Wine "Chardonnay" (Chardonnay). Chardonnay grapes and wine from it

Wine "Chardonnay" is considered a classic among dry wines. Its flavor bouquet is very interesting. Pineapple and bread crust tones are felt in it, the drink gives off a light citrus gamma.

wine chardonnay

Delicate, refined taste

Taster specialists also call Chardonnay wine of the three seasons. Indeed, if you try it as winemakers advise, at first you feel the aroma of winter freshness, as if the drink was only brought in from the cold. Then an exquisite gamut of spring winds, nectar-watered flowers and herbs, is added. And after the first sip, the taste of the first summer berries and fruits appears. Fairly dense and voluminous, Chardonnay wine is at the same time very light and retains a long pleasant aftertaste.

What kind of berries go to the production of wine?

Chardonnay (wine) is considered the most popular among dry white varieties. It is produced from white Chardonnay grapes, whose homeland was Burgundy (France).

french wines

If you describe the ampelographic features of this grape variety, it is worth noting that the bunch usually grows to medium size. The berries are quite dense and large, with a beautiful conical shape, the color of yellowish-green. As a rule, this grape ripens in the middle of the season and serves as the basis for the production of the most expensive wines. Chardonnay grapes are also used to produce champagne.

So that the berries ripen well and get the maximum amount of minerals and nutrients from the soil, they are planted in a fairly warm climate, where there are deep soils. Since this grape variety is very fond of moisture, the earth should hold water well and contain a large amount of limestone.

The beginning of the story

Initially, this grape variety was grown in Burgundy, namely in Chablis and CΓ΄te d'Or. The famous white Burgundy French wines, which are so popular among gourmets, namely Chablis, Merceau, Montrachet and some others, are one hundred percent made from Chardonnay. In the north of Burgundy make excellent mineral wines. There, the soil consists of limestone, mollusk shells and clay. This combination gives the wine a slightly salty taste.

Chardonnay white wine

This grape variety became so popular that it was later planted in other parts of the globe, and very successfully. In the 60-70s of the last century, this exquisite grape began to be actively cultivated on Australian and California lands. And precisely this fact served in the future mass distribution of this white wine throughout the world. Today, Chardonnay wine is known almost anywhere in the world.

After a successful experiment by Australians and California winemakers, the grape variety was planted more actively in the United States, South America, Chardonnay plantations expanded significantly in Italy and Spain, it was adopted by the Balkan countries, and even very cold England and hot India.

Opponents failed to stop the spread

There is a strong opinion among winegrowers that the best wines are made only from autochthonous varieties. That is, those that grow in this area since ancient times. But the Chardonnay variety refuted this postulate - wonderful grapes took root perfectly in different countries and gained unheard of popularity.

It even got to the point that there was an active group of enthusiasts who opposed "chardenomania." They organized "ABC - Anything But Chardonnay". Translated, it sounds like this: "anything but Chardonnay." Activists of this movement called for a boycott of wines made from this grape variety. But they did not succeed - the Chardonnay wine continued to gain popularity rapidly.

chardonnay wine reviews

At present, it is difficult to even name the wine-growing region, where this amazing grape variety does not grow.

Nevertheless, Chardonnay white wine considers France to be its homeland and is a visiting card of this country. They say that Chardonnay is the best option for young people who are just starting to explore the world of wine. It is quite simple and has excellent taste. By the way, in its aromatic properties this wine is neutral. It behaves perfectly when applying different wine-making techniques. There are two main approaches to the production of white wine: Novosvetsky and Burgundy. In the first technique, the drink is obtained with a tropical taste, fruit aromas are well manifested. The Burgundy method gives the chardonnay a certain oiliness and creaminess.

That is why it is difficult to define the classic Chardonnay aroma. It all depends in what conditions and in what area it is produced. Flavors of white and tropical fruits, tones of nuts, honey, and the taste of citrus can interspersed in the aroma. Some tasters feel the taste of butter, butter baking, and even popcorn in this wine.

If the wine is aged in oak barrels, cream and vanilla shades may appear in it.

How to serve this drink?

To get complete pleasure and understand why French wines are so attractive, you need to drink this drink correctly. First you need to choose the right dishes. Dry white wines are recommended to be drunk from wide glasses on a high stalk. Moreover, the glass should be completely transparent, and the glass itself should not have any extra decorations.

chardonnay grapes

According to the rules of etiquette, white wine is poured into a glass no more than three quarters. Less is also not recommended. Wine is recommended to cool to a temperature of 6-8 degrees. And half an hour before serving, you need to open the bottle so that the aroma wakes up. Then the wine will breathe a little, it will be saturated with oxygen and its whole bouquet will simply blossom.

What is it combined with?

Chardonnay wine, reviews of which are often superlative, is best consumed with seafood. Oysters, lobsters, lobsters, mussels, shrimps are great for him. Experts also advise serving dry white to fish - both cold, for example, aspic, and hot, baked in the oven or grilled.

This wine goes well with almost all cheeses, especially with spicy ones. Remember that the aroma of this drink is delicate and refined. Therefore, do not smoke when you drink "Chardonnay", because you drown out the gamut of taste. Ladies who want to feel the whole bouquet of this wine are not advised to use perfume abundantly. In general, any extraneous odors will be superfluous during the tasting.


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