Brainstorming Method: Essence, Application, Examples

Modern man has to live in an ever-changing world, where what was considered fiction just yesterday, today is becoming everyday life and the norm. Of course, the current time can be called beautiful and incredibly interesting, but it, in turn, makes each of us live at a frantic pace and solve problems that require a significant investment of time and energy. In search of the right answer, a person has to re-read a lot of literature and ask friends for advice. But this does not always help in solving the problem. And here a technique comes to the rescue, which allows one to find the one from the set of answer options that will successfully cope with the task. What is this way? It is called the brainstorming method. What is it and how can it be used in practice? Let's try to deal with this issue.

The essence of the method

A method that allows you to successfully solve the problem, which is also called brainstorming, is to activate the creative potential that a whole group of people has. A small team is going to do this, each member of which takes part in the discussion. The conversation concerns a particular previously voiced problem.

brainstorming participants at the oval table

The goal of the brainstorming method is to collect the maximum number of ideas that are designed to solve the problem. Moreover, it is necessary to do this as soon as possible. The brainstorming method makes it possible to optimize the creative thinking of the team and get the most effective idea for its subsequent implementation.

Scope of application

Using the brainstorming method (MMS) is by far one of the most effective ways to conduct an expert assessment. It is used in scientific and technical fields, in management, and even in cases where it is necessary to solve personal problems. The brainstorming method in games also finds its application. In other words, wherever you need an effective and quick way out of this situation.

The scope of the brainstorming method is extensive and applies to those cases when:

  • the object undergoing research is not subject to strict formalization or mathematical description;
  • the characteristics of the object of study are insufficiently substantiated due to the lack of detailed statistics;
  • the functioning of the facility is multivariable and depends on a large number of factors;
  • there is a need to forecast complex phenomena from the economic sphere, which are constantly evolving and dynamically developing;
  • the current situation does not accept other ways of solving the problem.

A wide range of economic and social processes falls under the conditions described above. Other applications of expert judgment have a similar scope. There should not be a brainstorming in those situations when the object in question is well studied and predicted.

History of creation

The founder of the brainstorming method is considered the famous copywriter, the founder of the information company BBD & O Alex Osborne. The MMS was invented in the middle of the 20th century and today it is in great demand by leaders who strive to make special, principled new and creative decisions based on the “collective mind” factor.

discussion of the problem

What helps to solve the problem by brainstorming? The theory of Alex Osborne is based on the fact that very often people simply do not want to express extraordinary options that allow them to come to a solution of the problem because of the fear of condemnation from their bosses, friends, colleagues, etc. The brainstorming method refers to those that categorically exclude the censure or appreciation of any ideas in the initial stages of their origin. As a result, a method was proposed whose effectiveness is truly unique. When using it, a small team of 6-10 people, within only 10 minutes, is able to offer 150 or more different ideas. This is possible due to the prohibition of the sentencing of any thoughts at the beginning of the discussion, as well as due to the principle of transferring quantity into quality. Brainstorming involves an initial selection of the best ideas. Details are made at the end of the discussion.

First use

To date, numerous examples of the brainstorming method used in practice can be given. But its first application occurred back in the years when many countries were covered by the Second World War. Mr. Osborne was not a copywriter or businessman at the time. He served as captain on a merchant ship that cruised regularly between warring Europe and prosperous America. Often in the open sea unarmed ships perished, launched to the bottom by German torpedoes. In order to avoid danger, Alex Osborne, who was fond of history, had to remember the practice used to resolve critical situations by the ancient Viking sailors.

After he, the captain of a merchant ship, was given a radiogram, which spoke of a possible attack by an enemy submarine, the whole team was assembled on deck. Osborne invited everyone to express their views on ways out of the crisis. Thus, the captain of the American ship was reanimated the oldest method of managerial decision - brainstorming (as he himself called it). Members of the ship's team made many seemingly absurd decisions. And at the same time, one was chosen among them, which then passed to the stage of rethinking. The solution was to have the ship’s team build along the side to which the torpedo would move, and start blowing on it, which should lead to the rejection of a deadly projectile. The American ship was lucky. A German submarine passed by during that voyage. However, the captain’s decision-making method — brainstorming — had borne fruit. Somewhat later, Osborne patented the invention. It provided for the installation of a powerful propeller to the side of the ship, which turned on at the right time and created a jet of such force that the dashboard had to change the angle of attack and go to the other side.

Methodical basis of MMS

A study of history indicates that the ancestors of brainstorming were not the ancient Vikings. What was the basis of the brainstorming theory? The heuristic method of Socrates. According to the ancient philosopher, skillful questions allow anyone to discover their potential abilities. Socrates perceived each conversation as an essential tool for clarifying the truth.


This idea was developed in the theory of Alex Osborne. The American copywriter was able to simulate the situation, which, given the application of the simplest rules, awakens the creativity of people in the team.

Using the examples of the brainstorming method, a synectic method was created that motivates the intellectual activity of various collectives and communities.

Organization of a group discussion of the problem

What is the main potential of the brainstorming method? How to organize such a discussion?

The brainstorming method allows you to start the collective mind mechanism , allowing you to find a solution to pressing issues of various kinds. Today, he has firmly entered the practice of corporations, becoming the leading way in choosing the best ways to solve various multivariate problems. At the same time, its varieties arose, which are also very popular. Here are just a few of the brainstorming methods:

  • Delphi method;
  • brainstorming involving the use of a board;
  • "Japanese";
  • brain ring.

Each of these methods has its own peculiarity. But in order to understand their meaning as deep as possible, first of all it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the classical MMS and with the methods of its implementation.

Preparatory stage

For the qualitative implementation of this stage of the MMS, it will be necessary to observe some organizational points. In particular, it is necessary to adhere to the main steps of the methodology. The first one is installation. It is advisable to spend it two weeks before the main part of the MMS.

The brainstorming method can be carried out with a clear statement of the problem with the chosen leader, with the selection of two groups necessary to generate various solutions, as well as for further expert evaluation. The stage of organizing the MMSh will need to be taken with full responsibility. This will avoid errors that will reduce the effectiveness of the method. For example, an unclear and fuzzy statement of the problem and goal will initially lead to zero efficiency. And vice versa. A task put forward for collective discussion, which has an ambiguous structure, that is, inherently consisting of several tasks, can confuse those who do not understand the order in which problems are resolved and their priority.

Group composition

The optimal number of participants in a collective discussion is 7. But the composition of groups, which include from 6 to 12 members, is also acceptable. The formation of smaller teams is not recommended, since in this case it becomes very difficult to achieve a creative atmosphere.

options for solving the problem

It is desirable that the group was attended by people of various professions. At the same time, the MMSh also provides for the presence of invited persons who are specialists in a certain field. More dynamic work can be achieved in mixed groups, where women and men are present. It is also important to balance the number of participants who have a contemplative and active lifestyle.

The leader present when using the brainstorming method should be optimistic about solving the problem under discussion. Otherwise, a negative effect will be obtained.

Before proceeding to the second stage of the MMSh - discussion, the participants of the groups are formulated a problem and talk about the date of the event. This should happen a few days before MMS.

Time frame

A brain attack will have the maximum effect if it is carried out between 10.00 and 12.00 or 14.00 and 17.00. It is advisable to gather the group members in a separate room isolated from noise, in which a poster with MMS rules can be placed, as well as a board for quickly displaying the ideas received on it.

All team members must be seated surrounded by the leader’s table by ellipse or square. The entire course of the discussion should be recorded on video or on a tape recorder, which will allow not to miss each of the ideas expressed. At such an event, moderate humor is welcome.

Apply the method for 40-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the problem being discussed. The easiest questions are resolved within a quarter of an hour.

Generation of ideas

At this stage, there is intense intellectual work of all those present. By its onset, all members of the groups should be as tuned as possible to creative thoughts. The qualifications of the facilitator should help them in this. This person makes a smooth and short presentation, expressing his conviction that only creative and creative people gathered in the room and the result of their work will be the success of the whole event. The host should also have a short intellectual warm-up during which he asks the audience any boring questions. For example, about what nickname Pushkin had in his lyceum years (Egoza).

light bulb

It should be borne in mind that the brainstorming method is not at all a meeting with dormant employees in the back rows. This is work that, at the implementation stage, should be aimed at collecting a maximum of options that would solve a particular problem. It is believed that the MMS was carried out effectively if more than 150 action directions were proposed in 30 minutes.

Fixing ideas

The proposed options can be written in two ways. The first of them involves the expression of all ideas by the participants in turn. In this case, each of the options is displayed by one specially designated person. In the second method, group members express their ideas at any time. To fix the proposed options, 2-3 people are selected. The review team is familiarized with all the entries, which should not give any preliminary assessment. She just takes all the ideas into account.

Expert review

At the next stage of the brainstorming method, all proposals received are initially grouped by topic. This allows you to highlight the most successful solutions. After that, the algorithm for discussing the selected options involves the application of the Pareto method. It is named after the sociologist who discovered this principle, which states that 20 percent of the effort allows you to give 80 percent of the result.

discussion of ideas on leaflets

MMSh involves building a Pareto table, in which for each selected factor designed to solve the problem, the number of repetitions is indicated, as well as% of the total number. After that the diagram is built. This graphical image of the columnar type on its vertical axis displays the number of occurrences of factors, and on the horizontal - the order of decreasing significance of these factors. The final stage of the MMS involves the analysis of the Pareto diagram.

The practice of use in universities

Brainstorming is also used as a teaching method. It is studied in universities, which allows you to solve specialized issues and involve students in research work.

cards with the opinion of participants

In order to teach the brainstorming method, specially created educational methods are used in higher educational institutions. They allow you to train the originality of thinking, as well as its flexibility - semantic and figurative.

Brainstorming as a training method allows future specialists to produce a maximum of ideas in a short period of time and develops in them the ability not to miss new, most productive areas of activity.

Types of MMS

Brainstorming, used as one of the teaching methods, involves the assimilation by students of its various subspecies.

  1. Brain Ring. For this subtype of MMSh, a written formulation by the group participants of all ways to solve the problem is characteristic. Discussors write down their own ideas, and then exchange sheets. Such actions allow the thought put forward by one person to be developed with the help of other people's intelligence and imagination. This technique was especially vividly demonstrated at one of the meetings of pharmacists. Having gathered at a meeting where the creation of a new product was discussed, they, after combining the two notes, were able to develop a unique product. He became a conditioner shampoo, that is, a 2-in-1 product.
  2. Using a whiteboard. Leaflets filled in discussing some problem are attached to it. The results of such an intellectual assault are not only visual, but can also be easily combined and sorted.
  3. Japanese technique. This method of brainstorming was invented by Kawakita in conjunction with Koboyashi and called them rice hail. A similar technique involves the arrival of all those participating in a brainstorming session to a single result. When applying this method, people fill out cards, reflecting on them their own version of the solution to the issue. After that, all the sheets are grouped in the context of the options presented on them, which allows you to get a single vision of the problem.
  4. Delphi Method. This is a specialized way. It is used to predict economic and social processes. When implementing the Delphi method, participants fill out cards that can be viewed by all members of the team (it can include from 10 to 150 people).


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