What kind of man is he, who never lost heart?

Probably, situations arise in the life of every person when it is very difficult not to become discouraged. Unfulfilled dreams, failure of plans, problems at work, turmoil in personal life, poor health - this protracted dark streak leads to deep anguish and depression. There is self-doubt and fear of the future, which seems vague and dangerous.

How not to be discouraged?

A man who has never been discouraged causes either surprise or envy. Such people infect with their enthusiasm, positive attitude and self-confidence. They are friendly, sociable, cheerful and carry some kind of light. Looking at them, it would never occur to anyone that they are upset by something and that they may have problems. In fact, they are simply optimistic and firmly believe that any problem is solvable, no matter how complex it may seem. By learning to control themselves, their emotions, thoughts, actions, almost anyone can find peace and happiness without experiencing feelings of guilt and insecurity, without falling into depression and not getting upset over trifles.

How not to lose heart in life, while being able to solve your problems? How to gain confidence after bitter disappointment and resentment? How to maintain faith in success and not bow to failure? The answers to these questions are in the minds of every person.

not discouraged


The first thing to do in the fight against despondency is to remain alone with yourself, with your problems and thoughts. Try to concentrate in complete silence and formulate clear questions: "What bothers me? Why am I depressed? What is the reason for my bad mood? What is the danger for me of depression?" Mentally answering these questions, develop a further plan of action and remember that no one except you will be able to banish your anguish.


Look at yourself in the mirror. What is your expression there? Perhaps it’s as if you are offended by the whole world. Do you look very much like a child who took his favorite toy away? Your gloomy and displeased face spoils the mood of others, sows the seeds of negativity around you. If you continue in the same vein, you can scare off your luck. Any person wants to get away from problems, close all eyes and not change anything in their life. Everything suits you, because you have become accustomed to the thought that depression and longing are a normal state of mind. A man who has never been discouraged is not about you.

never cheer
The thing is how you yourself relate to your condition. You are used to going to work with an ever-displeased face, and your colleagues are already tired of being surprised at your gloomy mood, and even more so - they try to avoid you. Shake, finally, your consciousness, drive away depression, otherwise you will sit in it for a long time. Try to see positive aspects even in the most deplorable situation, and soon the world will turn to you on the bright side.

Helping others

A person should radiate good, light, heat, warming him with the rays of others. Only in this case, the good will return to him in multiple sizes. Smile more often and repeat to yourself: β€œNever lose heart!” Give compliments, nice words. Surround yourself with positive and cheerful people who infect you with your fun and humor. Do not constantly think about your problems and failures. Focus your attention on something else. For example, find your favorite pastime, get pets, provide selfless help. By benefiting people, you will gradually forget about your troubles. Solving other people's problems, a person, as a rule, forgets about his own. Caring for other people, helping to resolve difficult situations will gradually replace negative thoughts.

how not to lose heart in life

Saving changes

Change your job if you have been dreaming about it for a long time. According to statistics, people at an unloved job are more unhappy and live less than personalities who are happy with everything. Make it a habit to travel more often to nature, on vacation. Change your image, style, do something that will cover you with a wave of adrenaline. And then life will sparkle with bright colors, and the black, unsightly atmosphere will instantly acquire an iris. "A man who did not lose heart under any circumstances," they will say now about you!

Always, no matter what, believe in a happy outcome. If you are now unhappy, unlucky and unloved, it does not matter. With great desire and effort, anyone can achieve their goal and become happy. Never despair or lose hope of success. Let no one and nothing can shake your confidence in victory. Remember: an optimist who is not discouraged will be able to overcome everything!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46455/

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