Mihalkov's works: a brief description

The works of Mikhalkov occupy a prominent place in Soviet and Russian literature. His poems, children's poems, fables, plays, scripts for films and, finally, words to three hymns deservedly brought him all-Union and all-Russian fame and fame.

short biography

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich was born in 1913 in Moscow in a family descended from an old noble family. His childhood passed in the estate near Moscow. The boy received an excellent home education. Already in early childhood, he became interested in literature, poetry. As a child, he began to write poetry. He wrote his first poem when he was only nine years old.

After some time, the family moved to the Stavropol Territory. In the late 1920s, he began to print in local newspapers. Then he moved to Moscow, where he was forced to engage in physical work for some time. However, he never gave up poetry. The young poet became famous throughout the country in 1935 when his poem Uncle Styopa was published. Then followed the release of a collection of poems, which strengthened his fame. During the war, he worked as a war correspondent, at the same time wrote a hymn. After the victory, he continued to publish his works, was engaged in active social activities, and founded the magazine "Wick". Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich played an important role in the development of domestic literature, dramaturgy, poetry. The famous poet died in 2009.

Mikhalkov's works

Early works

The first poems of the poet immediately attracted attention. The father noticed the talent of his son and somehow showed his poems to the poet A. Bezymensky, who approved the first experiments of the young man. One of the author’s first works is called The Road, in which he demonstrated mastery of rhyme and language.

The works of Mikhalkov are distinguished by their brevity, conciseness and extraordinary expressiveness, largely due to the fact that the poet wrote in childhood in the best traditions of Russian classical literature. He grew up on the poems of Pushkin and the fables of Krylov, on the works of Mayakovsky and Yesenin. It is not surprising, therefore, that already his first literary experiments were very successful. Since 1933 his works were regularly published in leading domestic magazines. One of the most famous works of this period is the poem Svetlana.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich


The works of Mikhalkov were very popular and the love of readers even before his most famous children's poem was published. The fame of the children's writer was strengthened by the success of the new composition - the poem "Three Citizens", which he wrote during his participation in the competition for the best pioneer song.

After that, the author decided to try himself in a different genre and proceeded to create his probably most famous work - the poem "Uncle Styopa". The image of a kind, simple-minded giant, who is ready to help at any time, immediately acquired all-Union love.

The poet took several decades to create the famous tetralogy. After the war, the poem "Uncle Styopa - a policeman" and two others were published. In them, the protagonist, while remaining the same good-natured giant, gradually became more lyrical. Particularly touching, perhaps, is the part "Uncle Styopa and Yegor", in which the poet introduced the image of the son of the protagonist.

uncle stepa

Other works

The works of Mikhalkov became popular largely due to their optimism, lively and cheerful language, as well as deep worldly wisdom. In the pre-war era, another of his famous poems, “And you?” Was published, which in form resembles a count, but nevertheless is imbued with serious philosophical meaning and sound.

Another characteristic feature of the work of Mikhalkov is that he often created heroes who could not always be role models. On the contrary, quite often in the images of his characters he ridiculed the flaws that are inherent in children: laziness, effeminacy, rudeness, boasting. Many of his phrases were so accurate and witty that they turned into a saying. His rhyme is extremely simple and is remembered literally the first time (for example, his famous “Song of Friends”, which is known, probably, to every child).

friends song

War years

During the war, the poet worked as a correspondent, he visited many advanced, received a number of high awards for courage. His military lyrics, like the works of Twardowski, are simple and easy language, reminiscent of folk songs, which immediately made it popular. Among the works of this period include, for example, the poem "The soldier lies behind the huts ...", "Letter home" and others. It is noteworthy that it was to this poet that the epitaph belongs to the grave of the Unknown Soldier.

sasha porridge

Fables, plays, scripts

In the mid-1940s, Mikhalkov, on the advice of the writer Tolstoy, decided to try himself in a new genre - in the composition of fables (he had loved Krylov since childhood). His first works in this genre were a great success. In total, he wrote about two hundred fables, which were included in the gold fund of domestic literature. The poet also authored a script for some famous Soviet films, one of the most significant being the comedy Three Plus Two, based on his play.

A feature of the poet’s creativity is that he was able to express very serious and deep thoughts in the most accessible form, while entertaining and teaching. Such, for example, is his poem Sasha’s Porridge.

Mikhalkov’s books are still in huge print runs in our country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46461/

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