Horse shampoo for hair growth in people

How many women dream of a chic hairstyle, long hair and natural shine. Each of them is ready to do a lot: apply a lot of pills, massage the head with unpleasant means and fatty oils. In addition, many visit beauty salons, where they carry out expensive hair care procedures. Recently, however, women around the world have begun to use the so-called horse shampoo. And how exactly it acts is described in this article.

The secret of horse shampoo

So, horse shampoo is one of the most peculiar ways to care for any type of hair. According to statistics, women who constantly used this shampoo noticed that their hair became noticeably thicker, stronger, actively began to grow. Horse shampoo for people differs from hundreds of others in that it is completely natural, does not contain any chemical components. The reason is that initially this tool was used only for horses, it was created taking into account the special sensitivity of these animals to hazardous chemicals. Horse shampoo contains the following components:

  • keratin hydrolyzate ;
  • coconut acids;
  • Selicon complex;
  • magnesium lauryl sulfate;
  • lanolin;
  • air conditioners.

It is important to know that an ingredient such as keratin gives the hair a special shine, softness and silkiness, as well as silicone, gently envelops each hair separately. In addition, tar is added to horse shampoo, it is it that gives strength and activates hair growth. It is advisable, when using this product, not to dry the hair with a hairdryer, less often use hair curlers and irons, and only then the result will not be long in coming, the hair will actually look excellent.

How to choose the right shampoo?

When choosing horse shampoo for active hair growth, you need to consider their type and structure. In the event that the hair is oily, with dandruff, falling out daily - a shampoo based on propolis, sulfur and tar is suitable. A common problem of overdried hair is brittleness and excessively split ends. In this case, horse shampoo with collagen and natural lanolin is ideal. However, caution should be given to girls who are prone to allergies, in which case they recommend using shampoo for foals, which includes keratin and tar. In any case, no matter what type of shampoo a woman uses, it is imperative to use a special balm after washing the hair.

Shampoo Recommendations

  • it must be borne in mind that horse shampoo for hair must be diluted with clean water in the proportions of one to ten, and for sensitive scalp - one to fifteen;
  • immediately before applying to the hair, it is advisable to shake the horse shampoo thoroughly until an abundant foam appears;
  • after using shampoo, you should always apply a quality balm with natural ingredients for your hair type;
  • it is advisable to use the product once a week, and on all other days use ordinary shampoo;
  • Do not use this tool in too hot weather;
  • it is forbidden to use it in case of climate change, a negative reaction may appear;
  • a mask of natural ingredients should be applied to the hair at least once a week;
  • Do not rub the shampoo directly into the scalp;
  • for the first symptoms of discomfort, such as itching or burning, immediately stop using horse shampoo.

If you follow all the recommendations and rules for using this tool, the hair will become very voluminous and strong, the hair will begin to grow right before your eyes, their lethargy, dryness and brittleness will disappear.


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