North Caucasus Federal District: composition, features and interesting facts

The North Caucasus Federal District (NCFD) was separated from the Southern Federal District in 2010 into an independent administrative unit. The territory of the region occupies the eastern and central parts of the North Caucasus and the southern European part of the country.

The formation of the North Caucasus Federal District is the first stage of the program for changing federal districts, which began in 2000. In that year, the North Caucasus Federal District was called the Southern Federal District.

General characteristics of the region

The occupied area of ​​the district is about 1% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The central city of the North-Caucasian Federal District is Pyatigorsk. This is the only settlement in the Russian Federation that does not have the status of an administrative center. Its area is not even the largest in comparison with other cities of the district.

The administrative unit borders the Caspian Sea. In the south of the district you can see the Caucasus Range, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Borders also lie along the Rostov region, Kalmykia and the Krasnodar Territory.

The composition of the North Caucasus Federal District consists of 7 republics.


This is the southernmost part of Russia and is located in the east of the North Caucasus, and on the east side it is washed by the Caspian Sea. In the west, the territory borders on the Stavropol Territory and Chechnya. In the north with Kalmykia, and in the south-west with Georgia. The southern part is in contact with Azerbaijan. Makhachkala is recognized as the capital of the administrative unit. The republic occupies about 50.27 thousand m 2 . The date of education is 1921. The population of the region is about 3 million inhabitants.

The composition of the citizens of the North Caucasus Federal District is multinational. The same can be said about Dagestan. There are few Russians in the republic - 3.6%, which is about 104 thousand. Avars are the most - 850 thousand, which is 29.4%. Next come the Dargins, of whom 17%, Kumyks - 14.9%, Lezgins - 13.3%, Laks - 5.6% and so on. Least of all in the republic are Archintsy and Armenians, there are only 5 thousand of them each.

Southern and North Caucasian Federal Districts


The youngest republic in the North Caucasus Federal District is Ingushetia. Year of creation - 1992.

The republic borders on North Ossetia, Georgia, and the Chechen Republic. The climate here is continental, and in winter the temperature does not drop below -5 degrees.

The population is 480 thousand people. Ingush prevail in the republic, about 94% of them. About 4.6% are Chechens, and only 0.8% of the population are Russians. The remaining percentages account for other ethnic groups.

Chechens live quite compactly, mainly in the Nazran area. Other nationalities do not have a specific territory of residence.

Only 42.5% of all residents of the republic are in cities. The population mainly lives in the Suzhenskaya and Alkhanchurskaya Valley, Achaluka, and this is only 25% of the entire territory. On the remaining 85% of the republic’s land, only 5% of all residents live.

North Caucasian Federal District


The North Caucasus Federal District includes the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, founded in 1921, with the capital city of Nalchik.

The territory is located mainly in the mountains of the North Caucasus. It is in Kabardino-Balkaria that the stratovolcano of Mount Elbrus is located, with the highest mountain peak in Europe and the Russian Federation. This figure is 5642 meters above sea level.

Despite the predominantly mountain range, 864 thousand people live on the territory of the administrative unit per 12.5 km 2 .

The climate of the republic is quite diverse: in the plains region there is a humid and continental climate, and higher in the mountains the climate is similar to alpine.

National composition of the republic:











In the republic there are even Finno-Ugric peoples, Nogais and Kurds, although in a very small proportion to the total population - not more than 0.03%.

the composition of the southern and north Caucasian federal districts

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Since 1957, the territory received the status of an autonomous region, and since 1992 - of the republic with the capital Cherkessk. It borders with the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territory, Abkhazia and Georgia.

466 thousand people live in the republic. The titular nationalities are considered to be Karachais (40.67%) and Russians (31.40%). Circassians only 11.82%, and even less Abaza - 7.73%, Nogais about 3.28%. The remaining nationalities are represented by less than 1%.

The ethnic composition of the North Caucasus Federal District in the context of the cities of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic:


City, district,% of the population


the city of Karachaevsk

Abazinsky district

Adyge-Khablsky district


























composition of the North Caucasian Federal District

North Ossetia Alania

The territory of the republic spread out on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range. The mountain strip accounts for 48% of the entire territory. The capital is Vladikavkaz. The total area of ​​the administrative unit is 8 thousand m 2 . The area was recognized as a republic in 1936. North Ossetia occupies 4121 km 2 . The climate is almost continental everywhere, and on the plains it is mostly arid.

There are 1 urban district and 8 municipal districts in the republic. To get to Moscow, you need to overcome 2 thousand km, and to Pyatigorsk only 200 km.

The climate of the republic is classified as subtropical. Summer days in the year 130-140. These factors have a beneficial effect on the development of resorts and tourist routes.

According to rough estimates, 706 thousand people live in the republic. Most of the citizens are in the city. This is approximately 451 thousand, the rest - in the rural.

Composition The North Caucasian Federal District in part of North Ossetia is one of the most multinational territories. In terms of population density, the republic stands after Moscow, St. Petersburg and Ingushetia.

About 100 ethnic minorities live here, however, Ossetians account for more than 65%. In second place are the Russians. There are 21% of them. Ingush took the third place in the list - 4%.

List of national composition, the number of persons exceeding 1 thousand:









are part of the North Caucasus Federal District

Stavropol region

When it comes to this region, one immediately recalls the balneological resorts, which are saturated with the territory. There are many health resorts located in different cities: Essentuki, Kislovodsk and Zheleznovodsk.

Stavropol Territory is conditionally divided into two climatic zones:

  • the northeast resembles semi-deserts and desert;
  • the northwest is plains with fertile lands.

In general, the climate of the region can be described as temperate continental.

The administrative center of the region is Stavropol, and there are 19 cities in all.

The total area of ​​the administrative unit is 40.9 thousand km 2 . The total number of residents is 2.7 million people. Citizens account for 8.9%.

The territory is mainly inhabited by Russians - there are about 2.2 million people. Second on the list are Armenians. There are 161.3 thousand of them in the Stavropol Territory, which is 5.9%. The third place is occupied by the Dargins (as of 2015), earlier this position was occupied by Ukrainians. Dargintsev in the region 49.3 thousand people. Fourth in the number of national minorities are Greeks. They are about 1.5% here.

the composition of the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia


It is hard to imagine the composition of the North Caucasus Federal District of Russia without the Chechen Republic. She several times left the Russian Federation and the last time she signed an agreement on joining Russia in 2003.

Chechens live mainly in the republic. There are 1.2 million of them, which is 95.3 as a percentage of the total population. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the total population of the republic for 2017 is 1,414,865 people.

The remaining nationalities are represented in a rather small number:













Tatars, Ingush, Lezgins

0.1% each

ethnic composition of the North Caucasus Federal District

South and North Caucasus Federal District

These districts until 2010 were a single territorial unit. According to the government, the separation of the North Caucasus will allow the new federal district to accelerate the development of the southern regions. This makes it possible to solve economic and ethnopolitical problematic issues.

If we consider the national composition of the Southern and North Caucasian Federal District, then it is quite motley. In Dagestan alone, there are about 130 nationalities. In the region you can meet the most unique nationalities and quite small in number, even within Russia. These are Avars, Dargins, Kabardins and Lezghins, Circassians and Circassians, that is, representatives of the North Caucasian language group. In the republics of these federal districts there are representatives of the Altai nationality. These are Nogais, Karachais and Balkars. But if we take the general data, then in the two regions Russians still prevail. There are about 62% of them. This number includes Ukrainians.


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