Cool rhyme to cheer you up. Positive for uplifting

The theme of smile and good mood is popular not only in films and music. It is relevant in ordinary life, because a lot changes from a smile.

Psychologists about the mood

First, a few serious words in this generally easy and fun article. Soul specialists - traditional, Vedic, alternative psychologists - unanimously reiterate the importance of a good mood in human life.

cool rhyme to cheer you up

In psychology, there is even a whole area called "felicitism", in other words, the science of happiness. Attempts to measure happiness, describe it, find its recipes do not lead to anything other than just another confirmation of how important it is to be happy.

In a song known from childhood, it was very correctly said that “from a smile will become brighter for everyone” - and indeed, happiness is projected outwardly by a smile, and it attracts others to its owner.

Health Effects

It is not at all necessary to cite data from the controversial alternative psychology about the connection of thought forms and illnesses to prove the importance of a good mood. It’s enough to recall one good neurologist from the district clinic who always advises patients to be spirited and believe in the best for the treatment to help.

There is also scientific evidence on the relationship of professional activities and typical diseases, for example, executives are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, law enforcement officers - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teachers - mental and nervous disorders. At first glance, such relationships are logical based on the lifestyle of representatives of these areas, however, stress plays a significant role here, and the negative is for everyone in their own way.

funny rhymes

Yes, and own observations can not be saved: optimistic and friendly people are much less sick and generally feel better.

How to raise your mood?

Concluding the serious part of the essay, there are several ways to improve your mood:

  • chat with a pleasant and easy person;
  • watch your favorite comedy or funny videos about animals;
  • play with children - funny and lively;
  • read a joke or funny poems;
  • listen to the performance of the satirist.

It is noticeable that the word plays the leading role in raising the mood, isn't it?

10 facts about a smile

The components of a good mood are not only words, but also a sincere joyful expression on the face. Here are some interesting facts about smiling:

little rhyme

  • it is contagious;
  • inspires confidence;
  • attracts others;
  • women have a “built-in” smile, men have humorous stories;
  • a smile is sympathetic;
  • laughter through tears - in physiology they are identical;
  • laughter is a strong endorphin;
  • laugh together funnier;
  • a real smile is not expressed through the mouth, but through the eyes;
  • companions of a sincere smile - "crow's feet".

Good mood in movies and cartoons

Salt comedy - words to cheer up. Already the end of the film, and the audience all laugh and repeat their favorite phrases. Recall some pearls:

  • "That you carry out explanatory work among me."
  • "Where is the prosecutor? Where Napoleon used to lie."
  • "I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee."
  • "Semyon Semenych ..."
  • "Why did you lay down? - We fell."
  • "I have tongue-tied since childhood: I think as I think, but I speak as I say."
  • "I am a speech therapist to correct speech defects."

Who doesn’t know these famous smiley phrases?


Humor happens for different ages: winged words also live in cartoons to raise the mood:

  • "I already get tired at work, I barely have the strength to watch TV."
  • "Joint labor - for my benefit - it unites."
  • "We were not in any Tahiti, they feed us well here."
  • "Well, come in if sho."

Enough to read - and a smile spreads across the face - a positive for raising the mood!

Positive on corporate party

Corporate parties are newfangled inventions of restless eychars for additional motivation of sad employees. The celebration should be fun, and corporate is no exception.

Entire scenarios of the event are created, roles, words are distributed, costumes are selected and, of course, funny poems - how can one do without them?

Here are some of the famous ones:

Horses die from work

Well, I'm an immortal pony!

Words to the chief:

If the work goes well,
And profitability is growing
This means our boss -
Correctly conducts business.

words to cheer up

Or a postcard from the head of the subordinate:

You work for seven;

You are never late;

You always smile at everyone;

Do not complain about anything;

You are not gossiping about anyone.

Cool rhyme to cheer up the boss, and the whole team:

We are not sneaky at all
But we want to sneak:
Our leader is strong -
Sin does not praise him!

Cool rhyme for uplifting

There is a talent for composing funny things. Not only Ilf and Petrov are masters, but nowadays there are such specialists. Evaluate the depth of thought and smile:

When I wasn’t constantly

So humble, and honest, and weird, and bang,

That I would oh, I would oh,

i would uh.

And just an optimistic little rhyme:

If life deceives you -
Do not be sad, do not be angry
On the day of despondency - humble yourself:
Believe in the day of fun!
The heart lives in the future.
Is it really sad? - everything is instant, everything will pass,
What will pass will be nice!

Positive for good mood

The funny thing is around us. One of the most famous ethnographers of the humor surrounding us was Mikhail Zadornov - the surname was purposely invented. He manages to see and hear the funny, as they say, "without departing from the cash register."

poem to cheer up a girl

For example, an ad:

" It takes 2 workers who want to work, instead of 2 who did not want to work ."

A line from the food service receipt: "Herring with a bast."

Funny things happen in politics. That's how newspapers went crazy a few years ago: "Election 2008: save the country! Hide Grandma’s passport!"

Students have a special talent for making laughs: what they write in their notebooks raises the mood not only for teachers, but also for all visitors to Internet pages.

Note in the diary: "At the break, climbed the wall to the 4th floor!"

Checking the work in the notebook: "Where is exercise 43? What are you thinking, Andrey?" Answer: "About the girls."

Entry in the diary 12/21/2012: "The whole lesson was waiting for the end of the world."

The kids are wondering

Girls and boys.

How to attract a girl?

Psychologists say that women really appreciate the sense of humor in a man: building a hierarchy of important qualities, they attribute it to the first five of the most desirable traits.

A poem to cheer up a girl is the best way to please her. The female sex loves compliments no less than men, and from laudatory odes in their honor the mood will definitely improve.

You can send her a little rhyme-SMS, or you can arrange a stylish postcard with soulful words in her honor. And the girls are very fond of when they are addressed by name and addressed personal congratulations.

You can send such a quatrain rhyme to your mobile:

Do not be sad, but smile
And do not doubt anything.
Everything will be fine - I know!
Very miss you!

Which of the girls will refuse to receive such an SMS in the morning?

Or here's a cool rhyme to cheer up:

I don’t have breakfast in the morning because I think of you. In the afternoon I do not have lunch - I think of you. I don’t have dinner in the evening - I think of you. I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Make sure the girl’s rhyme is a great way to cheer up a girl!

Funny ditties

Of course, there is a sense of humor at every age: what is ridiculous to a schoolboy will only cause a smile in an adult, and vice versa. However, there’s a funny rhyme for raising the mood that will “smile” anyone, and the ditties are especially popular with the mocking ones:

Egor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

On the computer to the game
Denis finished the game in the morning.
At school by the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it itself “crashed”.

Short poems are popular for raising the mood not only of school subjects, but also of production:

Oh, work, you, work,
Oh, tormented me:
I’m stuck in my office,
How scarecrow in the garden!

Eh, work, you, work,
Best friend:
All day we are inseparable
Like a horse and a cinch!

Smile: funny stories

But the funniest is always the story of life: kids are odd, adults are odd. People laugh not only short verses to cheer up, but also prose: the stories about the glamorous blondes sitting behind the wheel are especially chic. Here is one of the stories told by an eyewitness.

Once he was waiting at a tire fitting while his horse was being repaired, and at that time a red Lexus with a flat tire drove up to the workshop . At the wheel was a glamorous girl from the breed now popular.

The guys at the service station, the comedians were still those, and after repairing half-jokingly they asked what to pump up the wheels with. The girl, without blinking an eye, asked again: "What is there?"

The guys looked at each other: "Air with different tastes: there is peach, strawberry."

The whole service station is already giggling, pricked up, and the conversation continues. The girl calmly clarifies the price, and the master just as calmly invoices 800 rubles for 4 wheels. Apparently, she is happy with the price because she orders air with strawberries.

Witnesses of this vivid conversation hardly restrain laughter and, unable to stand it, burst out laughing: you do not see such a hilarious picture every day. The damsel, not at all embarrassed and without a shadow of a smile, waits until her wheels are pumped with sweet berry, counts the money, and safely sets sail. People do not just laugh - they cry.

The story had a continuation, when a couple of days later a familiar red Lexus stopped near the workshop, from which a rather serious uncle came out. When he asked who was swinging the wheels on this car a couple of days ago, everyone was quiet and pressed into the wall: here he came, the hour of reckoning, now the showdown will begin. But there was nowhere to go, and the owner of the establishment stepped forward, confirming that the wheels on the car were pumped up here.

The guy nevertheless specified what the wheels were pumped up on his wife’s car, and when the embarrassed guys confirmed that they did what nobody expected with strawberry air - he pulled out a wad of money and handed a thousand rubles to the owner of the service station.

As it turned out, the husband was not at all angry, but, on the contrary, had been laughing for several days and amused everyone with his wife’s familiar adventure. And when there was no more strength to laugh, he decided to come, thank for the entertainment and encourage materially resourceful masters.

short poems for uplifting

And here’s another little story from the auto series: “ Sergey Viktorovich parked so badly that they wrote to him in a car:“ Fool ” .

Quite popular are the stories from family life. Observational people noticed this pattern:

If the husband answers his wife “no,” then the question was something like: “How long will you watch your football?” If the husband answers his wife: “As you want,” then the question was something like: “Can I make orange highlighting?” If the husband says yes to his wife, she probably asked: "Are you listening to me? !!"

And finally, a few well-aimed statements by Zadornov:

  • Only our man, crossing the road to a red light, can be knocked down by a pedestrian running towards.
  • Do not dig a hole for a neighbor, otherwise he uses it as a trench.

And finally, right on the topic: if you want to always be in a good mood, learn to enjoy your salary - a trifle, but nice.

Have a good mood!


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