The best boxers in the world. Famous boxers. Boxers are world champions

Multimillion-dollar prizes, crowds of fans, fame, ring, training - all these words are united by boxing. Its popularity is growing every day.

The best boxers in the world enter the ring for money or fame and arrange a real show. People always wanted two things - bread and circuses. As long as there are athletes who can provide the latter, this sport will live on.

In order to become the best, they worked for a long time and worked on themselves, improving themselves every day. Before presenting the rating of boxers of the world, it is necessary to understand "where the legs grow from."

the best boxers in the world

Boxing history

Officially, a sport such as boxing was recognized only in 1719 in England. An interesting fact is that from that moment, this country still counts all its tournaments and championships, consistently printing newspaper reports.

Unofficially, we can say that boxing is at least 5 thousand years old. This is exactly what archaeologists confirm, who found 2 tablets in the vicinity of Baghdad, where boxers with wrestlers were depicted.

In the Olympic program, such competitions appeared only in 23 games. Many years have passed since that time and boxing underwent constant changes until it acquired its final form, which we can observe at the moment.

How to choose the best boxers in the world?

To have an idea of ​​how the best boxers of the world are selected, it is necessary to consider the criteria by which an athlete is determined.

Of course, the number of fights taken into account is taken into account, victories in relation to defeats, draws and fights won ahead of schedule are analyzed. In addition to this, not only style is important, but also the manner of warfare, together with the average number of points. Despite this, many boxers - world champions - were not included in this list, and those who were deprived of their belts and titles (for example, Muhammad Ali) head it. This is due to the fact that, as such, a specific list of requirements does not exist, and the best one is selected, with respect to certain unapproachable associations, by popular vote.

world boxers

Top boxers of the world of all time

Willie Pep is ranked 10th. He showed himself excellently during his career (1940-1966), having a large number of victories and a minimum number of defeats. Performing in lightweight, he set a kind of record, having spent 69 fights in a row without defeat.

Henry Armstrong - 9th place. This boxer is famous not only for starting his lightweight career, but for finishing on average. Twenty-seven knockouts in a row, 3 champion awards in different weight categories. He was recognized as a great boxer not only by his fans and experts, but also by other athletes with famous names.

Rocky Marciano - 8th place. I have not received a single defeat. He performed in heavy weight and gained fame due to his daring character and cruelty.

Julio Cesar Chavez - 7th place. One of the most famous boxers in Mexico, who participated in competitions according to 3 weight criteria. He defeated a large number of eminent boxers. He became famous due to the fact that he constantly controlled all the actions of his opponent and managed to defeat them using his power.

Jack Dempsey - 6th place. His fights were always attended by a large number of people. This athlete can even be called a favorite of all America. The most famous boxer made him aggressiveness and power. For 7 years he was the undisputed champion.

The famous Mike Tyson in 5th place. There are probably no people who do not know his name. No one doubts his fame, but all thanks to his phenomenal aggression during the battle, which allowed to win fights either in the first seconds, after the strike of the gong, or in the first 2-3 rounds. Bets on fights with Mike were only for how much time he sent his opponent to the knockout. There is a line about him in the Guinness Book of Records.

the strongest boxer in the world

Jack Johnson and honorary fourth place. For 10 years, he was the undisputed heavyweight champion. He was not loved not only by boxers, but also by the audience, but all because of the technique and style of warfare. Despite all the negativity, he emerged victorious from almost every battle.

Three leaders

Sugar Ray Robinson - bronze in the ranking. It was a boxer with a capital letter. He combined the best qualities that allowed him to perform in seven weight categories. Despite its large dimensions, it possessed amazing stamina and invested in every blow.

Muhammad Ali - silver. Of all the famous boxers, this is perhaps the most famous. Five times in a row was recognized as a boxer of the decade. Olympic champion in the heavyweight category. The scandalous boxer was the de facto world champion, but de jure he was deprived of these titles because of his character, and most importantly, because he went to war in Vietnam. He was invincible. Neither society, nor country, nor rivals could break it.

Joe Louis takes the first place in the rating of boxers of all time, not because he was the best heavyweight boxer, but because he set a record that has not yet been beaten by anyone. The champion title belonged to him for 11 years, eight months and seven days.

top boxers of the world

The biggest hit in boxing

In fact, the strongest boxer in the world cannot be determined if it is about the strength of his blow. This is due to the fact that no one has ever measured the impact power of all athletes in order to compile some kind of more or less acceptable statistics. It should be understood that during the striking, not only muscle strength is important, but also its knockout component. It is because of this that it is very difficult to make specific calculations. At the same time, jerky and sharp punches can be exactly the same in strength, but their knockout components are completely different.

The impact force of an average man is in the region of 200-1000 kg. Moreover, the lower indicator is a good blow for a boxer of 60 kg, while the upper one is for a heavyweight. Only 15 kg to the chin area is enough for a knockout.

Despite this, there is an opinion in the world that it was Mike Tyson who possessed the strongest blow of all the boxers that once existed.

The strongest blows

Many boxers dream of a crushing blow. World champions and applicants for this title in all weight categories always hope to finish the match ahead of schedule, but unfortunately not everyone has the blow of the required strength. Despite the fact that Mike Tyson's right cross is considered to be the strongest blow, in fact there are several other boxers who had, if not stronger, then clearly not weaker blow.

  1. George Foreman is a right uppercut.
  2. Ernie Shavers - Right Cross.
  3. Max Baer (rumored to knock out a real bull).
  4. Joe Fraser is a left hook.

world boxers rating

Strength is not important

Even the boxer who has a crushing blow cannot win without having the necessary tactical plans for every fight. All opponents are different and have their own style and strategy, and where the counterattack takes place, the force stop can not always pass. Famous boxers become such not only due to their impeccable physical fitness, which, of course, is also important. But also a boxer can not do without a coach and a special psychological attitude before the fight. It is important to beat an opponent already at the weighing stage.

great boxers of the world

Modern boxing

Despite the fact that the best boxers of the world of all time have been announced, modern boxing dictates its own rules. If we talk about the achievement of an athlete, regardless of his weight category, then at the moment it is worth noting Floyd Mayweather. He holds the world welterweight boxing champion title.

The rating of eminent fighters is headed by this particular American boxer, and immediately followed by Ukrainian Vladimir Klitschko. Further, the rating of the best modern boxers, regardless of their weight category, is as follows:

  • Manny Pacquiao.
  • Juan Manuel Marquez.
  • Saul Alvarez.
  • Gennady Golovkin.
  • Carl Froch.
  • Danny Garcia
  • Adonis Stevenson.
  • Sergey Kovalev.

famous boxers

Grand meeting

Despite the achievements of boxers of the last century, speaking of the best, one cannot ignore the meeting on May 2, 2015, where Manny Pacquiao and Floyd Mayweather will meet. There is probably no lover of this sport who would not talk about a future match. Truly great boxers of the world meet in a full-time fight, the rate of which will be respect and an unprecedented until this time fee in a nine-digit figure. In addition, the athletes will finally decide who is the great fighter of our time and take away three titles.


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