Shampoo "La Cree". Consumer Reviews

Today, allergies have become a real problem for a large number of people. One of its manifestations is annoying skin itching. Dry and flaky scalp causes a lot of trouble to a person. Having such a problem, you have to carefully select a means for washing your hair. In this case, among others, La Cree shampoo will be a real salvation, reviews of which often note the advantages of its natural composition, which allows you to carefully take care of the scalp while washing your hair.

Shampoo La Cree. Reviews

Hygiene product

Among the many hair and scalp care products, La Cree Shampoo can be distinguished. Reviews of it note, first of all, the possibility of using it for dry and sensitive skin. Hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory, suitable for the whole family. Children are advised to use shampoo from the age of three.

Shampoo La Cree from seborrheic crusts. Reviews

Due to its rich composition, the shampoo gently cleanses the scalp and hair along their entire length. Its soft structure allows you to maintain the natural acid-base balance of sensitive scalp, which protects it from injury during washing and combing. The components of shampoo deeply nourish and moisturize the skin. The complex of natural plant components makes hair stronger.

Recommendations for use

To achieve a positive effect when using this hygiene product, the manufacturer's recommendations must be followed.

It is necessary to apply such amount of shampoo on moistened hair so that a foam forms. Then, with light movements, the product is distributed over the entire mass of hair, while the scalp is massaged with the fingertips. No need to make sharp pressing movements so as not to damage the root bulbs and not injure the skin. Then the product is washed off with warm water.

La Cree Shampoo. Reviews

For heavily soiled hair, the procedure is recommended to be repeated. You can complete your head wash using the La Cree Rinse.

To treat problem scalp, you can use La Cree shampoo twice a week. Customer reviews note that with the course use for washing hair with dry and sensitive scalp there is a positive effect.

The composition of the shampoo

The shampoo contains no sulfates, which is very beneficial for sensitive scalp. Also, the light structure of this detergent is achieved due to the absence of parabens, various dyes, silicones and fragrances.

The healing properties of the shampoo are achieved due to the presence of useful active ingredients, among which the following can be noted:

  • Licorice and violet in the form of an extract relieve inflammation and various allergic manifestations, provide a hyposensitizing effect.
  • Panthenol - a supplier of vitamins and minerals, allows you to successfully deal with adverse external factors, improves skin functions, improves internal hair structure.
  • Bisabolol has antibacterial properties, has a calming effect, helps to reduce inflammation and rapid skin regeneration.
  • Wheat and olive moisturize and soften the scalp.
    La Cree Shampoo Foam. Reviews
  • Keratin, filling in bumps and roughness, restores the damaged structure of the hair, making it smooth and silky.

Thanks to such a rich composition, it is La Cree (shampoo-foam) used as a medicinal one. Reviews about its use are only positive. In addition, it is ideal for washing the hair of young children.

Healing properties

La Cree Hygiene product is good for dry, brittle and sensitive hair. Beneficial effect on the hair after curling and drying, moisturizing and nourishing them.

Without causing irritation and dryness, La-Cree shampoo from seborrheic crusts gently takes care of the scalp. Customer reviews note that there is no burning sensation after shampooing if there are wounds on the skin. The active ingredients of the shampoo heal existing wounds and prevent new ones from appearing.

Restoration of the hair structure is facilitated by natural extracts that La Cree shampoo is rich in. Customer reviews note that the result of using this product for washing the hair is strong and smooth along the entire length of the hair, as natural components strengthen the root bulbs and nourish the hair itself.

Where could I buy

A mild product for sensitive scalp is produced in 250 ml bottles. Manufacturer - Vertex industrial enterprise, Russia.

The healing properties of the shampoo led to its sale through the pharmacy network. The cost of the goods is about 200 rubles.

Hair care for dry scalp provides "La Cree" - a shampoo from crusts. Customer reviews note that after using it, the hair becomes shiny and strong, has a healthy appearance.

Product Reviews

If the hair is dry and brittle, and the scalp is very sensitive, then you can aggravate the situation using an improperly selected shampoo. In addition, the scalp experiences constant stress. This and drying with a hairdryer, and styling, and hair coloring.

"La Cree" (shampoo) will help in this case, reviews of which, among other things, indicate effective use especially after staining. The duo "shampoo and rinse aid" relieves itching, gives the hair a healthy appearance, brittleness, dullness disappears, the root bulb grows stronger.

La Cree shampoo from crusts. Reviews

The tool is very economical, smells good, pleases the price. The rich composition of active ingredients and excipients is a real salvation for sensitive scalp problems.

One bottle is enough for a long time. If the discomfort is very disturbing, you can use the remedy every other day, with improvement it is enough to wash their hair 1-2 times a week.


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