In which cities is the Kremlin in Russia

The Kremlin in medieval Russia called the city fortification - a structure consisting of a fortified city surrounded by a wall. On which were towers and loopholes. All settlements, called cities in Russia, had fortifications that protected local residents from uninvited enemies. The Moscow Kremlin is famous all over the world. But he is far from the only one in Russia. In which cities is the Kremlin, you can find out by reading this article. Unfortunately, not everyone has preserved their original appearance to date.

In which cities is the Kremlin: list

  • Moscow.
  • Moscow Region (Dmitrov, Volokolamsk, Kolomenskoye).
  • Pskov
  • Zaraysk.
  • Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Velikiy Novgorod.
  • Tula.
  • Astrakhan.
  • Tobolsk.
  • Kazan.
  • Smolensk.

The article provides an overview of the fortresses of most cities in which the Kremlin is.


What cities have the Kremlin? Most people can name only Moscow, in which the most famous is located.

in which cities the Kremlin

He became a symbol not only of the capital, but of the whole of Russia. Thousands of tourists go to the Golden-headed to visit the Moscow Kremlin. This is the most popular Russian attraction - a fortress located in the center of the capital and being its oldest part.

Since 1991, the residence of the President of the Russian Federation has been in the Moscow Kremlin.

In the capital of Russia and the Moscow region, in addition to the Moscow Kremlin, there are several other fortresses. As if descended from the pages of Russian folk tales, the Izmailovsky Kremlin was built in 2007 on the territory of the Izmailovo estate. The structure is a wooden building, which is stylized under the wooden architecture of the XVI-XVII centuries. Izmailovsky Kremlin is a cultural and entertainment center in which every tourist will find a lot of interesting things for himself.

in which cities the Kremlin list


A tourist who is interested in history will be interested to know in which cities of Russia there is a Kremlin. The Dmitrov Kremlin, a museum-reserve, which was built about a hundred years ago, is located in the Dmitrov Kremlin near Moscow. In addition to museum exhibits, a tourist can visit various cultural events taking place in this territory.


What cities have the Kremlin? In Volokolamsk there is the Volokolamsk Kremlin, which occupies a relatively small territory and is an architectural ensemble of two churches (XV and XIX centuries). The Kremlin is decorated with a five-tier bell tower.


The largest Kremlin near Moscow is Kolomensky. It begins its history in the fourteenth century. Having initially military purpose, over time, the Kolomna Kremlin became more and more secular, there were fewer watchtowers, and more merchant and noble houses.


This city in the XIII century was a border city, the outskirts of Russia. In addition, its location on trade routes, primarily waterways, made it the most vulnerable. Therefore, he especially needed protection. The Pskov Kremlin is located on the cape where the Pskov River flows into the Velikaya River. The fortress of this Kremlin is considered one of the largest in Europe. For several centuries, he was attacked by enemy invaders. The constant improvement by local residents of the defensive structures made the city inaccessible to enemies. These walls successfully withstood at least twenty-six sieges. Despite the fact that military facilities have been actively operated for thousands of years, the Pskov Kremlin has retained its original appearance to the present day.

in which cities of Russia is the Kremlin


In the historical center of the city is the main attraction - the Zaraisk Kremlin. It was built in 1531. Two years after its construction, he was attacked by troops of the Golden Horde. For many years and after that, the Crimean Tatars repeatedly attacked the Kremlin. However, defenses withstood the enemy onslaught.

Velikiy Novgorod

In which cities there is a Kremlin, there are always many tourists who want to get acquainted with the history of Russia. In the old days, the Novgorod Kremlin was a public, administrative and religious center. It was from here that Alexander Nevsky spoke to the Swedes with his squad.

is the Kremlin


The Kazan Kremlin arose in the X century as a fortification built by Bulgarian tribes. During the time of the Kazan Khanate, it was strengthened and made as impregnable as possible. Ivan the Terrible, who conquered Kazan, instructed the Pskov architects to continue building up the Kremlin.


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