Amina Zaripova - Eastern diva of Russian rhythmic gymnastics

Amina Zaripova is one of the most prominent representatives of Russian rhythmic gymnastics, who shone in the first half of the nineties. She repeatedly became the world champion, won the European championships, was a participant in the Olympic Games. After the end of her active career, Amina Vasilovna went into coaching, becoming famous for bringing up the brilliant Margarita Mamun, who won the Games in Rio in 2016.

Girl from Chirchik

The biography of Amina Zaripova can serve as an example of how one event in a person’s life can change his future destiny. She was born in 1976 in the small Uzbek city of Chirchik, in the Tashkent region. First of all, he is famous for the fact that there is a school in which officers are trained for tank troops for the valiant army, first of the Soviet Union, and then independent Uzbekistan.

amina zaripova

Amina herself was a flexible, athletic girl, but she did not think about gymnastics for quite some time. Considering that they start to engage in this sport from the age of 4-5, the fact that the future world champion fell into the arms of strict, but loving trainers only at the age of ten looks amazing.

Amina Zaripova got into rhythmic gymnastics almost by accident. Once, she went with her mother to Tashkent and here caught the eye of trainers who appreciated the outstanding natural data of the girl and invited her to try herself in sports. Amina was flexible, artistic, felt great music, intensive training helped her catch up and catch up with her peers in a short time.

Sports career

One of the turning points in the life of a Tatar girl from Uzbekistan came for her at the age of twelve. The question arose about her transition from a regular school to a specialized sports school, where she had to concentrate fully on training and forget about ordinary life. Amina hardly experienced the upcoming separation from her house, friends and categorically refused to take a decisive step.

biography of amines zaripova

However, the girl’s parents convinced her to take a chance, and she still relied on rhythmic gymnastics, starting to train in an intensive mode. Since 1992, a promising gymnast has become a member of the Russian team, leaving Alina Kabaeva with Uzbekistan. I was preparing for the future victories of Amin at the base in Novogorsk under the leadership of Irina Viner-Usmanova.

In 1993, Zaripova first performed at the World Championships in Alicante. The debutante was able to win two bronze medals, but this was only the beginning. Two years later, she performed brilliantly at the world championship in Vienna, receiving three gold and one bronze medal. In just seven years of her career, she became the world champion 5 times, the European champion - 3 times, and also twice won the national championship.

Throughout her career, Amina Zaripova fought on equal terms with the leaders of the world rhythmic gymnastics and her friends in the Russian national team - Alina Kabaeva, Julia Barsukova. Also, the girl took part in the Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996, taking fourth place.


In 1998, Amina Zaripova completed an active sports career and took up coaching. For some time she led the youth team of Greece, then returned to Russia, becoming a student of the State Academy of Physical Culture. After graduation, the girl, at the invitation of Irina Viner-Usmanova, went to the Olympic Training Center, where she began to work in tandem with Natalya Kukushkina.

amina zaripova gymnastics

Amina’s affairs went smoothly, she managed to raise a number of successful gymnasts, among whom stood out Yana Lukonina, who became the world champion. After that, Zaripova went on a promotion and began to work in Novogorsk, where the Russian team was preparing for the competition.

A native of Chirchik continued to visit the Olympic Training Center, where she noticed Margarita Mamun. Despite the lack of serious current results, Amina Zaripova managed to convince Irina Viner so that the promising Mamun could train in Novogorsk. Margarita lived up to expectations and, as a result, six years later won the Rio Olympics in 2016.

Personal life of Amina Zaripova

The multiple world champion managed to realize herself not only in her career, but also in her personal life. After leaving sports, Amina married the famous singer Alexei Kortnev.

amina zaripova personal life
During the marriage, she became the happy mother of three children - Arseny, Athanasius and Aksigny.


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