The correct shape of the eyebrows (photo). How to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of face

Eyebrows convey the character of a person, it is they who are able to correct facial features without surgical intervention. Depending on the shape, color, saturation and their location, the general appearance of a person changes. If you are not a celebrity and can not afford a makeup artist for every day, then you need to learn how to draw eyebrows yourself. The correct form, selected in the cabin, can not hold for a very long time.

brown makeup

Brow himself

Do not forget that eyebrows are also hair. They tend to fall out, grow, crumple, ruffle, etc. If a specialist in the salon picked up the shape and dyed the hairs, this does not mean that you should forget about your eyebrows for 2 weeks.

Permanent makeup takes on the desired appearance only after a week, provided that you are not allergic to the components of the paint. Perfect contours and absolutely symmetrical eyebrows look a little creepy, especially when naturalness is in fashion.

There are many fashionable ways to shape eyebrows once and for half a year, but they have a number of disadvantages - from an allergic reaction and an unnatural effect, to a terrible look.

The best way out is to learn how to independently choose the right shape of eyebrows and shape them daily, spending two minutes on it.

fluffy eyebrows

We focus on natural lines

If you never painted eyebrows yourself, this does not mean that you will not succeed. Each nature has given its own form, and it is precisely it that must be adhered to.

If the street is an era of thin eyebrows, then the wide ones can be thinned out, but pre-comb the hairs up to show the very line that you will be guided by.

Thin eyebrows can always be expanded and lengthened. But you can draw them higher or lower than relatives only in extreme cases: if the forehead is very high and eyebrows hang over the eyes or vice versa. When the forehead is already very low, you can adjust the hairline with a razor, for example.

If you are a complete beginner and do not know how to choose the shape of eyebrows, then use a win-win trick: use an old mascara brush or a special eyebrow brush to comb them up to the side of the temple. So that the hairs do not immediately move back, you can use hair gel, wax, spray the brush with varnish. Then draw the formed eyebrow shape from below with a pencil. It is she who will serve as a guide. Anything below this line can be easily plucked.

Focus on fashion or facial features?

Beautiful eyebrows of the correct form - this is a purely individual thing for each girl. For several years in a row, the trend is wide prominent Brezhnev eyebrows. Indeed, on Instagram, video blogs and on TV it looks very impressive, but in life it’s scary.

We must not forget that the camera "eats" a lot of colors and colors, good lighting puts an even tone on the face, but at the same time makes it pale. To look as rich in a photo or video as in life, you need to use twice as much makeup. Instagram divs are beautiful, but they need to imitate only on the same platform and not to endure this cult outside.

So, if you are the owner of large facial features, then you will go wide eyebrows. And wide in this case - it is not the thickness of a finger.

If you have sophisticated facial features: thin lips, small eyes, a narrow nose, a chiseled chin, then refrain from the Brezhnev trend.

There is no need to be a fortuneteller to suggest: in a few years, the fashion for thin eyebrows will return again. Refined ladies will only have to emphasize what nature has given, and girls with large and expressive facial features should not pluck their eyebrows to the state of a thread, you need to listen to nature.

how important are eyebrows

Why are eyebrows so important?

Each person to a greater or lesser degree possesses physiognomic abilities - the ability to read faces. If the emotional personality uses almost all the muscles of the face, then the restrained one tries to keep everything stationary. But the movement of the eyebrows is an involuntary thing.

Consequently, eyebrows are not only the aesthetic components of the face, but also indicators of our emotions.

Even in a stationary state, they can say a lot about their owner. Thin, wide, dark, light, smoothed, fluffy ... each type is associated with a certain type of personality.

How to choose an eyebrow shape?

It will be correct to turn to an experienced brovist, but you can’t rely entirely on a person who is not from your circle of friends, since he does not know you as a person, and he compiles a psychological portrait only in the first minutes of communication. And with strangers, we, as a rule, behave constrained and shy, and someone from the excitement begins to joke or behave in an unusual manner. A talented specialist must pay attention to the nature of the client, and if he misleads him with his behavior, an unexpected result can be obtained.

The second, less risky way to choose beautiful eyebrows of the correct form is Photoshop or alternative programs online. All that is required of you is a high-quality full-face photo with proper lighting. Here you can experiment with the thickness, length, color, degree of curvature, raise and lower the eyebrows.

If you are ready for anything, then you can experience the newfangled eyebrow wigs.

You can use a ruler, thread and a barbell at home, but you should know that perfectly symmetrical and even eyebrows will emphasize other irregularities in your face, since there are no ideal shapes in nature. If you do not know at all where to start and what to do with the hairs above the eyes, then here is the ideal formula that will suit everyone without exception.

eyebrow formula

Perfect formula

Take the thread and stain it with an eyeliner or gel pen. Lay it through point A (edge ​​of the wing of the nose) and point B (inner corner of the eye), and make a mark at eyebrow level.

Take the same thread, lay it through point A and the outer edge of the iris of the eye looking straight. Or through the point where piercing is usually pierced on the nose, and the center of the pupil, make a mark in the eyebrow area. This will be the bend and the highest point of the eyebrow.

We lay the same thread through point A and the outer corner of the eye. A mark will indicate the tip of the eyebrow.

So, you have three indistinct points that you need to connect together. For the convenience of eyebrows, it is recommended to comb up, and for an open look, make the outer corner of the eyebrow at least slightly higher than the inside.

Round Eyebrow Shape

The correct form for people without pronounced cheekbones and a pointed chin will be different. Of course, there are owners of a "perfectly" round face, but this term can also mean a completely oval face, but without fashionable hollows.

In this case, eyebrows will not help transform the face into a thinner or more textured one, for these purposes you need to resort to contouring, but you can make it harmonious and feminine. It is not enough to know how to choose the shape of eyebrows according to the type of face, you still need to pay attention to the forehead, its shape and height.

Owners of a round face need to pay special attention to the forehead. If it is tall, you can make light wide eyebrows or dark narrow, focusing on the upper contour. If the forehead is low, only sophisticated shapes will do.

Chubby girls are not recommended to indulge in the amplitude of the bend, too dark shades or to opt for very fluffy eyebrows.

How to choose eyebrows for a square face?

The square face is distinguished by a slightly massive and sometimes coarse chin, so when choosing the shape of the eyebrows, you need to stop at the gentle bends and shapes. Straight lines can emphasize the geometricity of the face, making it rough or dull.

To give femininity, you can choose the shape of a crescent or eyebrow with a smooth fracture. It is desirable to form the tip of the eyebrow thin and not be afraid to play with amplitude.

blue shadows

Long face

An oval face, like an hourglass figure, is considered a reference. It is to such outlines that everyone aspires, therefore, they resort to contouring and other tricks in order to make their face a little more elongated.

But the owners of too oval faces are not recommended to choose too amplitude and curved eyebrows, so as not to make it even more elongated. Straight, parallel to the eyes, moderately thin forms are best suited.

Eyebrow texture by skin type

If the skin is not problematic, has a uniform color, youthful, without wrinkles, then these girls are most lucky. Against the backdrop of perfect skin, even the craziest ideas will look hit. And too fluffy, and too traced, and not plucked, and many other tricks do not spoil the appearance.

It is a completely different matter if there are rashes, uneven color or wrinkles on the skin, in which case each extra hair does not play in favor of your image. Problem skin often has fluffiness in the eyebrow area, where it is not recommended to use any methods of hair removal, and pinching hairs daily is also not an option.

In this case, you need to mark the borders of the eyebrows with color: shadows, pencil or special stick. They will give accuracy to this area of ​​your face, make extra hairs less noticeable and the whole image complete.

blackout eyelids

Correct the situation

How to fix eyebrows on the correct shape? Today, even a teenager can arrange it. But there are also quite adult girls who are convinced that drawing eyebrows is not their craft. This is not true.

To begin with, even perfectly plucked eyebrows very rarely look complete. Often they lack density, saturation or length. Fortunately, this can be easily fixed with a pencil or eyebrow shadow. A few strokes of the brush, and your appearance is impeccable.

To know how to adjust the shape of eyebrows, you do not need to be a makeup guru, just know a few tricks.

If you want curved eyebrows, then determine the lower point of the beginning of the eyebrow head, then the highest point and connect them. Draw a parallel line, creating the thickness of the eyebrow, shape the tip.

If you need straight eyebrows, then the lower point of the beginning of the head of the eyebrow is connected to the lower point of the fracture or lead almost to the tail.

Make eyebrow lasts longer

Before using cosmetics, and especially eye makeup, it is useful to treat the skin with powder or baby powder. All secretions will be immediately absorbed and will not be able to dissolve the paint, so the neat appearance will last several times longer.

draw eyebrows in stages

Crib for girls

Every girl should know how to choose the shape of eyebrows by type of face. So, if the face is round, then we stop the choice on moderately thin eyebrows with a bend. The crescent will only accentuate the cheeks, but straight eyebrows can come up, but it depends on the forehead line.

If the face is square, then the eyebrows should be smooth.

The curved eyebrows will only aggravate the elongated face, you need to achieve the most direct form.

If you do evening makeup and color your eyes a lot, then the saturation of the eyebrows can be anything.

In everyday life, it is better to adhere to the following rule: the wider the eyebrow, the brighter it should be.

To visually relieve fatigue, maximize the break point of the eyebrows or make them a little higher if you have a straight shape.

If you do not know how to create the shape of eyebrows, then follow this rule: for delicate facial features, choose thin eyebrows, for large - wide.

If wrinkles are present, black and very dark shades of brown should be discarded.


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