Moral-volitional qualities: examples and their characteristics. What kind of person can be called a strong personality

To determine the moral-volitional qualities, we consider each concept separately. Will is the ability of self-regulation at the mental and physical levels, which over time become personality traits. They appear in specific situations where difficulties must be overcome.


In the formation of moral-volitional qualities, not only moral attitudes, the desire for success, but also the characteristics of the nervous system, which are innate, such as weakness - strength, inertia - mobility, are taken into account.

Example: in people with a weak nervous system, fears are more pronounced, therefore it is more difficult for them to show courage than strong ones. That is, a person is not strong, courageous, and decisive, not because he does not want to, but because he has few inclinations for this.

The good news is that the education of moral-volitional qualities is possible for every person.

Individual approach

One desire to achieve the goal is not enough, no matter what inclinations a person possesses. In any case, endurance, patience, sensitivity and skill are useful.

In addition, even one person may manifest volitional qualities in different ways: somewhere better, somewhere worse. Thus, the will in psychology is a balance between a person and the world around him, a conscious attempt to regulate his activities and behavior to overcome all obstacles.

Therefore, there is no single concept of "will" for all people. Otherwise, it would be predictable that one will always cope, and the other always not. And in the same trick: anyone can cope if they find their balance, will be able to get together to get the result.

What kind of person can be called a strong personality? This is determined by two factors: the concept of strength and moral qualities, such as integrity, discipline, organization and the like. And this is the moral and volitional qualities of man.

In ordinary life, the volitional behavior of an individual can be determined by several strong qualities that are combined with moral attitudes. For example, it may be heroism in a deadlock, or it may be heroism as self-sacrifice. Therefore, it is important to consider the will in the complex of manifested qualities and circumstances in which the person is.


To understand what kind of person can be called a strong personality, let us single out the main qualities of character by which it can be determined. And immediately make a reservation that there are no well-developed all the characteristics of one person. Although each individually, you can train, and at any stage of development.

Moral-volitional qualities are divided into:

  • Striving for a goal (perseverance, perseverance, initiative).
  • Ability to control oneself (discipline, endurance, seriousness of intentions).
  • Courage (adherence to principles, courage and selflessness).

Consider the moral and volitional character traits and their characteristics in more detail.


This is the conscious direction of a person towards the realization of his goal. There may be a distant goal in time, in the nature of the difficulties in the process of achieving it. Here such volitional qualities as persistence, perseverance, patience and independence are manifested.

Human purposefulness


This implies the ability and desire of a person to act without any help. This is one of the main criteria for the fullness of the personality. It is manifested in independent decision-making, self-control, implementation of the plan and, finally, responsibility for one’s actions.

The role of parents in the formation of moral-volitional qualities in a child comes first. Independence can be seen in a person even in preschool age.

First, children use this quality to realize their goals, and then - for self-affirmation. When a child grows up to high school, he uses independence mainly to experience and know himself, to test his abilities.


This is one of the types of independence expressed in the implementation of such actions that will be the beginning of something new or will serve as a means of changing the existing structure.

Human initiative

If you develop this quality, then it turns into enterprise. This is social courage, overcoming the fear of responsibility. It is also a volitional characteristic of personality behavior, is motivation. Developed initiative makes a person energetic, searching and creative. It forms leadership and entrepreneurial qualities.


In a general sense, this is a continuing counteraction to undesirable factors (more often physiological (fatigue, hunger, pain, fatigue)) that do not allow reaching the goal in the allotted time period. This quality begins to manifest itself when a person experiences internal discomfort, an obstacle to the task, and begins to experience it.

Human patience

If we are talking about mental or physical work, then there is a feeling of fatigue, which in turn is associated with a state of fatigue. Patience can be shown by overcoming fatigue. In this case, to continue effective work, a person needs to make additional resources.

The time during which he can do this, and is an indicator of his endurance, it characterizes his patience. This is a general volitional characteristic that does not depend on the type of difficulty to be overcome. If we talk about strengthening physical qualities and moral-volitional qualities, then the will also depends on the mental parameters of a person.


The desire to achieve. In the present period of time to achieve the desired, despite all the difficulties and despite unsuccessful attempts. This desire to achieve the goal at all costs. An example of moral-volitional quality: an athlete who is not given a difficult element. If he does not give in after the first to tenth unsuccessful attempts, he thereby persists.

This quality also has a negative manifestation - stubbornness. This is a manifestation of perseverance contrary to common sense. Often a person shows this quality, because the decision belongs to him, and the refusal to achieve the goal undermines his authority. Speaking of children, this is a form of protest caused by a desire to show independence and initiative. Sometimes this is a rough treatment of adults, ignoring their needs or, conversely, indulging all children's whims.

Perseverance of man

This is also a consequence of the desire to assert itself, although rationally - a waste of resources. Stubbornness is based on a person’s conviction that the goal is achievable, contrary to the opinions of others.

It must be borne in mind that the opinion about the advisability of working in a certain direction is also subjective. In fact, it also shows stubbornness, which is based on the fact that it is impossible "simply because."

Stubbornness is confused with a negative manifestation of perseverance, while this is a negative manifestation of persistence. These concepts are not identical.


The systematic and long-term appearance of the will on the way of a person to achieve the goal, despite the difficulties and obstacles. To a greater extent, this quality reflects the purposefulness of the person and represents purposefulness.

Human persistence

Persistence is realized through the constant manifestation of perseverance and patience, which leads to a confusion of these two volitional qualities. Intelligent tests actually reveal perseverance, while perseverance depends on:

  • human motivation (to a much greater extent than perseverance);
  • degrees of confidence in the ability to achieve a distant goal in time;
  • the presence of strong-willed attitudes to overcome difficulties;
  • nervous system (as opposed to the same tenacity).

And it begins with moral-volitional education in childhood.


This is a composite volitional characteristic, includes several concepts: courage, endurance, determination. It is associated with self-regulation and self-control in emotional terms, as well as with self-restraint in emotional response.

It is also defined as the ability of a person not to get lost in difficult or unforeseen situations, as well as the ability to manage his actions, while judiciously and restraining negative emotions. Simply put, self-control is power over oneself. And this is one of the main characteristics of a strong-willed person.


The ability to suppress rash, impulsive and emotional reactions, as well as strong desires and drives, aggression that can spark a conflict. Such actions of a strong-willed person include:

  • physical attack (start a fight);
  • passive-aggressive attack (leaving, a person slams the door);
  • verbal attack (insult, bickering, causticity);
  • indirect verbal (anger and discontent expressed to third people, behind the back of the offender).

Exposure is also defined as composure and composure in conflict. Although the first may be due to insensibility and emotional excitability of a person. Another manifestation of endurance is stoicism, the ability to endure unpleasant effects or even suffering for a long time, life adversity - for a long time.

Human exposure

This quality can be detected when inappropriate or harmful desire is suppressed. Exposure is the inhibitory component of the will (moral stability). It is also the suppression of spontaneity and the inhibition of reaction and action. However, endurance is not patience and not insensibility. The first is related to the execution of an action and the maintenance of activity. The second is with the psychological structure of personality.

Intemperance is the opposite of endurance. It is due to the corresponding psychological illness, bad character.


The ability of a person in an important situation to quickly make a decision. This is not about haste, when the speed of the reaction can lead to the adoption and implementation of a rash decision, which will lead to an undesirable result. Decision is determined immediately by two factors: the significance of the situation and the time it takes to make a decision.

This is not a rash decision without hesitation and delay, since it is a matter of frivolity. And this is not a quick decision when a person owns all the information and is confident in the correctness of the act. Decisiveness takes place when it comes to a person’s uncertainty in a given situation and the likelihood of success in their actions. That is, there is a share of doubts that should be overcome.

There are two points that are often found in the definition of a concept, but which are essentially erroneous:

  • timeliness. This has the right to life if there is a clear time limit for a decision. In other cases, we are talking about the speed of decision-making, and not about the "right moment" for him;
  • the most correct decision. It is a characteristic of the adequacy of understanding the situation and information, as well as the thought process. Right and wrong decisions can be made at any speed. Decisiveness is associated with the time to make a decision when there is a choice, although it can be shown in a situation where there is no alternative, and the person knows exactly what he needs to do (for example, to throw a penalty ball).

Decisiveness refers to the time of understanding the readiness and execution of the desired action. For different people, this time is different, and stable.

Sometimes courage is called decisiveness. And although these concepts correlate with each other, they are not identical. In some situations, they really appear together, but still are two separate and independent qualities.

Decisiveness is characterized by a minimum of time in a difficult situation for making a decision, such as “ready - not ready”, when it is already known what needs to be done. Decision making time in an important situation is a characteristic of the individual. In one situation, a person will be more decisive than in another, while a brave person is not always decisive. And this difference comes just from the sport. In the absence of danger there is no courage. Indecisive persons may show courage, and decisive ones may fear.


Synonyms of the concept: courage, dedication, integrity. This is fearlessness, courage and valor - a person’s ability to suppress the body’s instinctive defensive reactions that occur in extreme situations and manage his behavior effectively.

Three forms can be distinguished separately:

  • Courage. The situation when a person knows about the danger, but still performs the task.
  • Bravery. A person experiences emotional arousal from a sense of danger.
  • Courage. When fear is supplanted by a sense of duty, and a person strives to achieve a socially significant goal.

These are different states and goals for a person and society, and they do not relate to the personal characteristics of a person.

Man's courage


Courage is aimed at realizing humane goals, at restoring justice. And if these aspects are absent, then it’s not about courage, but bravado, rebellion, adventurism and the like.

Cowardice is the opposite of courage. It is characterized by such a state of a person when he cannot perform an action that meets moral requirements or is not able to resist the temptation to act immorally. This is a manifestation of cowardice.

As a rule, this happens because of fear - a biological reaction of a person when assessing a situation as dangerous for important categories (life, prestige), and in essence is a natural desire to get away from danger.

Among healthy people there are no fearless. Willpower is not in the absence of fear, but in the decision to control your behavior, not succumbing to fear and the desire to avoid danger.

If a person is not aware of the danger, then there is no talk of courage. Because such a person does not overcome anything. The courage is to take risks even with fear, and control your behavior regardless of it. The less the influence of fear on a person, the higher his level of courage.

So courage is the restraint of their defense mechanisms and the continuation of the implementation of their intentions soberly and efficiently, in situations that are dangerous to health and prestige. True courage is reasonable.


This is the quality of a person who consciously follows some selected principles (beliefs, views), which are his norm of behavior.

The principle of principles is based on confidence in one’s rightness and fairness of the accepted orders. There is a set of laws before which all are equal. And there are people who are ready to circumvent laws and regulations. They can offer more favorable conditions in exchange for some benefit for themselves. The ability to resist temptation and adhere to generally accepted order is the manifestation of integrity and moral stability.

And this manifestation becomes a strong-willed act, when adherence to principles threatens a person with a danger to life, health and well-being, while deviating from beliefs for the sake of profit will indicate a person’s unprincipledness.


This desire and conscious desire to follow the order. The concept includes endurance (restraining impulses that have come at the wrong time).

It has a moral and intellectual component, as it includes generally accepted norms of behavior and rationality applicable in situations of choice. The behavior of a disciplined person is ordered and shared with all other systems.

This skill and desire to thus manage their behavior in order to perform assigned tasks. It is based on the ability to manage your desires and subordinate your behavior to the requirements of necessity. In the formed form, it turns into self-discipline.

Human patience

Too strict discipline can lead to passive thinking and an inability to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Initially, discipline is achieved by motivation to either avoid punishment, or for your own benefit (carrot and stick method).


The ability to organize their activities in accordance with certain principles and to bring order to their thinking. This is an independent quality of will: the effective use of their resources (time, effort) and the ability to make timely changes to plans.

One of the definitions of the will in psychology is an organized person who is not distracted by temptations, organizes his actions and effectively manages himself to achieve his tasks.


The desire to complete the task in a quality and conscientious manner is the main component of diligence (or diligence, diligence). Here and the desire to do the work, to demonstrate oneself, an honest attitude to the cause - moral and motivational components.There is also a volitional aspect: a person has to overcome difficulties, focus on work and exert volitional efforts to carry out it .

If a person shows these qualities not only for personal purposes, but also for the public good, then his actions are evaluated already from the point of view of morality and become moral-volitional. Thus, it becomes possible to satisfy the need for public recognition.

Human diligence

Moral-volitional qualities are general characteristics of volitional behavior, and it is difficult to separate moral and volitional components. Because it is not just interrelated characteristics, but one from the other.

Each person is constantly faced with tasks for which efforts must be made. For high results and strong-willed - including. Just as one should not succumb to panic and become a victim of one’s fears, one should not be filled with excess optimism that distorts the picture of reality.

For many areas of life, the development of moral-volitional qualities is crucial. The demonstration of some does not guarantee the presence of others and does not entail their appearance. It also happens that some volitional qualities are even mutually exclusive, as in the case of patience and perseverance.


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