How is delicious porridge made from flour?

Porridge made from flour is easy and simple. Many housewives believe that such a meal can be neither tasty nor healthy. However, they are deeply mistaken. This dish was actively used by our ancestors. It saturates the body well, gives it a lot of strength and energy.

flour porridge

What is porridge made from flour called?

Only a small number of chefs know how to prepare such a dish. Even fewer people know what it's called.

Flour porridge is an old Armenian dish, which is prepared using ordinary wheat flour, butter, sugar, salt, milk or water. The name of this dish sounds like β€œhawitz”. It is good to do it when you do not have suitable cereals for cooking a delicious dish.

Flour porridge has a high energy value, and therefore it is served for breakfast.

Step by step recipe

Surely you guessed that there is nothing complicated in the preparation of this Armenian dish. To quickly and easily implement the presented recipe, we need:

  • dark or light wheat flour - about 250 g (according to the number of family members);
  • butter - to your taste (about 2 large tablespoons);
  • sugar, salt - to taste;
  • water or cow's milk - at its discretion.

Cooking process

Porridge made from flour, the name of which was presented above, is cooked in a matter of minutes. Therefore, you can make such a breakfast to your family members at least every morning.

To make wheat porridge, we need a teflon or cast-iron frying pan. It is thoroughly washed and dried, and then put on medium heat.

what is porridge made from flour

As soon as the dishes are heated, wheat flour is immediately poured into it. The amount of this ingredient, as well as other components, must be selected based on the number of people for whom you are preparing breakfast.

Thus, putting wheat flour in a pan, it is thoroughly fried over low heat. In this case, the product is regularly stirred with a large spoon so that it does not burn, but brownes evenly. If the flour is converted into lumps, then they should be crushed.

As soon as the wheat product darkens, spread a piece of butter to it and continue to fry, without removing the pan from the stove. Having achieved the absorption of all cooking oil, milk (or plain water) is poured into the dishes with a stream and sugar and salt are added to taste.

By thoroughly mixing the components, they are boiled for about 5-8 minutes. During this time, porridge made from flour should thicken and become quite viscous.

How to serve breakfast?

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the preparation of the dish in question. If you are preparing it for young children, then you can add any berries or pieces of fruit to it. However, this should be done after the porridge is removed from the stove. This will allow you to keep all their beneficial properties, vitamins and minerals in the added components.

flour porridge name

Serve porridge made from wheat flour for family breakfast should be still warm. It is laid out on plates and flavored with a small piece of butter. It is advisable to use such a dish with a sandwich of white bread and a slice of hard cheese.


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