Grigory Avetov: education and career

During the formation of personality, it is very important to direct the acquired knowledge, inspiration and energy in the right direction. Therefore, in the twenty-first century there are more and more creative circles, seminars, webinars and other opportunities for self-development. Grigory Avetov educates promising entrepreneurs and businessmen. Why you should listen to his advice and lessons - read this article.


Gregory from an early age showed interest in a combination of creativity and calculations. The source of information and inspiration is economic education. In addition to the university, in the life of Avetov there was a place for Thai boxing and humor.

Grigory Avetov

Grigory Avetov is a candidate of economic sciences. In 2012, a man defended a dissertation. The theme of his graduation work was as follows: "Economics and national economy management: the role of the ethno-confessional factor in the formation of the Russian business system." Judging by the name, one can understand that the young man deeply studied the basics of forming a business environment and the features of entrepreneurship development in the CIS countries, in particular Russia.

Professional way

Avetov is considered one of the leading representatives of private education in Russia. Synergy University of Grigory Avetov has been gaining momentum since 2010 and is becoming increasingly popular.

The creation of a business school stimulated the man to develop and expand the scope. Therefore, five years after the opening, Gregory organized the first huge business forum called Synergy Global Forum. The event was attended by international experts and authors of economic bestsellers.

biography of avets

Gregory did not stop there. So, last year the forum broke the established record and brought together more than twenty thousand entrepreneurs, top managers, students and stars at the Olimpiysky. The event featured Richard Branson, Nick Vuychich, Mike Tyson and others.


Gregory, in addition to school and an unlimited number of useful seminars, left to society and scientific sketches about the influence of the ethnic group and faith on the development of business culture. Some articles are published in highly respected media sources (Forbes, Izvestia, Vedomosti, etc.):

  • "Behind the scenes: how to put together a full room at a business forum";
  • "Why Galitsky is more successful than Branson";
  • "Why there are no real stars in Russian business";
  • "Bet on practicality";
  • "The Central Bank as a Positive: Descent."
Avetov Gregory education

Avetov is happy to share his own knowledge and important information with everyone. His works provide space for thought and help look at economic relations from other perspectives.


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