How to decorate a stroller with your own hands?

Choosing the first transport for their child, each parent seeks to find the best model. First of all, attention is paid to the safety and reliability of the main elements. And of course, the stroller must be the most beautiful and certainly different from others.

how to decorate a stroller

If you want to save a little or do not have time to look for something exclusive, you can decorate the children's crew yourself. A little imagination and a minimum of cost will make your stroller truly unique.

How to decorate a pram, and what is needed for this? In this article, we will consider different forms and options, give some practical advice.

Types of Jewelry

Before talking about how to decorate a stroller for a child, you need to clearly understand what exactly you mean in this case.

All types of possible “decorators” can be divided into 2 categories:

  1. Decorative. These include a variety of stickers, ribbons, decorative numbers, bows, mobiles, funny inscriptions, lace, colored knitting needles and much more. Such elements are most often glued or sewn in different places of the cover or hood. Here it is worth paying special attention to the quality of the fasteners. For example, special care must be taken when choosing glue. After all, it is a rather toxic substance and can harm a child.
  2. Functional. This includes a variety of elements that not only decorate the children's crew, but also bring benefits. It can be an original backpack or a pretty umbrella. A homemade mattress of bright colors or a patchwork blanket made by gentle mother's hands looks elegant.

do-it-yourself stroller

Human imagination is limitless, and, therefore, to describe all the methods of decor is simply unrealistic. So let's consider only the most popular options for decorating a stroller.

Extra pocket or bag for toys

Of course, the decorated stroller (photo in the article) looks fashionable and stands out among other models. Sometimes for decoration it is enough to attach an original pocket or sew a nice bag for small things.

This decoration is not as difficult as it might seem at first. First you need to decide on the style. It can be both childish and adult. In the first case, you can make a handbag in the form of a Cheburashka, a sun, a chest or a turtle. Patterns of various flat pillows or stylized toys can be easily found on the Internet. When the baby is older, he can carry the backpack with him to kindergarten or for a walk.

Sew the “adult” version of the usual form, but from brightly colored fabric. Try to determine the optimal size. The bag should not be too big, it is inconvenient. But at the same time, all the necessary things should be placed in it: a bottle, 2-3 diapers, nipples, several toys, napkins and other little things.

The small size of the bag can be compensated by several pockets located on the stroller. The main thing is that their style and color match the parameters of the bag or backpack.

Buttons and thermal stickers

And here is another way to decorate the stroller: you can use a variety of stickers, buttons or other elements. In shops for creativity, there is simply an endless assortment of various stickers. Here you can choose options for both girls and boys. Butterflies, flowers, soccer balls, cars, planes, kittens, puppies and much, much more.

It is best to choose thermal stickers that glow in the dark. In the dark you will look even more original. In addition, such a decision is also of practical importance - in the evening your child’s stroller will be better visible for drivers of vehicles.

Ornaments from ordinary buttons look no less original. A large number of them, hot-melt adhesive and a little imagination - and the children's crew is decorated with their own monogram or original applique.

You can also connect dad to the design of the stroller. He, too, may have many ideas on how to decorate the stroller of his beloved offspring. Here we can talk about bright reflectors, an original plate with a comic number plate, a winding of handles and wheels with colored wire or a diode tape.

how to decorate a pram

Lace, ribbons, rhinestones and fur elements.

Here are a few ways to decorate a stroller for a girl.

Original ornaments from rhinestones on a hot glue basis. You can buy ready-made pictures in the stores for needlework, or you can lay out something yourself. If you are worried that there is not enough experience for exclusive decoration, just stick rhinestones over the entire area of ​​the stroller. Get a stylized starry placer. With a little effort, you can lay out a map of the night sky or another drawing.

A good idea is to embroider the crew with beads, glass beads or beads. However, one must be very careful here. If the baby can reach such a decoration, tear it and stuff it in his mouth, you will have many problems.

Decor tapes are much safer in this regard. Bows look very nice, wrapping handles with braid, fringe and lace decoration.

Original decoration of individual elements looks like fur. But such a design is better to make removable, because it is more suitable for winter. Agree, your baby will look ridiculous if he goes for a walk in the forty-degree heat in a stroller with fur rims.

decorated pram photo

Decorate the stroller for the parade

Sometimes it becomes necessary not only to decorate the children's crew, but to prepare transport for the holiday. For example, you can take part in a baby carriage parade, which is held in many cities on June 1 on Children's Day.

There is no limit to perfection, it all depends on your imagination, the availability of free time and improvised materials. First you need to decide who your baby will be. Consider not only the design of the stroller, but also the costumes for yourself and the child. So you will look creative and attractive.

Girls are most often dressed up as princesses, frog princesses, Cinderella, berries, flowers, butterflies and other cute characters. Boys traditionally act as sailors, soldiers, firefighters, builders, pilots, tankmen, bears, hares and so on. Cartoon characters, fairy tale characters , various animals are suitable for both sexes.

Based on the image, we begin to decorate the stroller. Here you will find useful glue, scissors, thick cardboard, brushes, paints, ribbons, tulle and much more. For example, if your baby is dressed in a pilot's suit, the stroller will have to be transformed into a plane. If the baby is a teddy bear, the stroller turns into a barrel of honey. For a bee, a flower is suitable, for a king - a carriage, and for Cheburashka you can depict a regular mailbox with oranges.

how to decorate a stroller for a girl

How not to decorate the children's crew

When we decorate the stroller with our own hands, first of all, do not forget about the safety of the child.

For example, you don’t need to decorate the stroller’s hood with embroidery. The fact is that in 99% of cases it is made of waterproof fabric. If you pierce it with a needle many times, the hood, of course, will lose its properties. You can no longer shelter your baby from rain or snow, the top will leak.

All jewelry that you put on the stroller should not only be bright, but also safe. Make sure that the decorative elements do not have sharp corners and that they cannot be torn off.

Do not hang a huge number of rattles and toys on the stroller. The former interfere with the baby, and the latter distract from the study of the world. You can entertain the kid with a bright toy at home, and on the street it is better to observe nature, listen to bird trills and discuss how many paws a cat has.

Now you know how to decorate the pram with your own hands and, having shown a little imagination and perseverance, you can do it yourself.


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