How to turn off the laptop. Everyone should know this!

Not all owners of laptops know how to turn off the device. Many of them believe that it is enough to close the lid. But this is not so! This article will discuss ways to turn off a laptop with any operating system and under different circumstances.

Not everyone knows that after closing the lid, the laptop will go into standby mode. But in order to completely disable it, this is not enough. It is important to save information and not lose the work process, but for this you need to know how to turn off the laptop correctly. Even a child can figure this out.

How to turn off the laptop. Easy way

Any computer user is undoubtedly aware of such basic things as shutting down. Turning off the laptop is no different from turning off the computer. To do this, just click the "Start" button in the left corner of the screen and select "Shutdown".

how to turn off the laptop

On Windows XP and Windows 7, this process is the same:

  1. First you need to close all programs and windows, and also turn off USB devices, such as speakers, scanners, printers, etc. Release the drive and remove flash drives.
  2. After that, you can click the "Start" button and click "Shutdown."
  3. After the screen goes blank and the laptop stops making noise, you can close the lid.

How to turn off the laptop in Windows 8. Several ways

So, with Windows 7, everything is extremely clear. But many laptop users with new operating systems are confused, because the familiar Start button is simply not in place. And the system interface is significantly different from previous versions.

how to turn off the laptop in windows 8

There are about a dozen different ways to turn off a laptop in Windows 8.1. The easiest of them is to open a hidden panel by moving the mouse cursor to the right side of the monitor. Next, select "Shutdown" and "Shutdown". You should be aware that this panel also opens by pressing Win + I. This method is standard, and for advanced users it may seem boring.

Another method is turning off through the lock screen. This is necessary when the user started the laptop and realized that he was not going to work on it at the moment. There is nothing complicated in this shutdown method, since it is identical to the previous one. Press the power button and select the desired action. The lock screen can be called up by pressing Win + L on the keyboard.

Less well-known ways to turn off a laptop

Windows developers have worked to ensure that users have many options how to turn off the laptop.

how to turn off a laptop in windows 8 1

Briefly about those methods that are unknown to many computer scientists:

  • Shutdown using the Alt + F4 keys. When you click this combination, a system update window appears with a shutdown suggestion.
  • Shutdown through the command line, which opens by pressing Win + R. In the window that appears, write the command shutdown / s.
  • Shutdown using the additional Start menu, which can be called up by pressing Win + X keys. Further, as in the standard method, it remains to select the desired items.
  • Shutting down a laptop on a schedule. The method is quite simple and even a novice can understand it. In order to turn off the laptop every day at the same time (for example, at 00:00), you need to call the command line (Win + R) and enter the following command:

Schtasks.exe / Create / RL Highest / TN Shutdown / SC Daily / ST 23: 57 / TR "% WINDIR% \ system32 \ shutdown.exe / s / t 180 / c.

Here, the number 180 indicates seconds to shutdown. In this case, 3 minutes (180 seconds) are set.

To stop the schedule, enter the following phrase into the command line: shutdown / a. This command cancels the shutdown schedule.

  • Shutting down a laptop through a shortcut. What is it and how to create, every user knows. The shortcut can be placed in a convenient place and by double-clicking on it the gadget will turn off. In the command line, enter shutdown / s / t0, where 0 is the time before shutdown, which you can set as you wish.

How to turn off the laptop if it freezes?

It happens that during operation the system suddenly stops responding. This may be due to a hang of a certain program or Windows itself. In this case, you need to try to turn off the laptop through the combination of Ctrl + Alt + Delete. This will open a menu with a choice of actions. If the program freezes, then you need to select the task manager and complete its work. Then turn off in the usual way. If you need to immediately turn off the laptop, you should select the already familiar button β€œShutdown”.

how to turn off a laptop on windows 10

When the system hangs tight and does not even respond to the above key combination, shutdown is possible in only one way, hard. To do this, hold the power key for a few seconds and the laptop will turn off.

Shutting down a laptop with the latest OS installed

At the moment, the latest operating system is Windows 10. And most users have already switched to its use. There are no special ways to turn off the laptop on Windows 10. To do this, just use one of the methods described in this article.


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