Curlers Magic Leverage: how to use? Instruction manual

Many of us want to have beautiful wavy hair, but, unfortunately, not all of us have endowed with ideal curls. We all know well what to do if we want to wind curls a little: use curlers. But today, these female objects can be not only small round things that are attached to the hair with an elastic band, but also quite unusual and bizarre. These are the Magic Leverage curlers. How to use them, you will learn from this article.

Curlers Magic Leverage how to use

Why not use regular curlers?

If you have already tried all the known methods for curling hair, you can rightly consider yourself a real professional in this field. Some girls try to wind curls using braiding, others buy expensive curlers and other products. But the first method does not bring the desired result, and the second can seriously harm your strands. That is why this revolutionary product can be a way out of the situation. Miracle curlers Magic Leverage will allow you to quickly, and most importantly - to wind hair of any length with high quality, without spoiling their appearance! They are lightweight, durable, easy to use and cheap. They are easy to put on hair, it is comfortable to sleep or go about their business, and the hairdo will look as if you visited an expensive beauty salon.

How to wind curls on Magic Leverage curlers?

Of course, as with any other curl, you need to know how to use this item properly. Do not worry, because if you purchased Magic Leverage curlers, instructions for them are included. It describes quite clearly and clearly what needs to be done. But if you still do not understand, then we offer you a step-by-step explanation. It should be remembered that without knowing the rules you should not use Magic Leverage curlers. How to use them correctly?

First of all, it is worth noting that complete with curlers there is a special hook that will help you in this matter. Wash thoroughly and dry your hair a third first. To get a more lasting effect, you can apply a little hair foam on the strands . Divide your hair into separate strands, starting from the back of the head (although the sequence is not so important here, but it will be easier for you), choosing the width of the future curl at your discretion. At the same time, pay attention to the type of your hair and what hairstyle you want to get at the end.

Curlers Magic Leverage instruction

The procedure is quite simple, so you don’t have to rack your brains on how to wind Magic Leverage curlers. Due to the fact that they have a spiral shape, they can be easily put on the hook. Then, with the same hook, you hook the strand that you want to curl and drag it through the spiral. The design will fold itself along with the strand. Continue this until you "dress" all the curls. After that, you only need to wait until the hair is completely dry. In this case, you can use a hairdryer or dry them in a natural way. To get light curls, you need to hold Magic Leverage hair curlers for at least 20 minutes. For perfect fixation, wait until the hair is completely dry.

If you already realized that you need Magic Leverage curlers (how to use them was described above), then they can be purchased in online stores. With their help, you can create any curls, you just need to adjust the width of the curl. After the procedure, the hairstyle can be additionally fixed with varnish.

Magic Leverage Curlers Long

Why are Magic Leverage curlers so popular today?

First of all, it is worth noting that, thanks to their design, Magic Leverage curlers (instructions for them are in each package) do not harm your hair, so you will forget what exfoliating ends are. Hair does not stretch, as they are not as heavy as regular curlers. Therefore, you will get light wavy strands. This is what makes this type of curler ideal for long hair.

In addition, to create a unique hairstyle, one set with a hook is quite enough for you. You will not need to invent anything or perform any complex actions, the spiral shape will help you to make exactly those curls that you always dreamed about without much effort. The curlers are made of polymer, and their tips are made of silicone. These materials are able to withstand high temperatures.

This system will allow you to get seductive curls in half an hour or an hour. In this case, the appearance will be the same as after an expensive perm, but the hair will not be damaged. Using these curlers, you will not feel heaviness, and the locks will not be pulled out.

Miracle curlers Magic Leverage

What do you need to remember? Basic Rules

The main rule: it is worth knowing how to use the hook, and learn how to handle it cleverly. In addition, you can not wind them on dirty hair, since the hairstyle in this case may not work. It is also worth knowing that the strands need to be distributed correctly, in accordance with what you want to see as a result. For larger curls, take more hair, for small - less.

What is included in the standard set of Magic Leverage?

The set must have curlers of different sizes, which help to create the perfect hairstyle for short, medium or long strands. So, for example, Magic Leverage curlers long are suitable for long hair, and short - for short. But you can experiment a little. If you want to wind only the ends, then you can use short ones for long hair. The best option is the one when the hair is captured at the roots. Also in the set there is always a hook that will help to easily pass the strands into spirals. It also contains instructions, so if you bought Magic Leverage curlers, how to use them, you will know for sure.

How to wind Magic Leverage curlers

Benefits of Magic Leverage

  1. High-quality polymer and silicone are used, which make hair curlers durable (withstand high temperatures).
  2. Even if you have naughty hair, with Magic Leverage you can make the perfect hairstyle.
  3. Wide Magic Leverage curlers allow you to wind strands in a short period of time.
  4. With them, you do not need to use numerous styling products. Only foam and varnish are needed.
  5. These curlers do not stretch your hair, do not tear them, they will not slip off while you go about your business or sleep. Also, they are quite simple to remove.
  6. With their help, you can create a wide variety of hairstyles.
  7. You can easily take them with you on vacation or on a business trip, because these curlers do not take up much space and weigh little.

Hair curlers Magic Leverage

Disadvantages of Magic Leverage

  1. Unfortunately, since a lot of Magic Leverage sets are constantly being produced, not all of them are of high quality. It often happens that the hook is made of poor material and breaks quickly. Therefore, check the goods at the time of purchase.
  2. Many people think that to dry naturally you can keep curlers on your hair for only 20 minutes. This is not true. As a rule, high-quality waving requires more time.
  3. Not all cosmetics stores sell this product, so many people buy hair curlers online, where you can buy fakes. Be extremely alert!

Cheapness is the main plus of Magic Leverage

The average cost of these curlers varies from 200 rubles to 2000. At the same time, you can purchase them either in a special store or on the Internet. On the Web, you can choose more different sets, so you can choose exactly what suits you.

Wide curlers Magic Leverage

Customer reviews

Despite the fact that today you can often see advertisements for these curlers, not everyone acquires them, fearing that they are not so good. But after the purchase, most consumers are very satisfied, because Magic Leverage curlers really work wonders with your hairdo. The main feature of this important subject, which is available in the female arsenal of funds, can be called ease of use. At the same time, spending a little time and effort, you get a great result. Curls will look very voluminous and beautiful. The hair does not spoil at all, which speaks in favor of Magic Leverage.

Even girls with naughty hair, who previously complained that curls do not hold all day and do not want to fit in beautiful curls, after using these revolutionary curlers, are completely satisfied. Even when drying with a hairdryer and using only basic styling products (varnish or foam), your hairstyle will last until the end of the day. In this case, it will look as if you just left the hairdresser-stylist. In addition, Magic Leverage, unlike curling irons or regular curlers, does not spoil the hair. Even after daily use, your hair will look amazing. A variety of sizes and shapes helps to make just such a hairstyle, which you always dreamed about.


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