Why do blackcurrant leaves turn yellow? Causes of the disease, methods of treatment and prevention

Blackcurrant - a plant that is resistant to disease and unpretentious in care. But there are times when it is sick. Yellowing of leaves is considered the most common ailment of blackcurrant bushes. There may be several reasons for this. Let's consider them in more detail.

Harmful insects are the main reason why black currant leaves turn yellow

Gall aphid is the number one enemy for currant bushes. This species of aphid breeds very quickly: in one season several generations are born. The pest eats the juice of the plant, which sucks from the leaves. Bubbles of a yellow or brown hue appear on the affected aphid areas, then the entire leaf turns yellow and falls off. Gall aphid very quickly populates the entire bush, therefore, at the first signs of its appearance, you need to treat the plant with special preparations.

Currant glasshouse is another pest of shrubs. Caterpillars gnaw young shoots, suck out the juice, which is the reason for the yellowing of the foliage and the general wilting of the plant. Regular inspection and timely spraying of bushes for the destruction of harmful insects will prevent the appearance and reproduction of glass.

why blackcurrant leaves turn yellow

Why do blackcurrant leaves turn yellow ? Reason number 2

Adverse weather conditions can also affect the development and growth of the bush. The cause of premature yellowing of leaves on the currant may be drought. On very hot summer days, the plant needs to be watered well, and the soil around the bush should be loosened regularly so that the healing moisture does not evaporate very quickly.

High humidity can also be the reason why black currant leaves turn yellow. Abundant and frequent watering, prolonged rains adversely affect the life of the shrub. Water leaches nutrients from the soil, and the plant lacks the elements necessary for the full development.

leaves turn yellow at the currant

Improper planting location is the reason why black currant leaves turn yellow

Bushes in the garden should be located at a distance of 1 meter from any other crops, otherwise the plant will be limited in access to light and space. The leaves on such a shrub will turn yellow and crumble. Berries in such conditions are tied small, they taste sour.

Currant leaves also turn yellow when the bush grows in either sandy or solid, nutrient-poor soil. In this case, the plant needs to be transplanted to a more suitable place or mineral and organic fertilizers should be regularly applied to the soil.

why blackcurrant leaves turn yellow

Can top dressing cause black currant leaves to turn yellow?

Fertilizing the bushes, you need to adhere to the rules and regulations for their application. Excess peat in the soil affects the root system of the plant, which provokes yellowing and falling of foliage. Young currant bushes are very sensitive to potash and phosphorus fertilizers. An overdose of them causes a root burn, blanching and shedding of foliage and ovary.

In order for the plant to fully develop, a prophylactic examination of the bushes, a favorable environment for their growth and development, timely treatment of plants and soil are necessary. Provide the currant in your garden with such conditions, and it will delight you with a healthy look and a rich harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46611/

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