How business differs from entrepreneurship: main differences and functions

Sooner or later, everyone who wants to achieve independence, meets on his way with a choice: to build a business or become an individual entrepreneur. This article will discuss how business differs from entrepreneurship.

The meaning of the concept of "business"

Successful businessman

This concept implies a source of income from any kind of activity related to sales, services and commodity production carried out by entrepreneurs.

Business requires a strategy for further development, as it does not guarantee that the investment will pay off. The result is a system that works for you. This is the main difference between business and entrepreneurship.

There are several types of business:

  1. Small business - does not require large contributions. This includes home business. Based on the personal capabilities of a person. Spends a lot of time.
  2. Company - requires large investments. Needs knowledge about working with people and management to form a team, as well as the ability to conduct their own business.
  3. Franchising - providing the opportunity for cooperation with a prestigious and reliable company for a smaller company to produce goods and sell them or provide services under the brand name of a famous brand.
  4. Trading on the Internet - does not require initial capital, but needs to choose and study a niche that will generate income.
  5. Network marketing is the simplest type of business, but risky, because revenue depends entirely on sales. It requires skills in the areas of people management to create a working team, knowledge of the psychology of personality types for working with clients.

What is entrepreneurship?

Successful entrepreneur

Doing business, providing services, manufacturing products without a legal education on your own behalf with the goal of making a profit is what distinguishes entrepreneurship from business. Individual entrepreneurship is formalized for any type of activity not prohibited by law. In any field of activity there is a risk: loss of invested funds, loss of financial stability, loss of property, loss of business reputation. Depending on the scope of investment, final products or services, the focus of business is divided into types:

  1. Production.
  2. Insurance.
  3. Intermediary.
  4. Financial and credit.
  5. Commercial.

Industrial entrepreneurship is aimed at the production of products, information, and the provision of services that require implementation.

Insurance - the essence of such an enterprise is to pay the insured person a certain amount of the contract. The income of the entrepreneur is the insurance premium, as the probability of an emergency is small.

Intermediary - is to find a deficit in the market and how to eliminate it, as well as finding a business that needs the services of an intermediary. For providing services to the consumer, the entrepreneur receives income.

Financial and credit - banks, stock exchanges, funds are formed for this form of entrepreneurship . Working capital is money, securities, etc., which are purchased for a certain amount from the client. The entrepreneur’s profit is generated from the sale of cash for a fee that exceeds the amount spent on the purchase of the initial cash.

Commercial - an entrepreneur is a kind of seller. To generate income, you must profitably purchase goods and sell them. Important conditions: to know what the market needs, to buy goods at a lower price.

What is the difference between business and entrepreneurship: briefly

Business or Entrepreneurship

A businessman and an entrepreneur have a different level of responsibility. The businessman’s task is to create a system that will work for him in the future without the need for his participation.

The entrepreneur makes money here and now. Without his participation, activity will decline, which significantly distinguishes a businessman from an individual entrepreneur.

How does entrepreneurship and business work?

Principle of operation

Below we consider the principles of work, what is the difference between business or entrepreneurship.

The principle of business:

  1. Pulse.
  2. Entrepreneurial idea.
  3. Initiative.
  4. Assessment of the prospects of the idea.
  5. The embodiment of ideas in reality.
  6. Search for resources.

The principle of business:

  1. Resource-based organization of production.
  2. Material result.
  3. Social efficiency.

What is the difference between business and entrepreneurship: table

The approachesBusinessEntrepreneurship

Receiving a profit,

customer satisfaction

implementation of ideas

development and expansion to increase consumers

In the role of economic

the activities

market stabilization through the use of its capabilitiesinnovation
Abilitiesthrough development, the satisfaction of new needs; receiving the greatest income from the rendered services, salesrealization of abilities in the market that needs them
Functionsfunctioning of the reproduced structure without the participation of a businessmanentrepreneur involvement in the new production structure
Opportunitiesrealization of opportunities depends on the availability of resourcesimplementation of opportunities without the availability of resources
Limitationstraining is possible; scope depends on resourceslearning is impossible; scope independent of resources

Pros, cons of the concepts of "business" and "entrepreneurship"

Pros and cons

Below are the characteristics by which you can see how a business differs from entrepreneurship.

The main advantages of the business:

  1. You are the immediate supervisor.
  2. The income is up to you.
  3. Ability to create a work environment.
  4. Control of the direction of the process.

The main disadvantages of the business:

  1. High responsibility.
  2. Improper business building will make you work on the system, and not vice versa.
  3. Periodic uncertainty.
  4. Large initial capital and a lot of free time at the beginning of the creation of a working system.

Entrepreneurship includes a number of advantages:

  1. You work for yourself.
  2. Unlimited income.
  3. No chores.
  4. Self-development.

The main disadvantages include:

  1. A huge risk of losing property and money.
  2. Inconvenient work schedule.
  3. Tracking the trend of growth and decline in market position.
  4. The calculation is only for yourself.

Before you start working for yourself, it's worth figuring out what business and entrepreneurship are. The difference between the two concepts is significant. In the first case, there is the opportunity not to participate in the process, and in the second, the opportunity to prove oneself. Based on this, it is worth choosing, as well as studying all the pros and cons.


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