Light industry of the world its types and components

Light industry of the world is a whole branch of the world economy, which is directly involved in the formation of state budgets in many countries of the world. It combines a large number of industries and sub-sectors, among them one can distinguish the following main ones: sewing, shoe, textile. It is these areas that have received strong development, and the industry of the world can no longer do without their products.

The light industry of the world in the modern global economy has slightly changed its registration. Now, undeveloped countries have large volumes of light industry products, especially the three indicated categories. Currently, this type of industry has received serious impetus and development in developing countries. In this regard, many developed countries have decided not to compete with cheaper products in this market segment, but to focus their production on the production of expensive branded goods. A striking example of this can be the clothing industry, because many are known for European couturiers and fashion designers, who, with small volumes of production, nevertheless, receive significant profits precisely due to the exclusivity of goods.

Consider the main industries of light industry.

The textile light industry of the world has changed significantly in recent decades. And the main reason for this was the scientific and technological revolution that occurred in the second half of the last century. Previously, all textiles consisted mainly in the manufacture of cotton products and fabrics, and such materials as wool, linen, and artificial fiber occupied a small segment. At present, this industry has significantly expanded its range due to the increased use of various synthetic (chemical) fibers and materials in textiles. The textile industry on a global scale is growing at an incredible pace. Today, Asia is the main region, which occupies up to 70% of the total textile volume. And if we consider the textile industry from the perspective of the category of goods and products, it can be safely noted that Asian countries supply up to 50% of all woolen and cotton fabrics to the world market . The largest manufacturers of cotton fabrics are China (supplies up to 30%), India (almost 10%), USA, Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia. For woolen fabrics, the situation is almost the same. China's share in this segment is 15%, followed by Italy with 14%, Japan, the United States, Turkey and India, and several Western European countries complete this list. But the domestic industry, in spite of the large share in the production of natural raw materials for textiles, still has a large decline in production, and today it cannot be competitive with imported goods without special state development and support programs. But so far, no one is particularly worried about this issue at the state level.

Following the textile, it is necessary to note the clothing industry. Sewing light industry in the world is engaged in the production of clothing and linen and many other products. The picture in this industry is not significantly different from the textile. The leading exporters of such products in the world are China, South Korea, India, Colombia, Taiwan. And developed countries, as mentioned above, specialize only in small volumes of elite, fashionable and individual products.

Shoe light industry in the world economy in relation to previous and other sectors has undergone the most movement in countries with a developing economy. This is largely due to cheaper labor of workers in such countries. The leading position on a global scale is again reserved for China. According to modern estimates, Chinese products account for up to 40% of the total consumer market in the world.

Therefore, summing up, we can say that recently the center of light industry on a planetary scale has significantly shifted from Western Europe and the United States to Asian countries.


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