Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket? Sauerkraut recipe in a plastic bucket

Autumn-winter is the most favorable season for pickling cabbage. By this time, the vegetable has matured and is fully ready for further use. For pickling, you need to prepare cabbage and other vegetables, spices, a sharp knife, shredder, oppression and, of course, the container. Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket? This is what will be discussed in the article.

Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket

What is sauerkraut?

A more suitable container than a wooden barrel cannot be found. But it is difficult to store it in the apartment, and cabbage will turn out a bit too much. Another problem is that it’s hard to buy a container of the right size and a good tree.

For fermentation, a large enameled pan is suitable. Make sure that it is free of chips. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the cabbage: it can acquire an unattractive gray color and an unpleasant taste.

If you need a small amount of sauerkraut, then a glass container is suitable for this: a three-liter jar or a five-liter bottle.

In no case should you take containers of metal, such as aluminum or stainless steel. Typically, during fermentation, the acid reacts with the metal. Cabbage absorbs everything and loses its taste and usefulness. Many people ask: is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket?

Plastic buckets for cold food products are now available. Some sell fermented milk products, mayonnaise, salted fish, and more. But is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket, because during fermentation an acid arises, which, one way or another, reacts with plastic? Sauerkraut absorbs the smell and it is not known what elements. And not always buckets are made of the right plastic. Other impurities may be included. So, using low-quality containers, we risk not only spoiling the taste of the dish, but also our health.

But what if there is no other suitable container? Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket? Yes, you can, but you should only heed the following recommendations:

  1. Be sure to buy a plastic bucket for food only. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate in order to verify the quality of the purchase.
  2. Buy non-colored plastic buckets. It is best to take colorless, like a nylon lid for a can, or white, like the one in which sour cream is sold in stores.
  3. Wash a new bucket several times. Then draw to the top of the water and leave for a day. Then dry it in the open air.
  4. You can ferment the cabbage in a plastic bucket by placing a plastic bag in it. Use only food bag. Also suitable cling film, which cover the bucket inside.
  5. You need to ferment the cabbage in a plastic bucket until fully cooked. Then it’s better to put it in glass jars. Tamp the cabbage and pour the resulting juice.

sour cabbage in a plastic bucket

Choosing Cabbage for Fermentation

How to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket? First you need to choose the right vegetables. Late and late cabbage varieties are the most suitable for harvesting for the winter. They have sugar, and this is necessary for the fermentation process. Experienced housewives recommend taking those heads of cabbage that grabbed a little frost, and they lay down for a while. Then the cabbage loses bitterness. But avoid frozen vegetables.

For pickling, you need to choose intact and tight heads of cabbage. Leaves should be without rot and wormholes. It is recommended to take large heads of cabbage. As a result, get more chopped leaves and less waste.

What can be added to sauerkraut

Fermentation is impossible without salt. It is best to take the usual cookery, and even coarse grinding. If you have taken the pickling for the first time, then you should stick to the proportions indicated in the recipe. Experienced housewives salted by eye and to taste that meets the needs of the family.

In the sauerkraut add bay leaf, black peas, sweet and hot peppers, horseradish, apples, cranberries, pumpkin, lingonberries, plums, currant leaves and even oak bark. And of course, carrots should be present, cut into thin circles or chopped on a coarse grater. It gives cabbage flavor and crunchy properties.

To change the color, some housewives put in the cabbage sliced ​​table beets or add its juice. In sauerkraut, all vegetables or fruits need to be cut into strips.

Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket

How and where to chop cabbage

A wide and long cook knife is suitable for cutting cabbage , it must be well-ground. Sometimes they use a special section for cabbage, but it cuts the leaves too finely, and they are not very suitable for pickling.

You can find a chopping board, just remember that her knives are very sharp and easy to get hurt. Therefore, you need to learn how to use it and be extremely careful.

Cut cabbage is best on a wide table or a large wooden cutting board. Shredded leaves can be left here or sprinkled in an enameled basin, where we will mix all the ingredients.

There are several ways to chop cabbage. In most cases, a head of cabbage is cut in half and then not too finely chopped. You can also cut cabbage into squares. There are ways to ferment quarters, halves and even whole heads of cabbage.

Shredded cabbage is combined with salt, spices, carrots and other selected ingredients. Mix thoroughly with your hands and leave for a while until the first juice.

you can sour cabbage in a plastic bucket

Technology for laying and storing sauerkraut

Is it possible to ferment cabbage in a plastic bucket? Oh sure. Only need to adhere to a certain technology. We begin to lay the prepared vegetable mixture in a container. The bottom of the container should be covered with washed cabbage leaves. Next, fall asleep cabbage and ram tightly. As a rule, use a wooden rolling pin. But it is possible with a hand. Each layer of the mixture is tamped until liquid emerges on the surface. Cover the top with a leaf of cabbage and a white natural cloth (you can use a piece of gauze). Also use a wooden circle, plate or lid, which is smaller than the diameter of the neck of the container, but does not leave a large distance from the walls. Be sure to put oppression on top. For this, a stone, a weight (wrapped in cling film) or a container of water is suitable.

We leave the cabbage with cabbage for three to four days in a room with a temperature of at least 17 and no more than 22 degrees. In this temperature regime, cabbage is fermented during this time. As a result of this process, a lot of juice will be released, so put the container in another container into which the liquid will drain.

Indicators of proper fermentation are considered gas bubbles and foam on the surface. Foam needs to be collected from time to time. In order for the cabbage to sour evenly and gas to escape, it must be pierced with a long wooden stick. Thus get rid of the taste of bitterness sauerkraut.

The cessation of the release of liquid and gas indicates the completion of fermentation. It is worth a product tasting. Cabbage should have a pleasant sour taste, a slightly orange color and a specific aroma.

A container with sauerkraut is placed in a cooler place and stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 degrees. Some housewives practice freezing sauerkraut. The finished product is laid out in bags for freezing and placed in a freezer. To use it is enough to defrost the cabbage. It is worth noting that neither taste, nor aroma, nor useful properties are lost.

sauerkraut in a plastic bucket

Sauerkraut in a plastic bucket: recipe

To get 10 kilograms of shredded cabbage, you need to take 12 kilograms of whole.

Separate the upper leaves from the head, divide in half and cut out the stump. Shred the cabbage and mix with chopped carrots (300-400 grams), salt (no more than 250 grams), add bay leaf, as well as other vegetables or fruits.

Put cabbage leaves on the bottom of the bucket. We pour the mixture on top and tamp so that liquid appears above the layer. Cover the top of the cabbage with leaves, cover with gauze and put the load.

The fermentation process will last from 3 to 5 days. Do not forget to collect the foam and pierce the cabbage with a stick to the bottom. Every day you need to stretch the gauze and wash the load. Store ready-made sauerkraut in a cool place.

Sauerkraut recipe in a plastic bucket with whole heads

For this method of fermentation, you need to take dense and small heads of cabbage. Remove the top leaves and carefully cut the stalk. Place the prepared heads of cabbage in a container, line the bottom with oak bark, and put currant and cherry leaves on top of the cabbage.

Prepare the brine: dissolve 500-600 grams of salt in 10 liters of water. Pour the cabbage so that the liquid completely covers the heads. Cover with gauze, wooden circles, put oppression.

sauerkraut recipe in a plastic bucket

Sauerkraut recipe with lingonberries (cranberries)

Chop 10 kilograms of cabbage, add 400 grams of chopped carrots, salt (50-100 grams) and mix thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into a container, tamp each layer and sprinkle with cranberries (cranberries). In total, 700-800 grams of berries will be needed. The last layer should be from cabbage. Cover with a cabbage leaf, a cloth, a plate and put oppression.

Every day, carry out water procedures for oppression and tissue, pierce the cabbage with a stick and collect excess foam. This recipe is suitable for pickling cabbage with apples or pumpkin.

Sauerkraut in its own juice is not only nutritious, but also very healthy. It contains vitamins B and C, which are stored for a long time. Do not be afraid to ferment cabbage. The suggested recommendations and secrets will save you from mistakes, and the cabbage will turn out to be very crispy and fragrant.


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