How to choose a hair thickener? Thickener Reviews

Strong, shiny, health-radiating hair is the dream of every person, but nature has not awarded everyone with thick hair, which has developed in most complexes due to lack of attractiveness. Hair is considered the main decoration not only of young girls, but also of older women, as well as men of all ages.

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When a person loses more than 70% of his hair, he begins to feel like an old man, regardless of age and other physical indicators. That is, one can imagine what a 30-year-old young man is experiencing, standing in front of a mirror and looking at his bald patches. At the very least, his mood will go bad, and at the very least, his desire to work, smile, live will be gone. If a person has liquid hair from birth, then, as a rule, he has already reconciled with it, considering the existing density to be the norm. Things are worse with people who, due to certain living conditions, diseases, have sharply begun to lose their hair. For them, this is a psychological trauma, they are fixated on their problem, trying to find a way out of it.

Options for eliminating bald patches and rare hair

There are several situations in which hair is thinning: it either falls out severely or simply stops growing.

hair thickener reviews
In the language of trichologists, hair follicles fall asleep. Of course, you can wake them with multivitamin complexes, massage. In words, everything sounds easy and simple, but in fact only 2% of people succeed. If you have sparse hair, and besides, it also falls out, then you can resort to a surgical hair transplant, but here there are some difficulties. Firstly, this procedure costs a lot of money, and it must be repeated every 3-4 years, and secondly, it can be used to eliminate "bald spots", but not to make the hair thicker.

There is another way - this is the use of a cosmetic product called a hair thickener. With it, you can change your appearance beyond recognition in a matter of minutes, gain thick hair, self-confidence and rejuvenate for 5-10 years.

How classic hair thickener works

Its main function is β€œcamouflage” of hated bald patches from prying eyes. The final result undoubtedly depends on the quality of the products. Natural keratin - this is what should contain a good, foreign-made hair thickener. The price for it will be slightly higher than for the domestic counterpart, but if it gets caught in the rain or snow, your thick hair will not wash off. The cost of a good imported product per month will cost 1,500-2,000 rubles per bottle. The thickener has a powder consistency, which is sold in small cylindrical bottles. Before using it, you need to wash and dry your hair, and only then apply to the problem areas in quantity according to the instructions. The main advantage of this tool is that the visible result is obtained after 30 seconds.

How to choose the color of camouflage?

The hair thickener is usually selected to match the existing hair color to make the camouflage natural and invisible. Manufacturers recommend using either the same shade as the hair, or a tone darker. For a more detailed selection of colors, you can purchase 2 jars of thickener of neighboring tones and mix them.

Second Generation Wonderful

A true discovery for men and women who have experienced baldness is the Fully hair thickener. It is available in the form of a spray and has more advantages over the classic counterpart: powder. Under pressure, he sprays his keratin microfibers, which cling to existing hairs, forming foci of new growth. Where previously it was bald, it becomes magnificent and shaggy. And, most importantly, new hair can not be distinguished from natural. They stay on their head for a day, despite the wind, rain and putting on their hats, and they are removed after washing their hair.

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Many will ask themselves: why does the spray fiber last so long and reliably? The answer lies in the school physics course. Human hair has a positive charge, and Fully fibers have a negative charge, which is why they are so firmly attracted to each other. This is a great tool for daily use, thanks to which the wig is no longer needed.

A hair thickener can also be used for a rarely growing beard.

Expectation and reality

If you believe people who have tried hair thickener, reviews of which they leave on numerous pages of forums, then reality exceeds all expectations. The tool in seconds allows you to forget about the excruciating problem, makes the appearance fresher, younger, adds confidence. Both the manufacturer and users confirm that even with close examination and in bright light, it is impossible to distinguish your hair from not your own. Another plus is that the thickener can be applied without being afraid to stain clothes in case of contact with them.

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If you are not lucky, and you did not become the owner of a thick, lush and durable "mane", then modern developments of specialists will certainly please you. The hair thickener they created will save your image, reputation and prolong youth for a dozen years.


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