How to deliciously bake pork knuckle: in the oven in foil

Almost everyone can bake tasty pork knuckle in the oven in foil. The main thing at the same time is to use only fresh and high-quality meat, as well as to choose suitable spices.

bake pork knuckle in the oven in foil

Pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil: recipe with a photo of the finished dish

Quite often, housewives ask themselves what hot dish to prepare for the festive table. At the same time, many mistakenly believe that baking a pork knuckle in the oven in the foil is very difficult, since it requires a lot of time. But this is not so. After all, pork is a soft and tender meat, for the preparation of which you will need only 90 minutes. Although it should be noted that in order to get a more aromatic and satisfying dish, such a product must be pre-processed and pickled. How to do it right, we will tell you right now.

What ingredients do you need to stock up to make a very tasty and fragrant pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil? We provide you the recipe with a photo of this dish in our review, and for its preparation the following components are required:

  • chilled pork shanks - about 1 kg (a little more is possible);
  • ground black pepper - apply to your taste;
  • sodium chloride is not too large - apply to your taste;
  • hops-suneli - use according to package directions;
  • olive oil (you can any other vegetable) - 3 large spoons;
  • garlic cloves - about 2-4 pcs.
    oven-baked pork knuckle in foil

We prepare a meat product

Before baking the pork knuckle in the oven in foil, the chilled meat product should be carefully processed. It is washed well in cool water, cutting off all unnecessary films and veins. Then the pork knuckle is dried with paper towels and set aside.

Marinade preparation

The pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil will turn out to be aromatic and tasty only if it is correctly pickled. To do this, use only spices and seasonings suitable for meat, as well as other ingredients.

So, to prepare the marinade, take a small bowl and pour olive oil into it. After that, garlic cloves are rubbed into the same dishes, table salt, suneli hops and ground pepper are added. In the end, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a small spoon.

The process of marinating meat

Before baking the pork knuckle in the oven in foil, it should be properly marinated. The processed and dried piece of chilled meat is thoroughly rubbed with the previously prepared garlic mixture, and then placed in a deep saucepan, covered with a lid and left to stand for several hours. During this time, pork should be saturated with marinade, become more fragrant and tender.

baked pork knuckle in the oven in foil recipe with photo

The formation of the lunch and its heat treatment

How to cook pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil? To do this, pickled a piece of meat spread on a wide sheet of culinary foil, and then properly wrapped. After that, the resulting bundle is placed on a baking sheet or any other heat-resistant form.

After placing the sheet in the oven, immediately set the temperature to 200 degrees. In this state, the pork knuckle should be cooked for at least an hour and a half. During this time, the meat product should bake well, become as tender and soft as possible.

How to serve a gala dinner?

Now you know how to bake pork knuckle in the oven (without cooking) in foil. After the meat dish is completely ready, it is carefully removed and placed on a large plate. Having opened the culinary foil, the knuckle is carefully removed from it using a large fork. Then pork is cut into portions and presented to guests along with any side dish (for example, stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc.).

how to bake pork knuckle in the oven without cooking in foil

Boiled pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil: recipe

To get a softer and fried meat dish, some housewives pre-boil the pork shank in water. This reduces the baking process of the product in the oven, as well as making the dinner juicy and incredibly tasty.

So how is it delicious to bake pork knuckle in the oven in foil? For this we need:

  • chilled pork knuckle - about 1 kg (a little more is possible);
  • ground black pepper - apply to your taste;
  • table salt is not too large - apply to your taste;
  • hops-suneli - use according to package directions;
  • fat mayonnaise - 3 large spoons;
  • onions in husks and large carrots - 1 pc. each;
  • garlic cloves - about 2-4 pcs.

We process the main ingredient and cook it on the stove

Before boiling the pork knuckle, it is carefully processed. The product is thoroughly washed in cool water, removing all unnecessary veins and films. Then the meat is laid out in a deep pan, poured with water and put on a strong fire. After the broth boils, salt is added to it, onions in husks and peeled carrots. In this form, the meat product is cooked for 45 minutes. During this time, it should become soft and acquire a pleasant golden hue.

pork knuckle baked in the oven in foil recipe

Marinate the meat and bake it in the oven

After the pork knuckle is boiled, it is carefully removed from the broth and placed on a large plate. While the product cools, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. To do this, mix fatty mayonnaise, grated cloves of garlic, a little table salt, suneli hop and black pepper. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a spoon, and then greased with them all the cooled meat. After that, it is placed on a large sheet of cooking foil and carefully closed. In this form, the knuckle is placed in the oven. At a temperature of 220 degrees, it is baked for 40 minutes. And 20 minutes before turning off the oven, the foil is opened as much as possible so that the pork is well browned on all sides.

We serve a festive meat dish to the dining table

After the boiled pork knuckle is well baked and lightly browned, it is carefully removed from the oven and placed on a large plate. Having removed the cooking foil, the meat product is divided into portioned pieces, and then they are laid out on plates together with fresh vegetables, herbs or some hearty side dish.

To summarize

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in cooking pork shank in foil. If you want a softer and more juicy lunch, we suggest using the second recipe.

how tasty bake pork knuckle in the oven in foil

By the way, you can prepare the marinade in other ways. You can add soy sauce, honey, various spices, red wine, and even table vinegar to it. In any case, you will definitely get the most delicious and fragrant meat dish, which none of your guests can refuse.


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