How to cook mutton skewers according to the Caucasian recipe

Proper lamb skewers require careful processing and pickling. The sauce for such a Caucasian dish can be made from different ingredients. However, it is best to use lemon juice and a little wine vinegar.

How to cook mutton skewers according to the Caucasian recipe

Essential Ingredients:

  • fresh herbs in the form of parsley and dill - one bunch each;
  • small sweet bulbs - 4 pcs.;
  • lamb with layers of fat (possible on the bone) - 4-5 kg ​​(depending on the number of guests);
  • black peppercorns - 10-12 pcs.;
  • wine vinegar - 85 ml;
  • ripe small lemons - 3 pcs.;
  • table salt - 1.5 small spoons;
  • paprika - at will and taste.
    how to cook lamb skewers

The process of processing a meat product:

Before you cook the lamb skewers, you need to purchase fresh meat with small inclusions of fatty layers. It needs to be washed well, removed all unnecessary elements (films, veins, wreaths, etc.), and then cut into long, but not very thick pieces that will not hang from skewers.

The process of preparing aromatic marinade:

right lamb kebab
Asking the question of how to cook lamb skewers, most people are interested in the recipe for the sauce, in which it is planned to pickle juicy and tasty meat. Typically, such an aromatic liquid mass consists of inexpensive and affordable ingredients. And in order to cook it, you need to take an enameled bowl, pour in a small amount of wine vinegar, add chopped dill and parsley, and then carefully squeeze and chop 3 ripe lemons. It is also worth noting that for such a marinade, it is necessary to pour table salt, black pepper in the form of peas and paprika. All products must be mixed, and then immediately proceed to marinate the meat.

How to soak lamb skewers

To make such a meat dish on charcoal more aromatic, it is also necessary to add onions. To do this, 4 sweet heads of the vegetable should be washed and chopped into sufficiently large rings. After that, they need to be laid on the bottom of deep enameled dishes, and on top put processed and chopped meat. Next, lamb must be filled with aromatic sauce, and then mix by hand and leave in the room for at least 6-10 hours. The ideal option for barbecue is meat, which will be marinated all night, or rather 12-15 hours in a row.

how to soak lamb skewers

Heat treatment

Before you make lamb skewers, you need to light a fire in the grill and make sure that birch or oak firewood is gradually transformed into hot coals. After that, flavorful pickled meat should be put on skewers and well-fried for 25-35 minutes.

Proper serving

Delicious Caucasian mutton skewers should be served only in a hot condition. It is also recommended to make a side dish for such a meat dish in the form of a light vegetable salad with the addition of tomatoes, herbs and cucumbers. Slices of fresh wheat bread, as well as baked or boiled potatoes, will be useful for this dinner.


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