Tea penny (red root): application, medicinal properties and recommendations

The red root is a friend of men! A perennial plant, also known as "tea penny", grows in the Altai Mountains and the Sayan Mountains, is found in Europe and Asia.

Where to look for a healing root?

Due to its unique healing properties, the herbaceous culture has been used in folk medicine for a long time. It is believed that after hibernation, bears love to eat its root to regain strength , therefore the penny is often called by the people a bear root.

penny tea red root application

However, despite the wide geographical distribution and unpretentiousness to climatic conditions, it is rather difficult to stumble upon this healing plant in nature. A guideline for his search are snow accumulations in the mountains, near which tea penny (red root) grows, the use of which is quite popular among local residents. A plant for centenarians, which helps to maintain maximum strength and energy in old age, is a useful basis for tea - an invigorating drink that positively affects male potency, and is especially tasty in combination with milk.


Tea penny (red root), the use of which β€œin the root” can affect male power, is considered a true long-liver - the age of some specimens is several tens of years. Outwardly, the natural doctor looks modest: a straight, bare stalk 30-50 cm high with leaf plates of complex elliptical shape.

unique healing properties of red root

Flat beans, located in thin pods, resemble small coins in shape. For such a similarity, a long-term culture was nicknamed "cheap". Against the background of other plants, the red root becomes clearly visible during the flowering period (in the summer months), brightly distinguished by lilac-violet, flowers gathered in loose brushes.

Harvesting red root

Traditional medicine uses the root of the plant for medicinal purposes - ligneous, thick, brown on the outside, pinkish at the break. Among the old healers and herbalists, it was believed that if you extract it whole, without damage, from the ground, where it leaves more than 5 meters, then you can completely save the healing properties of the plant. Therefore, to carry out a critical operation, special winches were used in which horses were harnessed.

red root tincture

The collection of roots is done at the end of flowering, in late summer. Despite the old beliefs, when digging it is recommended to leave 1/3 of the root in the soil and not return to this area for about 10 years, giving the plant time to completely recover. The excavated raw materials must be cleaned from the earth and various impurities, crushed and dried. The shelf life of harvested roots is about 3 years.

Chemical composition of penny

The unique healing properties of the red root are explained by its rich chemical composition containing a large number of useful compounds, among which:

  • tannins, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and give the penny tea some astringent aftertaste;
  • catechins, characterized by antioxidant action (help to remove heavy metals from the body and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels);
  • coumarins and saponins, characterized by a healing effect on many body systems;
  • selenium, contributing to the strengthening of the circulatory system;
  • amino acids, polysaccharides, alkaloids, vitamin C are no less important elements for health.

Benefits for men

In the recipes of traditional medicine, the red root (tea penny), the use of which is a powerful support for male health, improves sexual function, namely, increased sexual desire and increased male strength. The plant can solve the problems of infertility and urination in men. Adherents of alternative methods of treatment recommend a red root for problems with the prostate.

recommendations for the use of red root by men

Plant-based preparations:

  • relieve pain, reduce inflammatory processes, which is especially important in the treatment of prostatitis;
  • characterized by antispasmodic and vasodilating properties;
  • normalize urination and reduce nightly urges to empty;
  • increase blood supply, which has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body;
  • are an effective preventive measure in the treatment of male diseases;
  • increase sexual power.

Tea penny in folk medicine

Tea penny (red root), the use of which is effective as an adjunct to the main treatment, is not only a plant for men. The female gender can also extract when using it the maximum of properties that can enhance health. This is an effective tool for the prevention of breast cancer. Red root-based drugs are effective for female diseases, namely uterine bleeding, fibroids, and fibroids.

Tea penny beneficial effect on the bladder, helps in removing excess fluid from the body. Anti-inflammatory properties of tea penny make it an indispensable tool for exacerbations of diseases such as pyelonephritis, nephritis, cystitis.

Preparations containing red root are characterized by an expectorant effect and are good in the treatment of respiratory diseases. The plant is recommended for use at elevated temperatures, coughs, tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis. Tea penny, which can help with stomach problems, is recommended for diarrhea, is effective for liver diseases, and helps in the treatment of anemia. With regular use, it significantly increases the level of hemoglobin and updates the blood composition.

medicinal properties of the red root and its contraindications

A natural doctor helps to normalize the functionality of the central nervous system, relieves headaches, reduces the manifestations of neurosis, relieves fatigue and improves overall well-being. This is an excellent natural remedy to ensure a healthy sleep and return to normal after significant physical and emotional stress.

Recommendations for the use of red root by men

It is possible to restore sexual functions in representatives of the strong half of humanity with the help of a healing broth. The crushed root (10 grams) must be poured with boiled non-hot water in an amount of 200 ml, boiled in a water bath for half an hour, insisted for 50-60 minutes, filtered. Drink during the day in three doses, before meals, 2 tbsp. spoons. Such a decoction also helps in normalizing the water-salt balance, cleansing and improving the composition of the blood.

For the preparation of healing tinctures 2 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed raw materials, it is recommended to pour Β½ liters of vodka, insist for 2 weeks, shaking from time to time. To filter. In addition, tincture of red root, the use of which is recommended to be made three times a day, 1 teaspoon before meals, is effective for anemia, sinusitis, tuberculosis, bronchitis, SARS, and reproductive system disorders.

Red root for external therapy

In some diseases, tea penny can be used externally, including in the form of microclysters. To prepare a therapeutic solution, you need 1 teaspoon of chopped rhizomes to boil with boiling water (200 ml), let it brew for 10-12 hours, and then filter. The use of the infusion, heated to a temperature of 36-37 Β° C, is recommended to be done twice (morning and evening) with impotence, myoma, problems with the genitourinary system, acute prostatitis, myoma. The duration of the treatment course is up to 14 days.

The healing properties of the red root and its contraindications

To increase potency, treat neurosis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, as well as stomach diseases, balm based on the root of tea penny helps well. 30 grams of raw material, previously crushed, must be combined with 30 grams of propolis. In the resulting composition, pour 500 ml of medical alcohol and insist for about 10 days. Shake from time to time. To filter. Drink 30 drops before meals three times a day. The duration of the treatment period is 1 month. Then you need to take a 2-month break, and then repeat the drug.

red root friend of men

Tea penny (red root), the use of which significantly enhances immunity, is used to make tea. A healthy drink relieves accumulated fatigue and restores strength lost during physical exertion. To make tea, pour 1 cup of boiling water 1 teaspoon of red root, insist for 20 minutes, filter. Drink hot, twice a day for 1 glass. For taste, it is recommended to add honey and milk.

The use of red root is not recommended for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also, a natural remedy is contraindicated in hypertension, heart attack and people prone to nervous excitability.

red root penny tea application

You should know that the use of the root of the plant is permissible only after consulting a doctor, and herbal medicine is used as an adjunct treatment. With a serious course of the disease, medication is needed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C46646/

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