Permanent hair straightening: features of the procedure

One of the modern innovations in the world of fashion and beauty is permanent hair straightening, which makes it possible to make magnificent smooth and shiny curls even from unruly and outwardly unsightly hair. To achieve an amazing result, just one procedure performed in the salon is enough, and for the health of the hair it is much safer than the constant use of straightening irons. The procedure of permanent straightening itself has some similarities with a perm, since during the session similar preparations are used to straighten curls.

Preparations for the procedure

Permanent hair straightening is carried out using chemical reagents, and the choice of a particular reagent depends on the specific type of hair. The most powerful straighteners include sodium hydroxide, which allows you to straighten even very twisted hair, however, when you use it, the curls themselves are badly damaged. A less aggressive drug is ammonium thiol glycolate, which is also used for complex and heavily curled hair, but it does slightly damage the hair structure. Hard curls do not react to any straighteners.

Also, hairdressers usually advise to use special hair restoration products for home use within a few weeks after the straightening, which will not only be able to rehabilitate curls, but also have an additional straightening effect.

Permanent straightening: benefit or harm?

Despite the sensational positive reviews, this procedure cannot be called completely harmless. However, you need to understand what to straighten or vice versa - it is impossible to curl hair without harming it. You can only reduce the chemical effect by using more gentle straightening methods. One of these is bio-straightening. This is the same permanent hair straightening, only in this case special protective equipment is used. So, immediately before the start of the procedure, a protective cream on a vaseline base is applied to the scalp, which is very easily removed at the end of the session.

Indications and contraindications for hair straightening

The main condition for the procedure is healthy, not damaged hair. If they are overdried, split, dyed or highlighted, then permanent hair straightening is not recommended. In addition, you should not expose your curls to the chemical effects of straighteners just before the start of the summer season, as the sun's rays will not have the best effect on the hair weakened after straightening.

The result of permanent hair straightening

Many girls believe that persistent hair straightening allows you to forget about such an unpleasant moment, like daily styling. However, one cannot argue against nature, as they say, and no one will cancel laying. Curly hair will still curl, because their structure from the procedure will not change. Despite the fact that after straightening the hair tends to become heavier, a certain fluffiness will still remain. But it can also be reduced through the use of special styling products. However, it will be possible to use them only from 2-3 months after the procedure. Up to this point, the treatment of hair should be gentle, without the use of a hairdryer and ironing.

Professional permanent hair straightening is so good that the effect lasts up to six months, in addition, an experienced master in the salon can always tell you which home care products are better to use in order to maintain the result for as long as possible.


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