What is a verb and what is special about it?

What is a verb? The answer to this question can be found in school books, special reference books.

In most languages ​​of the world, a verb is an absolutely independent part of speech. In Russian, he usually answers questions (in vague form) what to do? what to do? Verbs take the form of form, voice, person, gender, number, mood and tense. The verb can express action (bug), state (have fun), attitude (adore), property (cool).

The lexical and semantic categories of verbs are different in different languages. For example, in Russian there is a kind of verb (there are two of them: perfect (read) and imperfect (read)), and in Semitic (for example, Maltese) - a breed (causative, intense, etc.) or a static speaker.

Consider some forms of Russian verbs.

One of the important indicators is the transitive-intransitiveness of the verb. What is a transitive verb ? This is a verb that can be combined with nouns in the accusative case without an excuse. Verbs to see, draw, sing will be transitive, because they are able to form phrases with such nouns. Sing (What?) A song, paint (What?) A picture, see (Who?) A relative, see (What?) A phenomenon. These verbs capture the action, passing on the subject.

It should be noted that transitive verbs can also create phrases with pronouns or nouns in the genitive case. For example, I did not find (What?) Bread, I did not see (Who?) My brother, I cut (What?) Cheese. In the last phrase, a noun denotes a part of the whole.

The intransitive verb is not capable of creating such phrases. Exit - intransitive verb.

If the noun does not have a preposition, stands in the accusative case, but is not an object, then the verb that is combined with it is not transitive. For example: hold out an hour.

In the Russian language there are reflexive and irrevocable verbs.

What is a reflexive verb? This word denotes an action and has a postfix -sya (-s). For example: wash your face, dress up.

The meanings of reflexive verbs are different. Words in this category can mean:

  • Actually return action, the object of which is its own subject. Examples: Dress, pack, eat up.
  • Reciprocal action. It is performed by several entities that are simultaneously the object of this action. Examples: kissing, hugging, fighting.
  • An action characteristic of a given subject, but not having an object. The dog bites, the cow butts.
  • The state of the subject, which is independent of the object or subject. Rejoice, grieve, strain, upset.
  • Indirectly returning action that is performed in the personal interest. Examples of building (= building a house), cleaning (= cleaning).
  • An action that the subject cannot have (impersonal). Examples: not sleeping, not working.

Reflexive verbs can pair with irrevocable. For example, works-works, wash-wash.

Sometimes (very rarely) reflexive and irretrievable verbs can form synonymous pairs. This is possible only in one sense of polysemous words. For example, the words “knock” and “knock” will have the same meaning only in the meaning “ask to let me in”. In the meaning of “knock - to convey” verbs do not form such a pair.

Some reflexive verbs do not form irrevocable pairs at all. Example: hope, pride, need.

Usually these verbs are formed from nouns or adjectives (proud - to be proud, need - to need). Usually for such word-formation postfix is ​​sufficient, but sometimes for the formation of a new verb the prefix joins it: bankrupt - go bankrupt.

What is the irrevocable verb? To put it simply, it is a verb that does not have a postfix. Examples: fly, walk, etc.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46616/

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