Hairstyles with braids. We select braids by type of face

face braids

In recent years, braids are back in fashion. Moreover, along with the traditional options that women have adorned their heads since prehistoric times, today you can find designer hairstyles with weaving, which are real works of art. However, sleight of hand and fantasy alone are not enough to create an irresistible and feminine image. In each case, it is necessary to take an individual approach. So how to choose hairstyles with braids?

Face types: what are

As the famous song says, โ€œgirls are different.โ€ However, professionals from the beauty industry have conventionally divided clients into 5 main groups: with square, triangular, round, rectangular and oval faces, each of which has its โ€œownโ€ hairstyles. In addition, one should take into account such structural features of the face and head as the size and shape of the nose and ears. Considering the types of faces and hairstyles that correspond to them, one must also take into account the woman's age and her lifestyle. After all, girls who are forced to get up early to work are unlikely to be able to afford to create masterpieces, devoting a lot of time to this.

Hairstyles with braids for a triangular face

Some girls have a narrow chin combined with wide cheekbones. This gives their faces some sharpness.

hairstyles with braids

Therefore, the main goal when choosing a hairstyle should be softening the transition lines between the cheekbones and chin. For this, you can use braids, but weave only the upper strands of hair into them. For example, a good choice is to make a tight "bandage" around the forehead. In this case, it is recommended to slightly comb the hair in the parietal zone and with the help of styling products give volume to free strands.

Square face: hairstyles with braids (photo)

It is believed that a massive chin indicates the decisive nature of its owner and gives the face masculinity. But what to do with the "decoration" of the fairer sex? And is it possible to soften the lines of a square-type face with a hairstyle? Designers say yes, and they suggest using a braid that is braided on one shoulder, for example, such as in the photo, with a lush side bang and an oblique half-hair. In no case is it recommended to comb the hair from the face, so you emphasize the massiveness of the already noticeable chin.

What braids fit a rectangular face

It is believed that girls with a long chin and a high forehead in life will face many trials, which, fortunately, they successfully cope with. And it is best to start changing your destiny with the selection of hairstyles, which will make a rectangular face more pretty.

hairstyles with braids photo

When choosing braids by type of face, you should first determine the length of the option. So, in this case, lush hairstyles with stretched strands no less than the cheekbones are suitable. In addition, it is recommended to let go of a half-straight or straight bangs to the eyebrows.

Choose braids for a round face

It would seem that the smooth transitions of the lines from the chin to the cheekbones and to the hairline should look perfect. However, such round faces usually lack expression, and they look flat. To correct this drawback, you can use options that resemble asymmetric hairstyles for a square type of face. Please note that in this case their length should not exceed 25 cm. A good choice is any hairstyle that gives the head the shape of a cone with a vertex in the chin. To do this, you can braid the braids in the form of a rim with weaving small strands on one side and let go of the straight bang, as shown in the photo. Tall, lush options with a short slanting half hem are also welcome. For example, you can start weaving a French braid from the center of the forehead back along the line where there should have been a straight central parting. In this case, the face will be visually extended and become more expressive. The only warning is that the weaving should end before the crown of the head, and in no case go to the back of the head. Considering various types of faces and hairstyles, in the case of a round face, it is worth paying attention to the option when the "ordinary" braid is laid on the top with the help of hairpins in the form of a kind of crown.

face types and hairstyles

Braids for girls with an oval type of face

As you can see, by choosing the right hairstyle, you can hide many of the appearance flaws. However, there are girls who are suitable for any options, and they do not need to look for braids by type of face. These include the lucky owners of oval-shaped physiognomies, for whom choosing a hairstyle is just a matter of taste. But even such representatives of the fair sex should think about how the braid on their hair will look like. After all, the same option can become a luxurious decoration for the head of the owner of a lush, curly hair, and have an unpresentable appearance on thin straight strands. Therefore, you can advise the following hairstyles with braids, photos of which will help you quickly master the technique of their creation:

  • For girls with thin hair, options with pre-wrapping their ends on tongs and weaving from 4 strands are also suitable.
  • For thick hair, classic or French braids, as well as a fishtail, are suitable.
  • If your โ€œmaneโ€ is not splendid, you can first treat the hair with mousse to give it volume, then tie a wide ribbon on the head so that with the help of its ends on the back of the head to collect the tail from the hair and braid a classic braid, such as in the photo.

hairstyles for square face

How to style your hair

Regardless of the shape of the face, a girl may have such appearance defects as a long, small, snub-nosed or fleshy nose, an excessively long or short neck, wide cheekbones, a narrow or too wide forehead, etc. It turns out that they can be corrected, and for this, itโ€™s enough, for example, to choose the right braids by type of face.

So, women with a small nose can be recommended to โ€œstretchโ€ the profile. To do this, you need to smoothly comb hair from the face, collect it in a tail on the top, braid it in a classic braid and lay it in the form of a spiral.

If you need to distract attention from the nose, then a good choice is a hairstyle with a closed forehead. For example, you can braid a bangs on one side of the face, as in the photo.

Protruding ears can hardly be considered a decoration of a woman, so it is better to hide them under the hair. For this case, the ideal solution is to braid two classic braids that go down to the chest. Moreover, to give volume, you can pull out from each of them in a lock.

hairstyle long braid

As a hairstyle for a square type of face, if the girl has a thin neck, you can offer an asymmetric version of the braid. It must begin to weave from one ear along the back of the head to the other, adding strands coming down from the top of the head.

A universal hairstyle that suits everyone

Everyone knows the phrase "forever living classic." So, the traditional hairstyle - a long braid that was worn in Russia even in the days of paganism - is a universal option. It is suitable for any girl with hair below the shoulders. The only innovation is the use of modern styling tools and tongs to give volume to the hairstyle. In addition, if the traditional braid was braided into three strands quite tightly, today curls are slightly stretched to the sides.

As you can see, you have a lot of opportunities to adjust your appearance by choosing the right braids for your face type, and photos of the work of professional hairdressers can help you with this.


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