The origin of the word "thank you", its history and possible meanings

From an early age, the child knows: there is such a magic word - "thank you". Every polite person thanks someone daily using this term. However, some believers are belligerent to this word. It is believed that it came to the world from a demon and it is better not to use it in speech. Let's try to figure out the origin of the polite "thank you" together.

The origin of the word "thank you"

If you look into history, you can find out that at first there was a phrase “God Save”. It has undergone only two changes:

  • has grown together;
  • lost the ending "g".

In such a simple way, “thank you” appeared. A word that is not much loved in the Russian outback. The term fell into disfavor due to the fact that believers did not understand why God should save them. Responsibly for politeness, they answered “not at all” or “please” (perhaps I’d better get a hundred rubles).

Ardent opponents of the term are sure - the origin of the word "thank you" is directly related to the demon. According to one version, it sounds like “Save the Demon”. Proponents of a different opinion say: "Save God, shouted Lucifer, when he gave from heaven." That's just the "g" was lost on the way.

origin of the word thank you

Philologists, in turn, assure: it all started with the phrase "God's Salvation." Over time, the combination came together, but "the same" disappeared. According to linguists, the origin of the word "thank you" does not carry anything mystical or terrible. Such metamorphoses are quite natural and are included in the rules of word formation.

When did the word appear?

The myth of the devil flying to the underworld and praying to the creator to save him is completely debunked when you realize that popularity has come to this word relatively recently. Until the 20th century, even the classics of Russian literature did without "thank you." Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol and Dostoevsky preferred to use a synonym - the word "thank you."

What is curious, at first in Russia they used another polite word - "dyakoy". What can also be attributed to synonyms thanks. In modern Russia, no one already resorts to this term, but its root can be found in many foreign languages ​​(Ukrainian - dyakoy, Lithuanian. - dėkui, English - thanks, German - dankes).

Only at the beginning of the last century, “thank you” entered everyday speech, and also began to be used in print.

The fight between thank you and thank you

Despite the fact that linguists are sure that the origin of the word “thank you” does not carry a criminal past, some people have a negative attitude to its use. And also they urge everyone to replace it with the “correct” synonym - thank you.

The forums are fueling real conflicts between supporters of these seemingly close words.

thank you word

Adherents of the word "thank you" say that it is a very bright term, which means "I give you good." That is, a person himself gives something good to someone who helped him. When responding with "thanks," people shift responsibility to God. And in return they give nothing.

That is, the word itself is useless. Actually, this is precisely why you can often hear “thank you” that you “can’t put it in your pocket”, “don’t buy a fur coat on it”, it “doesn’t gurgle” and you won’t spread it on bread.

What is the meaning of "thank you"?

If you do not go far into disputes between linguists and Old Believers, but turn to any explanatory dictionary, you can see that the meaning of the word "thank you" is very concrete and simple. This is a service word with which they express gratitude for any service or good deed.

the meaning of the word thank you

In this case, you can often hear "thank you in advance" - that means a person thanks the other for the intention to do something for him. Also thank you for your attention - this is the standard phrase to complete some kind of oral report.

In addition, superstitious people use the term as a talisman. To any insult, they respond “thank you,” thereby saving themselves from him. It may also be a sarcastic response to an unpleasant phrase.


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