Hot temper as a quality of personality

Short temper - a tendency to inadequate, excessive reactions to ordinary stimuli: emotional restraint, explosive irritability; predisposition to anger.

   Hot temper is a distraction of the mind for theft of emotions. In a calm state, the mind controls the manifestation of feelings and emotions, and only with temporary insanity, which is the temper, negative destructive emotions flow into space. The heartbeat rises, blood pressure rises , there is a powerful surge of adrenaline. If you do not slow down in time, you can smoothly go into a state of anger in many of its manifestations, including extreme ones - rage and rage. Having pumped huge energy out of a person, a flash of temper throws him into a state of despondency, exhausted, exhausted, defenseless and gloomy. Short-tempered friends are fervor, passion, anger, lack of balance and irritability.

Losing reason for a while, a person practically does not control himself, becomes limp, so he loses respect in the eyes of others. Hot temper levels the ability to make the right decisions, pushes to rash acts, worsens a person’s well-being, provokes problems, leads to hysteria and ends with a sense of shame.

Short temper is characterized by instant jumping from a calm state to an extremely excited, agitated and impulsive. Temperament plays a significant role; it cannot be discounted. Hot temper is a person without “brakes”. Any person hundreds of times a day has to consciously or unconsciously make a choice how to react to a particular situation in life. The right to choose is a tremendous gift of fate, an invaluable advantage of a conscious individual. For example, in a tram we were pushed and at the same time impolitely commented on the push. A person has a choice how to react to a situation - to get into a bicker with a tram boom or ignore a provocation. It takes a split second to think about what to do. Temper, unknown for any sins, is devoid of the greatest advantage of the individual - the right to choose . She, without a second's doubts, flashes up, sharply raises her voice, tears the “vest” on herself, actively gestures, in a word, she is angry with all her urine. In other words, the short temper between the event and the reaction to it lacks a “safety valve” in the form of the right of choice. The irritant, bypassing the filters of consciousness without hindrance, directly affects the sensitive centers of a person, causing an outbreak of temper. There is no reason to be quick-tempered, but there is only one reason - the impossibility and inability to make choices about how to react to life events.

Any trifle can become the trigger of temper, but, first of all, is anger, fueled by condemnation. Without self-control and mental stability, it is easy for a person to “catch fire” when meeting with ignorance, not wanting to actively listen, constantly interrupting and protesting. Bad mood, stress, overwork, fear and anxiety can be a good springboard for temper. In other words, any object or situation of the external world that is given excessive importance can become a cause of temper.

The temper has a lot of enemies in the person of humanity, kindness, tolerance, understanding and the ability to forgive. The antidote to her is goodwill, wisdom, and self-control. She is a fast-passing emotion, and this must be used. It is very important to catch the first instant of temper and not to allow a flame to flare up from a spark. For this person, it is necessary, as a child, to distract from the subject of conversation and to keep in the arsenal of improvised means - calm and reconciliation.

The life of a quick-tempered person cannot be called safe. What kind of security can we talk about if a person does not have “brakes”. A vivid example of temper - the great artist Caravaggio. A man of violent temperament, rude, bold and independent. The artist’s quick-tempered and unpalatable disposition served as an occasion for constant clashes with others, which often ended in a fight, duel or a sword strike. For this, he was repeatedly prosecuted and imprisoned. In 1606, Caravaggio, in a quarrel that broke out during a ball game, killed his opponent and fled from Rome. Finding himself in Naples, from there he went to Malta in search of work, where, after spending a year, he was admitted to the order thanks to the patronage of the grandmaster, whose portrait he painted. However, for a gross insult to one of the leaders of the Order, Caravaggio was thrown into prison, escaped from it and worked for some time in the cities of Sicily and again in Naples. In the hope of forgiveness of the pope, he went by sea to Rome. Mistakenly arrested by the Spanish border guard, robbed by carriers, the artist develops malaria and dies in 1610, thirty-six years of age.


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