Desire: a synonym. Meaning of the word “desire”

We all perfectly imagine what desire is. A synonym for this concept is also not difficult to choose. Still, you first need to find out what it specifically means.


desire is a synonym

In order for the conversation to be substantive, it’s worthwhile to turn to the explanatory dictionary, for we call too much “desire” in life, but what if this is not quite the right term? The explanatory dictionary says that desire is "attraction, the desire to realize something, to possess something." For example: "Nikolai had a strong desire to prove to Marina that he is not as bad as she thinks of him."

Or, for example, a child saw a toy in a store, and a strong desire flashed in his soul to possess this lovely little thing, and he decided to immediately scandal his mother (or dad), suddenly it will work.

Swap words

synonym for the word desire

Naturally, after the meaning of the word “desire” has become known, it is easier to find a synonym for it. The list follows:

  • attraction;
  • aspiration;
  • intention;
  • fad;
  • caprice;
  • passion;
  • dream;
  • thirst;
  • motivation;
  • whim;
  • lust;
  • idea;
  • desire.

As you can see, the word is extremely ambiguous. The specific meaning depends on the context. Sometimes desire is an empty dream, otherwise it is an intention filled with determination. Despite the fact that synonyms for the word “desire” unite related concepts, if you look in detail, it will turn out: there is not much in common between analogues.

For example, a whim is a whim that is completely non-binding, and for example, intention is a desire into which a volitional component is added. But these two definitions in certain contexts can replace the object of study. Desire is a broad word in its semantic spectrum, and synonyms specify the content of a concept.

Between pleasure and misery

As long as a person wants something, he lives. In a dead body there are no impulses, no drives, no desires. At first, a person is controlled by physiological needs, but then, when he gets older, he has social ambitions that require satisfaction. And here everything is very confusing. It is extremely difficult to become a good person in the eyes of society. In this case, the concept of “desire” is useful, its synonyms will also not be superfluous. And all because the majority does not like excessiveness in desires.

For example, material wealth in people is respected, but luxury annoys and makes you jealous. The pursuit of pleasures is encouraged, but when a person has too much rest - he sybarite, if he drowns in the pleasures of the carnal - a libertine. It is good for society if a person holds the path between suffering and enjoyment, sometimes receiving a few “gifts” on either side. But life is structured so that whoever can unfolds his needs and desires to the full, and the rest in this regard remain at the level of dreams.

We considered an ambiguous word today, but we think the reader understood how vast the choice of its synonyms is.


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