Signs that a man likes you. How to understand that a man likes you

A flirting male and a man in love are two completely different creatures. How to distinguish one from the other? Not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, universal definitions do not exist, since each person has his own character, but the signs that a man likes you have long been known.

Note to the girls

So, how to understand that a man likes you? Firstly, one should realize that many men are shy creatures and are embarrassed to take the first step. Of course, you can directly ask him, but rarely which girl has the courage to do so. Secondly, you do not need to judge by yourself. Men and women are creatures from different planets. And only a man can come up with a joke about the one that is really not indifferent to him.


The first sign that a man likes you is close contact. A man, one might say, subconsciously wants to be near the subject of his adoration. If he finds himself in suspicious proximity once a day, or even more, this may indicate his feelings. Perhaps this sign is good to use to find out if you like one of your colleagues at work. After all, it is there that you can find many reasons to get closer to a colleague: to submit clothes from the hanger, ask for a spare handle, etc.

what to do if a man likes you

In another case, if the girl does not work, you need to pay attention not to the frequency, but to the proximity of the contact. If a man likes a girl, he will want to touch her, finding at the same time the most varied reasons: to adjust the collar, to shake off a dust particle that does not exist, etc.


It’s so inherent in nature that under the influence of hormones (that is, feelings, but we won’t go deeper), the voice of a man in love becomes softer, hoarse or “cooing” notes appear in him. If a man speaks only to you this way, then this is another sign that a man likes you. If, in a conversation with the rest, such notes do not slip, it is safe to say that the man is really breathing unevenly towards you, trying to hide his natural aggressiveness by changing the timbre.


Men are creatures that love with their eyes. Here is another sign that a man likes you. A man in love looks at the object of his adoration with such eyes that everything immediately becomes clear. But if a girl does not know how to read looks, she needs to pay attention to how often she catches them on herself. A man who is pleased to look at you will do it as soon as possible.

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Also, a man in love will constantly try to catch the eye of his lover. If he is unable to look into her eyes, he will surely stare at the same subject as his girlfriend. At a time when he can’t catch his lover’s gaze, he is still not able to leave her alone. At such moments, you can see that the man is staring intently at one point. It is located somewhere between the chest and chin (just below the chin and just above the chest). This allows a man with peripheral vision to cover the lips and chest of his beloved at the same time.

Trust, pauses, jealousy

So, how to understand that a man likes you if the previous signs did not reveal anything? Firstly, if a man is in love, he will certainly tell about his plans, successes and achievements. Thus, he shows that he considers the girl as her potential chosen one and subconsciously wants to share her plans with her and to connect the future.

Secondly, in a conversation more and more pauses will begin to appear. When a man is next to a girl he likes, he will be distracted by her appearance, begin to think and dream about something of her own. This will give rise to pauses in communication.

how to determine that a man likes you

Thirdly, jealousy. Of course, when the relationship has not yet begun, there can be no talk of real jealousy. However, it is easy to notice how he strains when a girl talks on the phone with a friend, promises someone to go to the movies, etc. A frown, pursed lips, a tense posture - all this speaks of jealousy, and her, as you know, without feelings do not exist.


Sometimes men can directly express their intentions and feelings. And naturally, girls believe every word. Indeed, there are men who are used to talking directly about what they think and feel. However, there are instances that are looking for this benefit. And if a man can monitor his speech, then he is not able to control involuntary movements and gestures. So, how to understand by gestures that a man likes you? Here, too, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance:

  1. He, seeing you, puts his thumbs in his belt or in his pockets. In fact, the man wants to touch you, but so far he does not have the courage to do this, and he is trying to find some use for his hands (so that they "do not dissolve").
  2. He pulls off his shirt, straightens his tie, smoothes his hair - in this way there is a desire to please his beloved.
  3. Copy the pose of the interlocutor. A person unconsciously copies the posture and gestures of someone he likes and who wants to like himself.
  4. He touches his face and ruffles his hair - he really wants all this to be done by the object of his adoration and with such gestures, as if calling for it.
what are the signs that a man likes you

Love and "everything is serious"

How to determine that a man likes you is now clear. But it is worth swinging a level higher and learning to distinguish between ordinary sympathy and serious intentions. So, what will a man who truly loves do:

  1. Introduces the girl to his family. Naturally, a man will not drive every new passion into the house. If a girl was invited, then it is safe to say that the man has big plans for her.
  2. You are together all your free time. If you walk a lot, travel, watch movies, ride bicycles - this is most likely love.
  3. Future plans. If a man makes plans for the near future, in which you appear, this is an indirect confirmation of a long-term relationship.
  4. Jealousy (but in this case real). A man will not make any complaints to his girlfriend for one night. If he is in love, then he will have a desire to possess the girl completely (yes, men are terrible owners).
  5. Care. A man in love is a caring man. This will open the door, and give a coat, and even refuse fishing if you get sick.
  6. Seeks to show what he is capable of. Even if a man doesn’t have abilities as such (and it often happens that way), he just wants to like you. Therefore, the man will cook a romantic dinner, and walk the dog, and even repair something in the house.
marriage proposal

Control shot

To make sure that you like a man, there are a few very useful tips. So, what are the signs that a man likes you, speak for themselves? The first is awkwardness. A man in love really becomes very awkward, and this applies to everyone. He can accidentally break a cup, stumble, set fire to something, etc. In a man in love, everything literally falls from his hands.

Secondly, random meetings. You have not met yet, but often come across in the city. An accident? Not at all. It’s just that the man wants to constantly be around, and how he learned the trajectory of your movements, it is better to ask him a little later. Random meetings are the most nonrandom things in the world.

Thirdly, a man in love will definitely call or write, even if you have not left him your phone number (he will find it). It is extremely important for him to constantly be in touch with you.

Fourthly, he suddenly becomes stupid. A man in love can tell jokes of ten years ago and will laugh at them. And once you show him a condescending smile, a bunch of unfunny jokes will flood the river.

how to know that a married man likes you

Fifth, a man who likes a girl can tease and mock her, but do it in moderation. This kind of ernichanie is another sign of sympathy. Thus, the guy tries to evoke emotions in the girl. And sixth, sooner or later he will ask about the ex-boyfriend, sympathies, the prospect of marriage, etc.

A mysterious stranger

It is worth noting one important thing: to understand that a stranger likes you is somehow easier than to bite through someone with whom she has been familiar for many days. This is easy to understand:

  • When a stranger sees you, he will straighten his shoulders and draw his stomach in.
  • His expression will change.
  • His body will be constantly turned in your direction.
  • He constantly looks at you and tries to get closer.
  • Pulls clothes and hair, and during a conversation begins to speak very quickly or changes the timbre.

“The married problem”

Situations in life are different, sometimes even with a married man relationships can arise. Of course, you shouldn’t break up a family, but love is an insidious thing, you can never predict who the choice will fall this time. So how do you know if a married man likes you? It is really difficult to understand, unless the man is an inveterate Don Juan who does not even try to hide it.

A married man (especially one who cares about keeping his family) will, until the last, observe indifference to the girl he liked. Nevertheless, you can recognize this beast:

  • He will begin to preen. It can even change the style of clothes and perfume.
  • In the presence of the object of his adoration, he begins to behave deliberately noisy and loudly.
  • He starts nervously twisting the wedding ring on his finger.
  • Seeing the subject of his adoration, he smiles slightly.
  • In your presence, his posture and gestures will be open.
by gestures to understand what a man likes

If a man does not try hard to save his family, he will behave in the same way as any other man in love. That is, it will try to touch, it will become awkward, stupid and caring.

And what to do with it?

Now it’s completely clear how men behave when they like someone. The question is different: what to do if a man likes you, but you don’t? Yes, this is also very common. The main thing is not to give him false hope. It is only in the saying that it is tolerated - to fall in love. In life, everything happens in a completely different way: over the years, the gap between people only widens. If the guy turns out to be a good person, then the girl will hate herself because she could not give the love she received from him. If he is bad, then he will hate him.

We must immediately say everything honestly. I can’t say, you can write. Better than tormenting a person with futile hopes.


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