What is laziness and how to distinguish it from fatigue?

All affairs cannot be redone - a long-known maxim. "Work is not a wolf" - says the centuries-old folk wisdom. And indeed, man is not created for permanent labor. You need to work so that there is time for the family, for self-development, for rest. However, life and progress are inconceivable without labor. "Who does not work, he does not eat" ... Where is the border that separates workaholism from a reasonable approach? What is laziness and how to deal with it? Is our ever-accelerating pace of life normal and how to meet the ever-growing demands of reality?

what is laziness

Those who are even a little familiar with Russian literature, when asked what laziness is, recall the unforgettable Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. His eternal to the holes worn robe, his favorite sofa and unhurried dreams of a lost paradise. At school, we are taught that such a lifestyle is disastrous. What is laziness in understanding "a well-educated citizen"? This desire to parasitize on others, the reluctance to invest, to act actively, to "build" your life. But on the other hand, laziness is a state of "doing nothing," idleness that those whose basic needs are satisfied can afford. The level of requests for this is different for each person. Indeed, if our distant ancestors had no problems with food (for example, there would be enough fruit for everyone), they would live in an eternally warm climate without disasters and natural disasters, they would not have to defend themselves from predators, they would hardly become look for extra chores and worries. Pay attention to the animal kingdom: only hunger, cold, desire to avoid danger push the activity of our "little brothers". The vast majority of people have these needs met. If not, the person is looking for ways to achieve satiety and safety. Most often, only two ways are available to him: either to work, to receive banknotes for this and exchange them for satisfying needs, or to live on alms, asking (directly or indirectly) from others for their livelihood.

cure for laziness

Another question is the level of these needs. The modern world constantly demands from us more and more complex skills, constantly raising the bar of needs. In fact, having a roof over your head, warm clothes and food, a person can stop there. But the desire to increase the comfort of life by all available means pushes us to more active actions for the sake of welfare. What is laziness in this aspect? Unwillingness to take actions aimed at improving our lifestyle. But remember that the child responds to the demands of adults to study better, help around the house, change socks and take things away? What is "so good" to him. And he is absolutely right in his own way. As long as there is someone or something that provides us with an acceptable level of comfort for us, we have no need to act. It arises when we ourselves take responsibility for our lives or when what we have is not enough for us. Therefore, the best cure for laziness is an urgent need. To achieve it, you will have to try, make efforts, work. Do you want to have a car? Work hard, find a way to make money. Need an apartment or a house? Think about what your skills and abilities can be exchanged for the desired item or livelihood.

how to kill laziness in yourself

Summarizing, it can be argued that needs force and prompt us to work. But how to kill laziness in ourselves, if we know that we have a roof over our heads and bread and butter? It seems that one of the most reliable incentives is a good "good" envy or a desire to get around rivals. The desire to prove to everyone around you that you are no worse than others.

No matter how commonplace, but what is laziness, each of us knows. Nevertheless, it is worth distinguishing it from chronic fatigue and depression. Sometimes we drive ourselves to such an extent that all the time it seems to us that we do not work well, study, and engage. This is facilitated by constant nit-picking from relatives. It seems to them that they somehow know exactly what laziness is, and that every minute you spend on yourself is nothing more than a whim. As a result, we really lose the desire to do something. Only now it does not come from laziness, but from fatigue. A person can completely lose joy and a sense of pleasure. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not blame yourself for laziness and "doing nothing." Remember: the activity should be fun, and not performed from under the stick and at the last gasp. Loss of satisfaction from what is done is the first sign of depression and burnout. Do not allow work to completely subjugate your life to yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46509/

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