Rhodonite chickens: maintenance and care. Egg Breed

Crosses are called hens of increased productivity, obtained by crossing the best breeds. Such a bird carries a lot of eggs, but unfortunately this quality is not transmitted by inheritance. Rhodonite is one of the most common crosses in our country. These chickens are kept both in private farmsteads and in large poultry farms. About 50% of all eggs in the Russian market are obtained from this cross.

Breed history

Initially, rhodonite chickens were bred in Germany on the basis of one of the best German breeds - broken brown. Breeders of this country received two varieties of cross-country: rhodonite 1 and rhodonite 2. They were brought to Russia in 2002. Thanks to the efforts of specialists at Sverdlovskiy PPP, another line of these chickens with improved qualities was launched: rhodonite 3.

hens rhodonite

Today in the domestic market you can buy eggs of all these three varieties of cross-country. The most popular are the last two. Rhodonite 1 carries really many eggs. However, unfortunately, after 18 months its productivity is significantly reduced. Rhodonite 2 and 3 crosses lack this drawback.


Like any other egg breed, rhodonite chickens are characterized by a lightweight skeleton and great mobility. The main features of this cross can also include:

  • well-developed scallops and catkins,
  • yellow beak with a brown stripe,
  • dense thick feather.

The hens of the rhodonite breed have a dark brown reddish color. The feather of the cockerels is yellow. They have a small dark spot on their heads. The area around the eyes of the chickens is painted brown. At the cockerels it is white.

Although these hens were bred mainly for industrial purposes, they are quite popular among private traders. The thing is their very high productivity, good feed conversion and ability to adapt quickly in any climatic conditions.

laying hens content

Economic value

Laying eggs of laying rhodonite begin very early - as early as 4 months. For comparison: chickens of ordinary breeds reach maturity no earlier than five to six months. In one year, a single layer of rhodonite breed can lay up to 300 eggs. These chickens remain particularly productive during the first 80 weeks of life. In the factories, after this period, a special vaccine is injected into the bird, after which egg production resumes for the same period.

The weight of a chicken of rhodonite breed weighs about two kilograms, males - 3 kg. The eggs of this breed have a rich brown color. Their weight is about 60 grams. By egg production, rhodonites are inferior to some breeds. But not more than a couple of percent. However, they are much better than many egg breeds tolerate cold. In winter, they can be kept in an unheated barn. This does not affect egg production.

hens rhodonite

Content Features

Buying eggs of such a breed as rhodonite chickens is easiest at a poultry farm. Very often, poultry breeding companies also sell chickens - daily or five-day-old. Incubation is carried out in the usual way. Another advantage of this breed is that hens and males can be distinguished by the exterior almost immediately after birth.

Both chickens rhodonite and an adult bird are distinguished by their extraordinary vitality. The safety of chickens of this breed up to 17 weeks is 99%, up to 80 weeks. - 97%. With a feed conversion of 1.28 kg per 10 eggs, the total mass yield is 22.8-23.3 kg. Rhodonites have no instinct for incubation.

rhodonite chickens

How to feed

Rhodonite chickens eat absolutely everything. The diet of this bird is practically no different from the β€œmenu” of any other chicken of the egg breed. Rhodonites are fed mainly with mash mashines and concentrated feeds. The first may include products such as:

  • root crops (carrots, beets, potatoes);
  • vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin);
  • fruits (pears, apples);
  • bran;
  • chalk, salt, additives to increase egg production.

Root crops, vegetables and fruits are ground on a coarse grater. Finely chopped cabbage. You can add bread to the mixers. Of course, all products must be fresh. Rotten and moldy vegetables and root vegetables cannot be used. Add to the mixes and grass. This can be, for example, nettle, quinoa, beet and carrot tops, etc. As a concentrated feed, usually give whole or crushed wheat.

You can fill up the mixers with fish or meat broth. Sometimes simple boiled water is also used. The broth is the cheapest to make from a grated chicken set, which you can buy in almost any grocery supermarket.

What should be a barn

Any layers, the content of which is a simple procedure, however, requires the equipment of a special room. The poultry house for rhodonites is absolutely suitable for anyone - frame, block, from sleepers, concrete, etc. Heating, as already mentioned, is not necessary. Sawdust is poured on the floor of the barn, straw or hay with a thick layer. Of course, the chicken coop should be equipped with perches, nests, feeders and drinking bowls. In the wall of the barn, a hole is made into the aviary. The size of the latter should be large enough. Usually it is fenced with a mesh-netting on the south side of the house.

As for the size, then four chickens should be about a square meter of area. Of course, a room designed to contain rhodonites should be dry and well ventilated. For good egg production, lighting is required for at least 12-14 hours a day. Therefore, the window in the barn must be arranged necessarily. In winter, in the mornings and evenings in the barn you need to turn on the lamps.

How to make a bird rush in the nests

Sometimes rhodonite chickens begin to lay eggs anywhere. In order to force them to rush where it should be, special β€œliners” should be put in the nests. Ideally, they should repeat the shape and color of an ordinary egg. They are made of wood, gypsum, chalk or alabaster. You can do it easier: take an ordinary chicken egg, carefully crack the shell, pour out the contents and pump in its place molten paraffin. In each nest, one such blende should be put.

A rooster is not necessary. Chickens can carry eggs without it. However, many farmers are advised to do it all the same. Chicken is a flocking bird, and in the presence of a rooster, laying hens will feel calmer, which will affect egg production.

rhodonite Price

Useful Tips

So, rhodonites are very good laying hens. Their content, however, is a procedure requiring compliance with certain rules. Therefore, in the end we will give a few recommendations that may be useful for beginner poultry farmers. So:

  • In the chicken coop, it is necessary to put a container with ash. "Bathing" in it, the bird gets rid of parasites in the feather.
  • If the grass in the paddock does not grow, between feedings the chickens need to plant nettles, cabbage leaves, quinoa, etc.
  • In winter, a cup with small pebbles or coarse sand is placed in the barn. Chickens need them for the initial grinding of food.
  • Perches and nests should not be placed under windows. In this case, the bird will begin to catch a cold.
  • It is undesirable to give too much dry grain to chickens. In any case, there should always be fresh water in the chicken coop. Otherwise, goiter may clog in birds. Washing it is quite difficult.

egg breed

Hens rhodonite: price

It costs a bird of this breed is not too expensive. The price of chickens ranges from 10-20 rubles, depending on age. Adult chicken can be purchased for 300 rubles. On the Internet there are also offers about wholesale deliveries. In this case, you can buy chickens at an even lower cost. For example, when ordering 40 individuals for each, you will have to pay only about 50 p.

Rhodonite is a hardy, productive breed and does not require special attention. And although it is impossible to get good chickens from her, for breeding on a personal plot she is very, very good.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46500/

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