Blogger Brian Mapes. Where does Brian Mapes live?

Recently, they have begun actively collecting video views of the young, promising and talented video blogger Maxim Tarasenko, better known under the nickname Brian Maps. At the moment, his channel has more than five million subscribers, and every month their number is growing markedly. Maxim is the youngest video blogger in Russia, who was able to gain such a huge number of viewers. And his main competitor and part-time best friend is Ivangay. Despite the fact that on the Internet they are the main opponents in the top list of popular bloggers, in life they are very friendly.

where does Brian Mapes live


Maxim created his first channel back in 2011 under the pseudonym Maxutko99. This was the beginning of his creative activity. The theme of the channel has remained unchanged. These are mainly let’s plays, game reviews, tutorials. All this, of course, was accompanied by humor. For unknown reasons, a year later Maxim completely abandoned his work. But already in 2012, the young man resumes his activities and starts a new channel under the pseudonym Brian Maps. Basically, for two years, he has been filming reviews on the popular computer game of the time - Minecraft.

In 2014, he begins filming lettres for other games and creates his second channel TheBrianMaps 2, where he publishes his life and everything that happens behind the scenes. Everything was fine, its popularity and the number of fans were steadily increasing, and a rather large number of views were already gaining video. In 2016, his main channel was blocked for violating the rules for using video hosting. For two months he was unavailable.

In 2015, Maxim decides to seriously engage in humor and begins to upload videos of a humorous nature to the channel and tell funny stories from life. This significantly affected the growth of subscribers and viewers. Already in 2016, Maxim Tarasenko entered the top 10 most popular and successful bloggers in Russia. Max does not disseminate information about his personal life, and only recently he has ceased to hide his age - he indicated the date of his birth on the VKontakte social network. At the moment, the blogger is 17 years old.

where does Brian Mapes live, in which city

Where does TheBrianMaps live?

Among the fans of Maxim Tarasenko, two of the most popular questions are common: how much does Maxim earn, and in which city does he live? On the Internet, it is difficult to find the exact answer to these questions, since the blogger does not like to talk about his personal life. And many sites published inaccurate information. Especially for you, we conducted a small investigation and are ready to answer the question of where Brian Mapes lives.

Disputes and disagreements

From the many news flows, we can find out that Maxim was born in the Samara region, in the city of Kinel, where he studied until the seventh grade. For family reasons, he moved to the capital with his family. And now Maxim Tarasenko lives and studies in Moscow.

But before this information had yet to be published, disputes and disagreements appeared on the Web. Some fans, relying on unknown sources, report that Brian Maps is a native Muscovite and has lived all his life in the capital. On Twitter, Maxim himself denied all the information that is written about him on the Internet, but noted the fact that he had never traveled around the country.

Where Brian Mapes lives, address

Later, in social networks in 2015, he publicly stated that he had moved to another city. Without disclosing details about where and with whom exactly. Despite this, some persistent fans of Maxim continue to claim that he still remains in the capital. Brian Maps himself does not pay attention to such rumors and continues to keep fans in suspense.

According to the fan club

Not so long ago, in a fan group of the popular social network VKontakte, the public administrator posted a post in which he revealed all the secrets about where Brian Maps lives and assured his subscribers that this is the most reliable information on the Web. No one knows if it can be 100% claimed that this information is actually true, but despite this, its publication became the third official version for fans. Maxim himself, as always, ignored the rumors.

So, according to the fan club, Maxim was born in the city of Kinel, but for reasons unknown to the author, he, his parents and older sister are moving to the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg. To this day, the young man lives and continues his education in this city. But the most attentive viewers of Maxim are ready to argue with the author of this version, because in his blogs in 2015, the guy mentioned that his city is rather small. So this is neither Moscow nor Peter.

Where TheBrianMaps lives

Our version

Of all the elusive streams of information, we gathered and put forward one, the most reliable, in our opinion, information: Maxim Tarasenko was born and raised in the city of Kinel and, judging by Twitter, in 2015 moved to St. Petersburg. But ardent fans and admirers of the young blogger are not enough of this, and on the forums such questions as: "Where does Brian Maps live, what is the address?" But the fans are trying in vain.

The exact location where Brian Maps lives is not indicated anywhere. Therefore, fans will not find reliable information, since Maxim himself, as mentioned above, does not like to talk about his personal life. Nevertheless, where Brian Maps lives and in which city will not affect the quality content in any way. The main thing is that Maxim continues to engage in his creative activities and delight his fans.


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