Highlighting on thin hair: options, choice of paint, reviews

A beautiful hairstyle is one of the business cards of any woman. But not every representative of the fair sex can boast of the density of her hair.

That is why women have to go on a trick every day to give their hair style extra splendor. This is not an easy task. Yes, and the daily effect of ploes and irons significantly spoils the health and appearance of the hair. Hair becomes brittle.

One of the most effective ways to โ€œreviveโ€ rare and brittle curls is highlighting. The fair sex is confused only by the fact that dyes contain fairly aggressive chemicals that can cause significant harm to thin hair. Is it worth exposing not the thickest curls to staining and how to choose the right paint for highlighting? These questions are of interest to millions of women from all over the globe.

More about highlighting

highlighting paint

Before answering the questions that concern many representatives of the fair sex, it is worth saying a few words about highlighting as such and about the features of the beauty procedure.

Highlighting hair is the coloring of individual strands. A feature of the process is the mixing of natural color with a different shade, which will ideally harmonize with the natural natural color of the hair.

The success of the final result depends on three factors:

  • natural shade of hair;
  • the selected shade for coloring strands;
  • technology of a set of strands for highlighting.

To achieve the desired result, it is best to seek help from a professional hair stylist. He will give the necessary recommendations for the procedure and the choice of the right dye.

Is it worth highlighting thin hair

The absolute majority of qualified masters answers this question positively. Highlighting, in contrast to conventional dyeing in one tone, is a gentle procedure that practically does not violate the initial structure of thin hair. This type of staining does not cause serious damage to curls.

Advantages and disadvantages of highlighting

technique of highlighting hair on foil

Highlighting has a number of advantages that owners of not the thickest hair should know about:

  • Not all strands are exposed to dyes, but only a small part of curls.
  • A wide range of dyes for hair allows you to select paint with the most gentle composition if necessary.
  • After highlighting, the appearance of the hairstyle improves. Dyeing in several shades at once makes thin hair visually more voluminous and thicker, gives it brightness and vibrancy.
  • Highlighting allows you to hide gray hairs.
  • For owners of thin dark hair, such dyeing will help to turn into a lighter color with minimal harm to the strands.
  • Substances that are used to lighten, somewhat dry hair. They do not become so fat.

Highlighting not only allows you to refresh the appearance of the hair, but also gives a peculiar zest to the entire female image. The face of the fair sex after such staining looks softer and younger.

One of the main disadvantages of highlighting is brittle hair, which occurs some time after the procedure. Unpleasant phenomena can be avoided if proper care is taken for curls.

Professional styling tips

fashion highlighting hair

To get a good result after fashionable hair highlighting, you need to listen to the advice of hairdressers:

  • For such coloring it is necessary to use at least 2 adjacent shades from one color scale. Best if their number is three to four.
  • You do not need to use aggressive dyes containing large amounts of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide to highlight hair. Ammonia-free formulations with a minimum content of these substances will fall on thin hair better. This will reduce the harmful effect on the structure of curls.
  • Vertical highlighting on thin and sparse hair fits perfectly into the female image and gives the hairstyle a natural volume.
  • For short thin hair, dyeing rods is suitable. This is a gentle procedure in which the scalp and the base of the hair remain intact, and only the tips are painted.
  • Highlighting by strands will make the hairstyle more voluminous, but do not forget about styling. A neat hairstyle will perfectly complement any female look and emphasize the individuality of the owner.
  • To hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of highlighted thin hair, it is worth making a professional haircut or curling.

Certified beauty masters advise professionals if possible to help highlight hair. Thin hair needs to be treated carefully so as not to damage its structure. An experienced master can easily cope with the task.

How to choose a shade

The right choice of shade depends on the natural color of the woman's hair. It is worth considering the general pattern when choosing paint. You need to give preference to light and warm shades, which will be only a few tones different from the natural color.

On dark hair, dark notes look advantageous. But with such highlighting, too sharp contrast should be avoided. In the process of working with blond hair, you can use vegetable dyes. This is the best option. Use chemicals with aggressive substances is not necessary. This is one of the advantages of fair-haired women. It is very difficult to achieve the desired effect on dark hair without the use of aggressive dyes.

Highlighting techniques for fine hair

liquid hair

If a womanโ€™s hair is not thick, professional hairdressers are strongly advised not to experiment with various highlighting techniques, but to pay attention to gentle methods of dyeing.

  • Fine vertical highlighting looks perfect. On light brown short thin hair, such dyeing looks very natural.
  • Toning. Very often used immediately after highlighting. This allows you to make the effect softer and more harmonious.
  • Bronding - multi-dyeing, the result of which is bright, saturated with color, live hair.
  • Mazhimesh is the most harmless and gentle way of highlighting hair. The coloring process uses ammonia-free paint with a creamy consistency with the addition of wax and other soft substances.

Correctly perform staining in one of the techniques can only an experienced master who has all the necessary skills.

Essential tools for dyeing hair at home

strand highlighting

You can carry out highlighting at home in the presence of certain tools. You will need:

  • brushes or brushes for hair coloring;
  • a container for diluting the dye;
  • bleaching paint, which consists of two main components - powder and oxidizing agent;
  • comb for separating strands;
  • hair clips and clips;
  • Cape on the shoulders, protective products for the skin of the neck;
  • gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands.

The result of highlighting at home is difficult to predict for yourself. The slightest violation of the instructions can lead to disastrous consequences. That is why the procedure should be carried out carefully and taking into account all the necessary nuances.

A woman needs to decide which technique will be used for dyeing - with a rubber cap or the technique of highlighting hair on a foil. The first method is optimal for owners of short strands, the second - for women with long curls. Using foil will help with highlighting on thin hair of medium length.

What paint to choose for highlighting

Among the many brands of hair dyes, it is very difficult to make a choice. Masters of hairdressing strongly recommend that you use only professional paint for dyeing at home. To make a choice, it is best to consult with a qualified specialist.

Household dyes can also be used for coloring at home. However, the quality of highlighting will be much worse. And the composition in such paints harms the hair more than similar dyes from the professional series.

Highlighting thin hair at home

So that the result of highlighting liquid hair at home does not disappoint, you need to consider several important nuances:

  • The paint should be thick. This will avoid getting dye on adjacent strands, the coloring of which was not planned.
  • If 3 or more shades are used for highlighting thin hair, it is necessary to apply them alternately. First you need to color the strands in one shade, dry them, and only then proceed with further staining.
  • Keep the dye on thin hair no more than 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, you can spoil the already fragile structure of curls.
  • It is very important to ensure that the strands subjected to highlighting are at an equal distance from each other.
  • The second procedure can be carried out no earlier than after three to four months.
  • The staining procedure should be stopped urgently if there is a burning sensation on the scalp. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm not only to the skin, but also to the hair. Restoring them later will be very difficult. In some cases, only a short haircut will help correct the situation.

Subject to the above recommendations, the staining result will delight a woman until the streaked strands grow back.

How to care for hair after highlighting

highlighting on thin hair of medium length

To maintain the structure of thin hair after highlighting, daily care for curls is necessary. After dyeing with each shampoo, it is worthwhile to apply caring formulations for dyed or damaged hair.

At least once a week, you need to do a moisturizing hair mask. In addition, the effects of curling irons, hair dryers and straighteners on curls should be minimized. The constant effect of high temperatures will not benefit fine hair damaged after dyeing.

In the summer, during walks, the head should be covered with a hat or scarf. This will reduce the effect of ultraviolet rays on colored strands. Immediately after the thin hair highlighting procedure, a haircut is necessary. It is not necessary to decide on a model hairstyle. It is enough to trim the tips, which are often overdried after staining.

How long is the result

highlighting on brown short thin hair

The result after highlighting is kept until the colored strands grow back. A second procedure can be done in three to four months. In order not to injure the curls, you can do with repeated staining of the roots.

Women's reviews

Reviews of most women about highlighting thin hair are positive. Representatives of the fair sex note that after staining, the curls become more obedient. A volume appears, which previously could only be achieved with a hairdryer or ironing.

Women claim that streaked hair looks beautiful and well-groomed. In addition, according to them, the face becomes younger and fresher. Highlighting perfectly emphasizes the natural beauty and easily complements any image.

Owners of thin hair are strongly advised to carefully look after curls after the dyeing procedure. This will save the highlighting result for a longer period of time.

Instead of a conclusion

To improve the appearance of liquid hair and update the image, it is not necessary to do complex styling or hairstyle. It is enough to contact the master to perform the highlighting procedure. He will do everything in the best possible way.

If you wish, you can perform highlighting at home on your own if you have the necessary tools and some nuances are observed. Colored hair needs to be looked after, regularly use moisturizing and nourishing masks. The choice of paint for highlighting should be approached very responsibly. Not only the final result, but also the health of curls depends on the right decision.

Highlighting on thin hair looks beautiful and stylish. Volume appears, curls become more obedient. This type of staining will perfectly emphasize any female image.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46541/

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