God's tree: healing properties, photo

God's tree is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for centuries against many ailments and diseases. Medicines from this herb strengthen the gastrointestinal tract by increasing the production of digestive juices. The plant is used in the treatment of diarrhea, urinary tract infections, bronchitis and other upper respiratory tract infections.


Healing wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum) comes from southern Europe and Asia (Turkey, the Middle East and Iran). The plant was brought into North America by European settlers. Other people attached to it other names - dill and God's tree. Wormwood for many years it has been successfully used in alternative medicine. For centuries, it was believed that God's tree has magical abilities and protects from evil. In many Catholic churches, herbs are still used as incense.

This perennial shrub, belongs to the family of wheatgrass (Compositae). It grows well in dry and sunny places, covers rocky slopes, clearings, vacant lots. It has dense branches and stems, can grow up to 1.2 meters in height. The leaves are cirrus, gray-green in color, smooth on top and covered with fluff on the bottom. The plant has spherical yellow flower heads. It blooms from July to September.

The stems of wormwood, God's tree, in the photo can easily be confused with dill, as they have a similar appearance. The plant is characterized by a strong, sweet and piercing aroma reminiscent of lemon. Suitable parts of the plant are fresh or dried leaves. They must be harvested before flowering. They should be dried in the shade to prevent the loss of their color. Treated leaves should be stored in closed glass containers and away from light.

dill tree

God's tree: healing properties and composition

The beneficial effect of this herb, like any other, is determined by the content of essential oils in its composition. So, in this variety of wormwood, their number is considerable - 0.62%.

In addition, the leaves of the plant contain:

  • bitter glycosides, including absintin, anabsintin, orortabsin;
  • coumarin compounds: isofraxidine, scopolin, calicantoside;
  • volatile oils containing mainly thujone;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • organic acids.

Photos of the God's tree and the healing properties of this plant are presented below:

  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • insecticidal effect.
    wormwood branch

Wormwood - choleretic agent

Wormwood essential oil has choleretic properties, thereby supporting the secretion of bile from the liver to the stomach. It helps to neutralize excess bile acids, which makes it easier for diseases such as peptic ulcer.

Wormwood essential oil facilitates the digestion process and neutralizes unpleasant symptoms such as upset stomach, bloating and gas. God's tree can be used to stimulate digestion, but only in very small doses. The use of medicines from the plant should be carried out strictly with the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Such drugs help with dyspepsia, indigestion, lack of appetite, stomach ulcer, with symptoms that indicate a digestive system malfunction, for example, when heartburn, flatulence, heaviness in the stomach, belching and spasms of the intestine occur. They improve metabolism, have a diuretic and tonic effect. Support the proper functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

dried raw wormwood

Wormwood eliminates bad breath

The grass contains a large amount of thujone, so it shows a strong aroma of this component. In this regard, plant essential oil is often used as a deodorant. However, it should be remembered that such a tool is used only in diluted form, in order to avoid excessive inhalation of the substances contained in it.

Wormwood prevents bacterial and viral infections

The healing properties of God's tree help fight various infections and viruses. The substances contained in the plant kill microbes and inhibit their development. Studies published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry have confirmed that wormwood oil has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity against several bacterial strains, including E. coli and salmonella. It inhibits the growth of fungal pathogens and exhibits an antioxidant effect. Other studies published in the journal Planta Medica showed that wormwood oil inhibits the growth of Candida albicans, which are the most common type of fungal infection in the mouth, intestines, and vagina.

wormwood essential oil

Scientists from the University of Michigan in the USA found that the herb may also be useful in the treatment of tuberculosis - it can help reduce the treatment time of the disease, which usually lasts about six months, and prevent the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains.

Causes menstruation

The stimulating and relaxing properties of God's tree can cause menstruation. How does this happen? The essential oil of the plant stimulates the secretion of menstrual blood, activates the circulation and promotes its secretion. For a woman’s health, this is very beneficial and desirable. After all, menstrual irregularities can cause many dangerous diseases, even such as uterine cancer. Stimulating the body helps get rid of problems such as headaches, cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and lack of appetite. Proper use of the herb makes menstruation regular.

Wormwood - an effective insecticide

Oil from a plant (God's tree) is a toxic substance for many animals and mammals. There is also no doubt that this product acts as a natural insecticide and insect repellent. To take full advantage of this property of wormwood, you can use diluted herb oil in the form of a spray.

Bouquets or flower pots containing grass are often placed in the kitchen to keep flies away from food. In addition, the skin is wiped with fresh leaves to deter mosquitoes.

Wormwood Heals Nerves and the Heart

In folk medicine, the psychoactive properties of wormwood essential oil are sometimes used to calm nerves, as well as cramps, hysteria, prolonged stress and insomnia.

Healing wormwood (God's tree) is an excellent tonic that activates many mechanisms of the body, as well as provides its overall strengthening. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and helps in the proper and uniform distribution of nutrients throughout the body. Allows the excretory system to keep the body free of unwanted metabolic waste and toxins.

treats nerves and heart

The tonic effect of wormwood essential oil eliminates heart rhythm and conduction disturbances. Positive effect on the regulation of the secretion of hormones and enzymes. Thanks to stimulation of the nervous system, a person becomes more active and alert. The entire immune system is also activated, so it provides effective protection against various infections and diseases.

Outdoor application of wormwood

A decoction of the grass of God's tree can be applied externally for burns, wounds, and for combating skin parasites such as lice or scabies mites. Often used ready-made preparations containing its extract. Used in the form of infusion, as an enema, it fights with roundworms.

Wormwood infusions are used for baths with rheumatic diseases. In addition, such a bath tones, soothes and relaxes the skin. Therefore, it is useful when there are fungal skin lesions. Wormwood infusion, despite the fact that it does not contain saponins, rinses off skin oil relatively quickly. It is used as an aromatherapy in patients with asthma and helps relieve nasal congestion.

Wormwood in cosmetics

Tree wormwood (God's tree) belongs to the same plant family as chamomile, arnica, St. John's wort and calendula, and also finds application in cosmetology. The extract from this herb, as well as the oil from it, are often found in cosmetics intended for face and body care.

Wormwood in cooking

Grass has found its application in cooking. The young shoots of this shrub have a lemon flavor and are used in small quantities as dressings for salads. Fresh or dried leaves can be used in seasoning mixtures or as a flavoring ingredient in olive oil, and in some liquors.


To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried or chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink thoroughly ¼-⅓ cups 2 or 3 times a day half an hour before meals. A small amount of honey or sugar can be added to the liquid to soften the bitter taste. The tool helps with bloating, flatulence, stomach ulcer, stagnation of bile.

wormwood infusion


It is necessary to prepare a decoction of 50 g of God's tree and pour a glass of 70% alcohol and leave it in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the tincture should be filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. You need to drink it 15-20 drops in a glass of water half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. Used as a medicine for stomach ailments, to improve digestion. When taking 40 drops in a glass of water - it has a choleretic effect.

Swimming with grass

It is necessary to mix 50 g of God's tree grass with 50 g of clover grass, 50 g of linden flowers, 50 g of yarrow grass. Half the mixture should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bath. Bath time should not exceed 20 minutes. Apply 2 times a week after surgery and serious illness.

herbal baths

Foot bath

It is necessary to pour 25 g of wormwood herb with 3 liters of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes over low heat under a lid. Cool slightly and strain. Keep in the prepared broth for 30 minutes. It is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the legs.

Potential side effects, contraindications

We list the main ones:

  • Wormwood grass is not intended for long-term use. Used for more than four weeks or at doses higher than recommended, it can lead to nausea, vomiting, restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, and seizures of the limbs.
  • Wormwood God's tree can cause allergic reactions in people with allergies to plants from the wheatgrass family - ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums and others.
  • You should not take this herb in any form if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Thujone contained in the plant has a negative effect on the uterus and threatens pregnancy.
  • Wormwood cannot be taken by people who suffer from a rare disease called porphyria (is the excessive production of porphin accumulation in the body). Thujone, present in plant essential oil, can increase the production of this substance.
  • Wormwood is not recommended for people with impaired renal function. Oil from this herb can lead to organ failure.
  • If you suffer from epilepsy or other convulsive disorders, you should consult your doctor before using this herb.
  • Wormwood essential oil should be used carefully in aromatherapy, since it contains a large amount of thujone, it is toxic in large quantities and can cause seizures.
  • Doctors recommend using wormwood in the form of dried raw materials, as it contains a small amount of thujone.

It should always be remembered that wormwood essential oil is poisonous and affects the psyche. In large doses, it can cause various diseases of the nervous system. In extreme cases, product poisoning leads to death. Long-term use of wormwood essential oil threatens irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. The extract from the plant has narcotic properties and is addictive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46597/

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