olenek. The region is practically not populated. On the vast territory there are only three small settlements, the distance between which exceeds 100 km. On the road or even on a snowfield, this path is very difficult to overcome.

Olenken species

Since the middle of the 18th century, a large expedition has been working here under the guidance of the experienced polar explorer S. I. Chelyuskin. Researchers managed to complete the task - to describe the coast from Taimyr to the Novosibirsk islands. Unfortunately, the first leader of the expedition, V. V. Pronchishchev, died while exploring the lands adjacent to the Gulf of Olenek. In honor of whom the island is named, a mountain range between the Olenek and Anabar rivers, a lake, a cape in Taimyr.

Geography of the mouth of the river Olenek

According to the results of S.I. Chelyuskin's report, a large section of the East Siberian lowland with adjacent waters was officially described.

Olenka River

In honor of the great Siberian river Lena was named its western neighbor, the Olenyok River. Accordingly, the place of their confluence is called the Oleneksky Gulf. The coastline stretches for 65 km. The total area of ​​the delta is 470 km 2 . The maximum depth is 15 m, the average is 3 m.

The largest Siberian river Lena and the longest polar river Olenek carry their waters to the Laptev Sea, largely desalinating coastal waters. The location of the Gulf of Olenek in the northern tundra is determined by the Arctic climate. Most of the year the water is chained with ice. Only for two months per year (August, September) is released from captivity. This allows, albeit for a short period, to use it for navigation. There are several islands in the bay, the largest of which is Jyngylakh. Since ancient times, northern peoples settled here. Today it is not inhabited. Nearby is the neighboring island of Khastakh-Ary, which is a low marshy plain with a number of lakes. Southeast of another island - Khastakh-Ary.

The eastern mouth of the Lena River and the Olenek River carry a large amount of water into the bay, which makes its waters slightly salted. At the exit to the sea, the ridge Chekanovsky shares. The left bank of Olenka is adjacent to the East Siberian lowland.

Animal world

The Laptev Sea is one of the coldest, it is not endowed with the richness of the plant and animal worlds. Nevertheless, here, especially in the southern part, you can see a diverse world. The waters of the Gulf of Olenek are warmer than the rest of the sea. The biological diversity is satisfactory. Moreover, because of the shallow water, the bay warms up quite well in the summer. Some types of coastal algae are described. There are phyto algae with plankton. But mainly the plant world comes down to diatoms. Noisy bird markets are often formed on the shores and islands. A lot of gulls. There are guillemots, scavengers, as well as a number of other arctic bird species. Starfish and hedgehogs are found in the waters. There are clams. Not without worms with other invertebrate animals.

The low salt content in the water allows river fish species to live, including sturgeon and salmon. In general, the bay is of little interest for fishing.

Laptev sea

But the northern inhabitants - the Arctic fox with polar bears - have enough food.

The Arctic wildlife requires particularly careful handling. Hunting is not welcome here. But there is always something to rejoice with for lovers of a good photo. Gulf of Olenek is still waiting for its development.


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