Cigarettes "Camel": a brand with a centenary of history

World-famous tobacco brands inspire confidence. Indeed, millions of consumers from all over the world cannot be mistaken. Choosing a well-known brand, you feel more confident. Take at least Camel cigarettes - you can buy them at any tobacco store in our country and immediately see them on the big screen in the new Hollywood movie. When did this brand actually appear and what does it offer its consumers today?

When did the "camel" appear?

Cigarette camel
Red Camel cigarettes first appeared on sale in 1913. New tobacco products were released by the large American corporation RJ Reynolds Tobacco. Cigarettes only appeared at that time, the very idea of ​​wrapping dry tobacco in thin paper and packing finished “sticks” in soft packs surprised and attracted the public. Such a convenient smoking option has won the attention of the public and stimulated the spread of bad habits. The new Camel cigarettes were made from a mixture of Virginia and Turkish tobacco. Later, such a formulation was called American Blend (“American mixture”) and is often used in other tobacco products. The name “camel” changed quickly enough, and this is how Camel is translated into Russian, lost its color, and the definition of Red disappeared from the packs.

Advertising campaign

Camel cigarettes in Russia

A new brand of tobacco products very quickly gained popularity first in America, and then around the world. Not without brilliant marketing. A while before the start of sales, a mysterious announcement appeared in local newspapers foreshadowing a camel invasion. It was republished several times with the addition of some details. And when the population actually began to have a slight panic, a new message appeared in the print media. “Tomorrow there will be more camels in our city than in Africa and Asia!” - read his text. The next day, Camel cigarettes finally went on sale, and the newspapers proudly announced which particular “animals” they were talking about. Initially, this brand was positioned as a male - the minimum number of varieties, different types of cigarettes differed from each other only in strength and design of the pack. What is curious, for all the hundred years of the brand’s existence, it never launched the mass production of aromatic or some other “special” tobacco products.

During World War II, it was “Camel” that was included in the grocery set of American soldiers. However, already in the middle of the last century some problems appeared, new cigarettes “for men” began to appear on the American market. And then, in 1980, the first Camel Trophy tournament was held - an adventure with valuable prizes that increased the brand's popularity.

Russian brand history

In Soviet times, Camel cigarettes were rare and expensive smuggling. Many people only dreamed of trying them, and those who managed to smoke cigarettes of this brand from time to time were considered real lucky. The situation radically changed in 1992. The iron curtain collapsed, and tobacco products made in the USA began to be sold at all kiosks. In 1999, the brand was sold to Japan Tabacco. At that time, Camel cigarettes in Russia had many serious competitors, and they were average in popularity. The situation had to be saved, and in 2000 the concept and design of the brand changed. Since then, Camel is not a cigarette for adventurers, but for successful business men. Also in 2000, the production of tobacco products under this brand began in Russia, at a factory near St. Petersburg owned by JT Corporation.

Camel cigarettes in art

Cigarette camel types

The ban on smoking propaganda in our country came into force recently. Until recently, tobacco films and the process of their consumption could be shown in feature films and various videos. What is curious, you can see packs with a camel not only in American paintings, but also in the great works of Soviet cinema. This brand is smoked by Gleb Zheglov (in the first episode of the film “The meeting place cannot be changed”) and Walter Schellenberg (“Seventeen Moments of Spring”). Not ignored the brand and Russian directors. The protagonist of the popular television series The Brigade smokes Camel cigarettes. The types of tobacco products of this brand do not differ too much in the design of the packs. Therefore, it is not difficult to recognize cigarettes in the serial film "The Real Detective."

Camel Tobacco Reviews

Cigarette camel reviews
Today, Camel is positioned as a premium brand. If you believe the opinion of buyers who regularly use tobacco products, the brand is fully consistent with its status. “Camel” is a cigarette with a pleasant taste and aroma. Some consumers claim that even the smoke of the products of this brand is different - a specific smell practically does not impregnate clothing or a room during smoking. Two more advantages of the brand - an affordable price (today - less than 100 rubles per pack in Russia) and a stylish design. Have a Camel cigarette reviews and extremely negative. They are most often abandoned by cardinal opponents of smoking. However, they are right in their own way, since smoking even the highest quality tobacco products causes serious damage to health.


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