Do-it-yourself boil boilies

Today, in the course of sports and amateur fishing, many different methods are used. They allow you to increase the amount of catch. Particularly interesting is the capture of trophy specimens of aquatic inhabitants. To conduct such fishing, various techniques are used. One of them is cooking boilies.

This is an effective way to attract the attention of fish. It should be noted that boil boilies can significantly differ in composition from bait for other species of aquatic inhabitants. Therefore, one should take into account the taste preferences of the presented fish species. The correct application of the technique allows you to catch large prey ashore.

Bream behavior

Having delved into the essence of the methodology on how to catch bream for boilies , it is necessary to consider the habits of this fish. It lives in the bottom layers of freshwater bodies of water. The bream belongs to the carp family. The body of the fish is flat and tall. The dorsal fin has a triangular shape.

Bream Boys

The bream prefers to feed on larvae, invertebrate animals, shoots of algae. This species can be found in almost all rivers and lakes of the European part of the continent.

The bream loves to dwell in the recesses of the bottom topography. It can often be found in parts of the reservoir where there is a sandy or clay bottom. He lives in great depths. To go fishing for a trophy specimen of bream, you need to give preference to rivers or lakes with a complex bottom relief.

Large individuals of this species prefer to feed at great depths, near steep drops, in pits. Young growth, on the contrary, keeps closer to the surface.

What are boilies?

Translated from English, “boil” translates as “boil”. This is due to the method of manufacturing such a bait. Boyles are similar to balls. They can have different diameters. Lures with a cross-sectional size of 6 to 24 mm are used.

DIY Bream Boilies Recipes

Experienced fishermen recommend choosing mini-boilies when fishing on bream. However, the choice of bait size depends on many factors. Boilies are made up of various nutrients that attract aquatic creatures as well as flavors. These balls are fixed with a thin fishing line. With its help, the bait is hooked.

When the boil is in the water, it does not sink to the bottom. The ball is suspended in the water column. This makes the bait noticeable. The fish feels the special taste and aroma of the bait from afar. When she sees a delicious ball in front of her, she immediately swallows it completely. The larger the living creatures, the larger the bait should be.

Spring fishing

Bream boilies are important to apply correctly. To do this, you will need to study the features of this fishing process. Bream is best at 3-4 a.m. if the weather is warm. It can also be caught during the day.

Homemade Bream Boilies

In the spring, most often the presented technique is combined with feeder fishing. If a fisherman wants to catch really large prey from the water, it is better to go to a river or lake at the end of March. When the water warms up, a large bream begins to feed intensely.

When the water reaches a temperature of about 15 ° C, you should look for this aquatic inhabitant in places where there are deep slopes at the bottom, edges or holes. It is very important to qualitatively examine the relief. You should also look for bream at a great distance from the coast. Casting is done at a distance of about 35 m. The place should be quiet. Bream is a shy fish. In spring, it is important to pay great attention to bait. It should be high-calorie and nutritious.

Fishing in summer

In the summer season, you can also catch bream for boilies. On the feeder or float tackle, you can fix quite large sizes of baits. At this time, the fish comes closer to the shore. Most bream shows interest in baits from mid-June to early August.

Bream boil on feeder

It is best to fish in the summer at night, at dawn or in the evening. On a hot day, the bream breaks into flocks and waits for this time in the bottom cavities. Only with decreasing water temperature does he go hunting. This most often happens at night.

Large individuals do not leave their bottom shelters until the water temperature drops significantly. Therefore, it is at night that one should expect the capture of a trophy specimen. In the rivers, the bream at this time tries to stay in the backwaters. The current is moderate. It is important not to overfeed the aquatic inhabitant. The amount of lure should be precisely regulated.

Fishing in autumn

With the onset of autumn, the behavior of fish changes. This season you can also use boilies on bream. It should be noted that with a decrease in water temperature in the autumn period, the bream actively begins to feed after 10 a.m. At night, he prefers to relax.

How to make boilies on bream

Fishing can last until sunset. When the sun goes away, the bream becomes passive. Moreover, it should be noted that the weather does not affect the bite of this aquatic inhabitant. When it gets cold enough, the bream begins to stray in packs at a depth.

When examining a reservoir, it is necessary to take into account one nuance. The presented species of fish likes to stay in the pits. However, they can not be found at the very bottom. If the pit has a depth of about 7 m, the bream in it will be at a level of 5-6 m. The parking of fish is constantly changing. The bream swims from one hollow to another. Therefore, you should not expect to meet this fish in the same section of the reservoir as the last time.

Which boilies to choose?

Almost every lover of the presented type of recreation will be able to prepare boilies for bream with their own hands , which is much more interesting than buying them in a store.

Bream boilies at home

It should be said that the presented type of bait has been used by mankind for more than 30 years. During this time, various types of boilies were invented. They differ in a number of characteristics. There are sinking, floating, dusty lures. When used correctly, each of the varieties presented will be effective.

Sinking boilies sink to the bottom. It is in this part of the reservoir that bream often lives. If the bottom is muddy, it is better to give preference to floating baits. Otherwise, the fish simply will not see the boilies. Dusty baits gradually dissolve in water. They attract fish with a cloudy cloud of nutrients.

The benefits of homemade boilies

There are many recipes for bream boilies. The success of fishing depends on their right choice. Self-made baits are sometimes of higher quality than purchased varieties. It is for this reason that many fishermen create boilies at home.

DIY Boys for Bream

In the process of preparing the bait, you can experiment a little. Before sending to the pond, prepare boilies of different sizes. In the spring it is better to give preference to small balls. In summer, you can use large baits. If you plan to fish really large fish ashore, you can use balls up to 2.4 cm in size.

Also, with the independent manufacture of boilies, you can try to give them a different structure. Being in a reservoir, it is recommended to experiment with the use of baits. So it will be easier to pick up boilies that the bream pays more attention to.


Domestic and foreign fishermen invented many recipes for bream boilies. Do it yourself with your own hands to prepare such baits. This is an interesting, fascinating process.

All the ingredients of boilies can be divided into several categories. Some of the components give the ball the necessary structure, while others provide it with nutrients. Also presented bait is treated with flavorings. You can choose the best color for the balls.

Grains act as nutritional ingredients. It can be wheat, corn, rice, semolina. An important component of the presented lures is the egg. This product provides protein boilies, combines all the ingredients together.

Popular recipes

There are several popular recipes for boil boilies. With their own hands, every fisherman can make them. Ingredients are sold in specialized stores. In some cases, they are replaced with simpler components that are available in the household.

The first recipe includes 10 parts of makukha. 3 parts of dry egg white, 0.5 parts of sugar are added to it. You will also need 1 part of vegetable gluten (wheat).

The second recipe includes more ingredients. It will take 55 g of wheat porridge, 85 g of casein, 25 g of gluten and 55 g of milk powder. Also, 25 g of dry yeast and the same amount of lactalbumin are added to the composition.

On sale is a special mixture for cooking boilies. For 1 kg of this product you will need 8 eggs, as well as food coloring. The bait must be processed with flavorings.

The simplest recipe includes 10 grams of flour, the same amount of sugar, 30 grams of egg powder, 100 grams of Makukha.

Cooking method

Bream boilies at home are prepared using identical technology. The list of ingredients has little effect on this process. Choosing one of the above recipes, you can start cooking.

All dry ingredients must be mixed and poured into a coffee grinder. Then they are thoroughly crushed. It turns out a dry homogeneous mass. Then comes the turn of the preparation of liquid components. In a separate bowl, you need to mix eggs, flavor, dye.

After that, the dry and liquid parts of the bait are mixed. The dough is formed. The consistency of the mass can be controlled by adding dry or liquid ingredients. The mass should resemble soft plasticine. Balls are formed from it. They are tied with fishing line and boiled in boiling water for several minutes. Then boilies need to be dried. Store them in the refrigerator.

If you need to make floating boilies, the dough is prepared not in boiling water, but in the microwave. The heating power should be maximum. It is important that this composition is not burnt. Microwave allows you to quickly dry the dough.

Expert Advice

Knowing the technology of how to make boilies on bream , it is necessary to adopt a few tips from professionals. They argue that the quality of the bait may change if you do not adhere to the rules below.

It is important to observe the same proportions of ingredients. Otherwise, the consistency, taste and aroma of boilies may change. When the balls are processed in boiling water, they must be dried. To do this, they are laid out on the fabric. If the bait is constantly wet, it will quickly deteriorate.

It is better to cook boilies just before fishing. It is impractical to store them in the refrigerator for a long time. Such baits can go bad before they are lowered into the river. So that while fishing the fishing blank is not weathered, does not dry out, it is put in a plastic bag with holes.

So that the bait could interest the bream, it is treated with flavorings. It can be vanilla, anise, cinnamon, fish (mushroom) flour. Fish also loves fruit smells. They are used in the summer. In spring, it is better to choose the flavorings of crushed bloodworms and worms.


Homemade boilies for bream must be able to properly mount on the tackle. For this, a special technique is most often used. It is called a hair snap and implies that the boil will be tied to a hook with a thread (aka hair).

To assemble the presented system, you will need a weight, a hook, a leash and a bead-stopper. A weight and a hook are tied to the main fishing line. Next, you need to bind the boil. To do this, a leash is mounted near the hole for attaching the hook. On a bend it is fixed with rubber cambric. The leash should protrude 3 cm from the hook.

Having swum to such a bait, the bream swallows the boil. Then he, having tasted the delicacy, captures the hook. This is an effective technique that is used by amateurs and fishing professionals.

Having considered how to make boilies on bream, you can cook this bait yourself.


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